Quail eggs are a real storehouse ofvitamins and microelements, the content of essential amino acids in the body, such as histidine, glycine, lysine, threonine, tyrosine, is significantly superior to chicken, besides they do not contain cholesterol. Quail eggs are a universally recognized remedy that increases immunity, releasing radionuclides, which helps in the treatment of diseases such as allergies, anemia, asthma, tuberculosis, migraine, stomach and eye diseases.
High content of iron, potassium, phosphorusimproves memory, the presence of B vitamins completely calms the nervous system, a person becomes more balanced. Eating quail eggs is highly desirable and even necessary for schoolchildren, pregnant women (teeth do not break), people undergoing surgery or after a serious illness, however, do not get too involved in them and although quail eggs are hypoallergenic, it is worthwhile gradually introducing them into the diet , carefully watching the reaction of the body, because in some people the allergy can be caused even by antiallergic drugs.
Quail eggs are useful for eating in rawform, but it is not worth the risk, because, the assertion that the quail is not infected with salmonella, has recently been refuted and is still in question. Quail eggs - how to cook, to keep the maximum amount of nutrients? These small variegated eggs are eaten in boiled, fried, cheese, stuffed and even marinated.
Quail eggs. How to cook?
Quail eggs are laid in a bowl and pouredcold water, so that it completely covers them, brought to a boil on high heat and immediately removed, boiled water is poured and poured cold water into the pan. In addition, quail eggs to boil soft-boiled, can be lowered into boiling water for one or two minutes - they will not burst. How to properly cook quail eggs - it's up to you, both ways make it possible to get boiled soft-boiled eggs while preserving their nutritional values. For those who prefer hard-boiled eggs, the time allotted for cooking is increased to 4-5 minutes.
Quail eggs - how to cook and how to clean themknows not everyone. It turns out that everything is quite simple - a hard-boiled egg, gently squeezes in the hands or rolls around the table to completely damage the thin shell, after which it can easily be removed with tape. But there is another way to clean quail eggs: they are simply put in a prepared solution of vinegar (1/3 of water for 2/3 of vinegar). In less than three hours, the shell will dissolve completely.
Quail eggs - how to cook, in what dishes are they used?
Use of quail eggs is practiced inthe same dishes as chicken (salads, omelettes, sandwiches, etc.), substitution will not be particularly felt, but the benefits of such a dish will be much larger.
Fried quail eggs
The hard-boiled and peeled eggs are moistened in two pre-whipped raw eggs and rolled in breadcrumbs, after which they are fried in a skillet.
Quail eggs without quail eggs
For one liter of boiling water, put a tablespoon of vinegar and a teaspoon of salt, break the eggs in water and cook for two minutes until cooked.
How else to make quail eggs?For lovers of culinary delights, in this case, there is full scope for imagination, as they say, everything that the soul desires, it's up to you to stop at a certain recipe or invent your own, thereby surprising and amusing the family or guests with your imagination, tasty dish and invisible , but a weighty benefit, given by small variegated quail eggs.