Eggs quail have in our country is not verywide use. We are much more used to eating ordinary chicken eggs. They are cheaper, and they are traditional food. But in many countries quail eggs have become ordinary food for a long time. How to use them, and how useful they are, has been known since ancient times.
In ancient Egypt, theira beneficial effect on the human body. Many recipes of Chinese medicine are based on the use of quail eggs. A careful study of the useful properties of this product for the first time the Japanese. They made the quail eggs a product popular all over the world.
Eating quail eggs is beneficialaffects the condition of bones, the work of the heart, stomach, kidneys and many other human organs. Particularly important is their healing effect on the prostate gland in men. Quail eggs can be taken at any age. They not only have a therapeutic effect, but also significantly improve the overall tone of the body.
A special secret, as there are quail eggs, no.They taste much better than chicken eggs. They can be eaten raw, because the quail does not suffer from salmonellosis. You can cook from them an omelet or simply a glaze, but here it should be borne in mind that with prolonged heat treatment they lose their useful qualities. This product can be used for baking.
But, of course, quail eggs are the most interesting because of their healing properties. How do they eat quail eggs so that they produce the desired effect?
In order to increase the overall tone of the body,You need to eat 4-5 raw eggs mixed with any juice. You can add a little honey to make the drink sweet. Drinking this cocktail every morning, you can ensure a charge of vivacity and strength for the whole day. The effect of using this product appears in two weeks.
To adjust the digestive system and workprostate, you need to drink every day, preferably on an empty stomach, a mixture that includes quail eggs. Recipe: about 30 grams of cognac, 3-4 quail eggs and a small spoonful of sugar. All this should be shaken and taken, as was said above. It is recommended at this time to give preference to otrubnym bread.
With the use of quail eggs make andcosmetic hair mask. To do this, take 5-6 eggs and beat them with a small cup of butter (vegetable or olive) and the third part of a cup of honey. This mixture is applied to the hair, wrapped around the head and held for one hour. After this you should thoroughly wash off the solution. The hair from this procedure becomes soft, docile and shiny.
When calcium deficiency is used and the shellquail eggs. For this, it is boiled twice for five minutes and poured with apple cider vinegar. In a day, the shell must be washed and dried (not in the sun). Then it is necessary to grind the shell into powder. Powder is taken by one small spoon to relieve heartburn and improve the condition of the hair and nails.
It is known that the body is well toleratedquail eggs. How to use them to build muscle mass, every bodybuilder knows. To do this, you need to increase the dose (up to 10 eggs) per session. This amount contains a large amount of protein, but does not lead to diathesis or other negative consequences.
Vitamins of group B, iron, potassium, phosphorus - allit contains quail eggs. How to use them to get the desired effect? The main thing is regularly and in the right amount. They have a beneficial effect on the condition of the body at any age. The use of quail eggs leads to the stabilization of the nervous system. It is a dietary, nutritious and delicious product. In this case, only a minimal dose of cholesterol contains quail eggs. How to use this product to make it useful, you already know. Now you should start the course of reception and provide your body with vitamins and energy.