/ / Pasta with cream: a recipe with a photo

Pasta with cream: a recipe with a photo

Macaroni - a universal product, perfectcombined with many ingredients. They are cooked with chicken, seafood, bacon and mushrooms. But the pasta with cream is especially delicious. The simplest and most original recipes for such dishes will be presented in today's article.

General recommendations

Pasta is a rather capricious product. It is from her that the taste of the final dish depends to a large extent. Therefore, we prepare pasta with cream only from high-quality pasta.

pasta with cream

In the process of heat treatment, you can not retreatfrom those recommendations that are indicated on the original packaging. Cooking pasta is desirable in a thick thick-walled saucepan filled with boiling water. A liter of water is usually added with 100 grams of paste and 12 g of rock salt.

Since the pasta is subsequently combined with a hot sauce, they can not be cooked until cooked. After preliminary heat treatment, they must remain semi-moist.

Do not forget that ready-made pastaquickly become deformed and lose an aesthetic appearance. To avoid unpleasant surprises, many experienced culinary experts recommend that they be poured with hot creamy sauce immediately before serving to the dinner table. If desired, not only basic ingredients are added to the dish, but also mushrooms, seafood, meat or bacon. Thanks to the presence of these ingredients, the finished paste acquires a more refined taste and a rich flavor.

Option with mushrooms and chicken

This recipe will be a real salvation for manybusy housewives who do not have enough time for preparing complex dishes. This technology produces a full-fledged delicious lunch or dinner. In addition, such a paste with cream is not a shame to serve to the table in the event of an unexpected visit by guests. To create it, you will need:

  • 400 grams of pasta.
  • Onion bulb.
  • 200 grams of fresh champignons and any hard cheese.
  • 250 milliliters of cream.
  • 300 grams of chicken fillet.
  • Salt, fragrant herbs and lean oil.

cream and pasta recipe


Peeled and washed onion cut into smallcubes and sent to a hot frying pan. Approximately five minutes later, chicken fillets are added there. All mix well and fry over moderate heat. After ten minutes, the champignons cut into plates are placed in the same frying pan. All this podsalivayut, season with aromatic spices and leave to languish on the smallest fire.

pasta with cream and cheese

In ten minutes to fried ingredientspour grated cheese and pour the cream. The resulting sauce is not heated for a long time on the stove and is removed from the hob. Pre-cooked boiled pasta is laid out in a portion plate, and gravy is placed on top. If desired, the pasta with cream and cheese is sprinkled with chopped herbs. They serve it only in hot form.

Option with bacon

This flavorful dish can be hearty and tastyFeed your whole family. It is prepared according to the most simple technology and from budgetary ingredients. Since this recipe of pasta with cream assumes the presence of a certain set of products, you will have everything you need in advance. In this case, you will need:

  • A pound of spaghetti.
  • Onion bulb.
  • Packing of bacon.
  • Slice of garlic.
  • Yolks from four chicken eggs.
  • 200 grams of soft cheese.
  • 20% cream, salt and any spices.

how to cook pasta with cream

Algorithm of preparation

Bacon cut into small pieces and fryon a hot frying pan. After a few minutes, chopped garlic and chopped onions are added to it. In a separate bowl, combine half the cheese, egg yolks and cream. All this is podsalivayut, season with aromatic spices and poured to the bacon.

The resulting sauce is heated at minimum heat.After a few minutes, cooked pasta is sent to the same frying pan in advance. All are well mixed and do not stay long on the stove. Before serving, pasta with cream and bacon is laid out on plates and sprinkled with the remaining cheese.

Seafood option

This dish is made as simple as possibletechnologies. It is ideal for a family dinner. It is also important that it consists of very useful and inexpensive components, the purchase of which will not affect the state of your wallet. Before you make a pasta with cream, check in advance if you have everything you need at hand. In this situation, you should have at your fingertips:

  • 250 grams of pasta.
  • A pound of seafood.
  • 30 grams of butter.
  • A dozen olives.
  • 100 grams of any hard cheese.
  • 150 milliliters not too fat cream.
  • Salt and fragrant herbs.

pasta with cream recipe with a photo


Defrosted seafood is immersed in boilingsalted water and boiled for three minutes. Then they are fried in hot butter. After a couple of minutes, the cream is sent to the same frying pan and tamped with minimal heat. Then, to the ready-made sauce, pre-grind cheese is added and mixed well until it melts. Then all this is poured and sprinkled with fragrant herbs.

At the final stage, the sauce is laid out with olives andpre-cooked pasta. Ready-made pasta with cream, a recipe with a photo you can see in today's article, laid out on plates and served at the dinner table.

Option with walnuts

A dish made according to the technology described below,It has a delicate taste and a delicate pleasant aroma. The process of its preparation is extremely simple and does not take a lot of time. To feed your family with a hearty meal, stock up on everything you need. You will need:

  • 350 grams of tagliatelle pasta.
  • 250 milliliters of 20% cream.
  • 100 grams of peeled walnuts.
  • Onion bulb.
  • 60 grams of Parmesan cheese.
  • A couple of cloves of garlic.
  • 25 grams of butter.
  • Salt, fragrant spices and fresh parsley.

The pasta is boiled in salted water and tiltedto a colander. While it drains excess fluid, you can do the rest of the ingredients. In a frying pan in which there is already butter, fry the brushed garlic and after a few minutes throw it away. On the vacant place spread the chopped onion and pass it to the transparency.

prepare pasta with cream

After a few minutes cream is added there andchopped chopped nuts. All this is brought to a boil and left to languish at minimum heat. Once the sauce has acquired the desired consistency, pre-cooked pasta is sent to it. All mix well and remove from the hob. Ready pasta with cream is laid out in plates, sprinkled with grated cheese and served for lunch or dinner. It is desirable to use this dish exclusively in a hot form, since after cooling it loses the bulk of its original taste qualities.

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