First, a little history.Domestic medium-duty GAZ-53 (popularly called "GAZon") is known to many motorists. Still, after all, this model was used in the most diverse branches of the economy of the Soviet Union. The history of this truck begins in 1961. It was then that the new mid-duty vehicle came off the Gorky conveyor for the first time. From then until today, these cars have not lost their popularity.
Yet its aggregates are not eternal, and it’s too early orLater, every owner of "Gazon" is faced with such a problem as the repair of an internal combustion engine. As practice shows, this detail breaks down once a year. Of course, this is a very short period for the modern market, given that today's trucks must deliver goods at any time without interruption. Yet for such a long period of existence, the owners have found several ways of how to postpone the repair of the GAZ-53 engine for an indefinite period (that is, to prolong its life).
In order for the motor to last as long as possible,You should always carefully monitor the technical serviceability of this unit, and in case of detection of problems, fix them. What kind of parts need to check? Now we understand this.
Particular attention should be paid to the head of the block.cylinders (also this part is marked by the abbreviation of the cylinder head). If necessary, you should tighten the mounting bolts and periodically clean the pistons from the resulting carbon. Also, do not deprive attention and cooling system.
The use of high-quality fuel and lubricantsmaterials, of course, will extend the service life of the unit, and the engine GAZ-53 will serve at least 2 times longer. Of course, it is quite difficult to find high-quality gasoline at our gas stations, but there is another way - the installation of gas equipment such as "methane". By its properties, gas does not leave large deposits in the GAZ-53 engine, since its octane number is more than 100 (and the price for it is several times less than gasoline). By the way, if you do not clean the engine from carbon deposits in time, the truck will consume much more fuel and at the same time drive poorly.
As for the choice of oils on the engine GAZ-53,here it is better to trust the import manufacturers. Of course, not everyone will decide to pour expensive “Mobil 1” or “Castrol” oil into a regular “Gazon”, but there is simply no other option.
Также для увеличенного ресурса эксплуатации GAZ-53 engine should have only serviceable piston rings, as well as bearing bushings. And to determine their failure is quite easy - just look at the oil pressure sensor. If the arrow is below 100 kilopascals, this suggests that one of the above parts needs to be replaced.
So that the repair of GAZ-53 engines is notrequired every year, you need to fill only high-quality oil in the engine, do not put off replacing the rings and liners for later, timely clean the system from carbon and, if possible, turn to the service station with a request to install gas equipment on your truck. Be sure - "Gazon" will thank you for a long and continuous operation of the engine!