/ / Satsivi from the chicken in Georgian

Satsivi from chicken in Georgian

What legends do not go about the nationalGeorgian dish with an appetizing name of Satsivi. Favorite in all corners of the world chicken in a nut sauce is prepared for a relatively long time, but its tasty taste is worth it.

For satsivi from a chicken in Georgian, you will need a complex set of products:

  • Chicken, which for the beginning will have to boil
  • Half a liter of broth
  • Chicken fat - 100 g
  • Onions - 10 pieces
  • Corn flour - 2 large spoons
  • Garlic chopped - 3 small spoons
  • Pomegranate juice - 3 large spoons
  • Coriander - 1 small spoon
  • Pepper ground black - 1 small spoon
  • Hmeli-suneli, saffron, better imeretinsky, cinnamon - half a small spoon

To satsivi from chicken in Georgian turned outas close to the national taste, it is recommended to take note that hops-suneli (translated as "dry spices") is a mixture consisting of 12 components. In shops, a simpler version of 6 spices is more often sold. In such a mixture is rarely added fenugreek (it is also called fenugreek), thyme, peppermint. In Russia, these spices are not very often used in cooking meat or poultry, but the "correct", unique spicy, exquisite taste of satsivi largely depends on them. Therefore, it is better to buy a spicy mixture on the market, from spice sellers who can guarantee the exact composition.

First prepare the sauce.On half of chicken fat fry very finely chopped onions. On the other half of the fat fry until golden color flour. The ready-made flour is neatly, but thoroughly stirred in broth, put on fire to boil.

The most difficult stage of cooking satsivi from chickenin Georgian - preparation of walnuts. Georgian housewives grind them manually through a sieve, gradually adding coriander, pepper, garlic, salt. However, this time-consuming process can be simplified with a blender.

A mixture of nuts and spices is added to the boiling broth,put there toasted onion, cook for 20 minutes. Then pomegranate juice, saffron, hops-suneli, cinnamon, and other spices are poured into the broth. Stirring, they boil an hour.

In many respects, the taste of satsivi depends on the quality of walnuts. They should be ripe, with juicy, oily kernels. Dry nuts can make the dish bitter or give it a smack of mustiness.

When the sauce is ready, it must be cooled.Meanwhile, cooked chicken is placed on the brazier, sent to the oven for a strong fire, to form a crust. The chilled chicken is cut into pieces, poured with a ready-made sauce, heated (not allowing to boil!), Cleaned from the fire. Before serving on the table satsivi from the chicken in Georgian should be infused for at least 5 hours.

Some Russian culinary experts claim thatIn fact, this dish is prepared not from chicken, but from turkey. To argue there is no sense, after all satsivi from turkey turns out the same gentle and appetizing. You just need to consider a little trick: the turkey, first, it is brewed longer, and, secondly, it should be well fried, and only then pour the sauce.

They eat chicken cold with lavash, greens.

Satsivi sauce, which is sometimes confused with Georgiansauce pancakes, can be an excellent seasoning for any dish. Sometimes it is served on a table in a separate gravy boat, so that everyone can water it with the product that you want, for example, fish.

Satsivi from fish can be cooked as a separate dish, it will be very tasty, but the Georgian national can no longer be called it.

The fish sauce is prepared in the same way as for chicken or turkey, on chicken broth.

The fish are cleaned, completely boiled until cooked. When cooking, be sure to add salt, pepper, laurel, carrots, peppercorns. Finished fish is allowed to drain, broth is poured or used for another dish.

The carcass is divided into portions, piled in a saucepan and, without putting on fire, is poured with boiling sauce. Allow to brew for 5-6 hours before serving.

Satsivi from chicken, turkey or fish is a very sharp and high-calorie dish, so it is not worth it.

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