/ / Satsivi from aubergine in Georgian: recipe and cooking features

Georgian eggplant satsivi: recipe and cooking features

Грузинская кухня такая разнообразная, ароматная и unforgettable that, once having tasted a kharcho or khachapuri soup, you fall in love with it forever. Many dishes have become everyday for people who have never visited Georgia.

The main feature of Georgian cuisine is notthe dish itself as such, and the spices and, in particular, the sauces, of which there is a huge amount. Thanks to them, meat, vegetables, fish or pastries acquire unprecedented shades and open new horizons of taste to the consumer.

What is Satsivi

So called special sauce, in cookingwhich is used the main component - nuts, to which are added spices, sour juices or vinegar. It is served with fish, meat, vegetables. It is considered a truly Georgian dish.

Georgian eggplant satsivi

The undoubted advantage of this sauce is itsversatility. As a rule, Satsivi is served to the chicken according to the classic recipe, but today you can meet it in a beautiful tandem with turkey, fish, and vegetables. And such a dish will be called "turkey satsivi", "satsivi vegetables", or, for example, "satsivi eggplant". In Georgian, satsivi is a cold appetizer, because only cold sauce is served. And what is the sauce without spices? The main spice in this dish is saffron, which gives the nut sauce an unforgettable taste.

Features of preparation

Как и в любой другой национальной кухне, соус Satsivi can be prepared according to different recipes. After all, every housewife prepares "his" satsivi sauce, with the addition of favorite spices. But the main ingredients are still present. In a classic satsivi sauce, walnuts must be compulsory, which are carefully ground. At the same time, it is possible to grind nuts in a meat grinder or in a blender, as well as in a mortar or even on a stone, as the Georgian mistresses have done for many centuries.

Специи используются практически без изменений, но You can add some seasoning at your discretion. In the classic recipe of satsivi, saffron, garlic, hot pepper, acidifier, which can be in the form of sour pomegranate juice or lemon, or wine vinegar can be used. Due to the fact that the recipe contains natural fruits, the sauce acquires not only sourness, but also aroma. Also an important role in Satsivi is played by fresh greens, which can be added to taste. The most commonly used cilantro, basil and parsley. To make the sauce thick and silky, flour is added to it.

Satsivi Sauce: Essential Ingredients

Так как соус можно использовать для приготовления different dishes, today you can move away from the rules and cook it with eggplants. In order for it to come out delicious, we take the classic sauce as an ideal and make a satsivi recipe from eggplant in Georgian.

Georgian eggplant Satsivi recipe

This will require:onions in the amount of eight pieces, walnuts, pre-shelled, - three or four glasses, wheat flour - two tablespoons, crushed garlic - three teaspoons, coriander and ground pepper - ten grams, cinnamon and sunel - five grams , dried clove blossoms - five things, wine vinegar - ten grams, or sour juice - fifteen grams, two grams of hot pepper, five grams of saffron, half a cup of lard and chicken broth - half a liter.

The technology of cooking sauce

Melt half the pot in the panchicken fat. Onions finely chopped and fry until golden brown. Put aside. Using the second half of chicken fat, sauté the flour until golden brown, then add it to the cooled chicken broth and bring to a boil.

recipe satsivi eggplant Georgian

Meanwhile, chop walnuts convenientby adding garlic, pepper, coriander and salt. Then the mixture is thoroughly mixed and diluted with broth, to which is added fried onions. Stew the sauce for a quarter of an hour. At the end add the remaining spices, pour in vinegar or sour juice, finely chopped greens and boil on low heat for five minutes. Now you can serve eggplants in Georgian with satsivi sauce.

Eggplant Satsivi

Today, more and more people are moving to a healthyfood and eat mainly herbal products, which is why so much favorite satsivi can be cooked with vegetables. So, for lovers of dietary, tasty and healthy Caucasian dishes, the recipe for cooking satsivi from eggplant in Georgian.

Georgian eggplants with satsivi sauce reviews

"Why eggplants?"- a natural question arises. The fact is that this vegetable is rich in healthy microelements, and it is much faster and easier to cook it than, say, chicken or turkey, besides it contains much less calories and gives more strength.

To make eggplant satsivi in ​​Georgian you will need:

  • eggplants - 1 kg;
  • fresh herbs (cilantro, basil, parsley) - to taste;
  • hot pepper (fresh) - 1 piece;
  • peeled walnuts - 1 cup;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • onion - 3 pieces;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • pomegranate juice - 0.5 cups.

The first is prepared nut sauce.Chop the walnuts by adding salt, garlic, fresh herbs, chilli peppers, spices and pomegranate juice. Dilute the mixture with water (1.5 cups) and boil for twenty minutes. You can cook according to the classic recipe, but in this case more time will be spent, and the dish will no longer be dietary due to the use of chicken fat. If it doesn’t scare, Georgian eggplant satsivi cooked with classic sauce will taste better.

When the sauce is ready and cool, you can proceed tomain recipe. Onion peel and chop. Fry in a pan with hot vegetable oil for a few minutes. Then add the nut sauce, bring the whole mixture to a boil and boil for fifteen minutes.

Georgian eggplants with satsivi sauce

Eggplant, which is the main ingredientEggplant satsivi in ​​Georgian is in a dish, cut into centimeter thick slices, salt is added, and the vegetable remains at room temperature for half an hour to “rest.” As soon as the time is up, rinse the sliced ​​eggplant with water and place in a strainer to drain the water. It now remains to fry the slices on each side for five minutes. Ready vegetables lay down a hill, sprinkle with herbs and pour the sauce.

Greens are washed and thoroughly crushed, and then poured into a boiling sauce. Just before serving, cold sauce is sprinkled with pomegranate seeds.

The result

Not many have tried this divine dish, but,if you cook it with a recipe, it doesn't matter what it will be, a classic chicken with sauce or eggplants in Georgian with satsivi sauce. Reviews that this matchless and tasty dish will accompany the hostess for many years. You should not be afraid of experiments, you need to cook Satsivi with love, adding your individuality to each dish, and only then you can talk about your own recipe for Satsivi sauce.

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