/ / Pros and cons of zero resistance filter. Setting the filter zero resistance

Pros and cons of zero resistance filter. Setting the filter zero resistance

The zero resistance filter is a part,which makes an addition to the car engine during the implementation of tuning. These elements are quite accessible to the consumer and are easily installed in the motor. They have various options for performance, as well as decent look. Studying all the pros and cons of the filter of zero resistance, you can determine the need for mounting it on the car's engine.

If you wish to add a few "horses", thenknow that almost every process of completion and tuning of the engine does not pass without a trace. But in general terms, the totality of processes is a noticeable increase in power indicators. Any engine tuning is not complete without modifications of the air supply system, which determines the efficiency of the motor. The filter of zero resistance, reviews of which are mainly positive, due to its excellent ability to pass air affects the formation of a fuel-air mixture.


Simply put, the main function of anyair filter is to clean the air from various undesirable impurities. This element should protect the piston group and the cylinders from the possible ingress of dust and moisture into them.

zero resistance filter reviews
При этом, имея хорошую защиту, двигатель car loses its power. Due to the dense paper filtering material, the flow of air consumed encounters serious resistance and worse passes through the filter. Therefore, when high resistance is lost and the power of the power unit. And at that moment, when it becomes clogged, the fact of loss of power indicators is especially noticeable. The zero filter has a certain design, which contributes to high-quality air purification, but at the same time it significantly reduces the air flow resistance at the inlet, which, in turn, contributes to an increase in power. As a rule, the installation of the filter of zero resistance occurs on all sports and racing cars, in order to add to their engines a few extra horsepower. Considering that this element of engine equipment can be easily purchased at auto parts stores, many motorists install zero filters on the engines of their cars.

Keeping it fit

Like any other element, this filter needsin cleaning. To do this, it must be removed and carefully cleaned all the surfaces of the element with a special brush. Next, you need to apply a special cleanser on the surface of the filter and ten minutes until it is fully absorbed. After that, the filter element should be washed and rinsed under running water.

zero resistance filter k n
It is not recommended to dry the parts whenhelp of various heating devices and devices, as it is possible to deform the element. After drying, install the filter of zero resistance on the carburetor.

When operating the car in normalIn climatic conditions, it is recommended to do the washing every ten thousand mileage. When using transport in less favorable conditions, cleaning is carried out every five thousand. Having performed washing about twenty times, the element should be replaced with a new one, since the working resource is completely exhausted.

Advantages of the zero resistance filter

Increase the amount of air flowthrough it, provides the power plant with a large amount of oxygen necessary for normal combustion of the fuel mixture, which ultimately increases power.

It is necessary to note the factor that by settingfilter zero resistance at the WHA, expect a decent increase in power should not be. On engines with a small displacement, an increase in power indicators is almost imperceptible, unless, of course, diagnostic indicators are considered in digital equivalent on special stands. And, for example, on units of 3 or more liters, the factor of increase in dynamic performance is quite noticeable, it is on such engines that all the positive qualities and advantages of such an element of air purification are revealed.

The second positive quality of the filter can beto name the change in the sound of the engine coming from under the hood. Because of the design features of nulevik, the sound characteristic of sports cars is heard.

filter zero resistance VAZ 2110

The appearance of the engine also changes. Some motorists install such an element precisely because of the aesthetic appearance and aggressive sound.


The disadvantages of the zero resistance filter areinsignificant, but they still exist. First, it is the need for constant care of the condition of the filter element. The second negative factor can be called poor-quality air purification from impurities. Often this can happen if the item is inexpensive and lower quality than expensive counterparts.

Pros and cons of zero resistance filter at VAZ

One of the easiest ways to tune carsVAZ models is the installation of a zero filter on the engine. At the same time the price of the issue is not very high, and the installation can be carried out independently. Mount on the motor filter zero resistance VAZ-2110 can be as follows. First, disconnect the rubber tubing from the air flow sensor. This can be done using an ordinary screwdriver. Next, you need to remove the sensor mount from the case of a standard air filter and remove the element itself. Then you need to disconnect the negative wires from the cylinder head. To the engine housing fasten the mounting bracket. Fasten the air sensor mounting bolts to the filter mounting bracket. Install the sensor on the part, and finally connect the connector of the air sensor. How does the zero resistance filter look in the engine compartment?

pros and cons of zero resistance filter

Photos indicate that this device fits perfectly into the overall appearance of the power unit and gives it a kind of aggressive character.

K & N filter

Products of this manufacturer are firmly established in the automotive market and have a huge number of their fans.

Фильтр нулевого сопротивления K&N был разработан in California by the company of the same name to promote an increase in power values. By its characteristics, products of this manufacturer are largely ahead of their counterparts of competitive firms. According to the developers, its installation on the engine will increase the performance of power by as many as four "horses." The element can be used for a long time, and when operating a car in a normal urban environment, its cleaning can be performed only after 80 thousand kilometers of car run.

The air filter of zero resistance K & N is made of the purest cotton.

cons filter zero resistance

The main parts of the element consist of severalcotton layers, which are located between two aluminum plates. To improve the performance of the filter it is impregnated with special oil, and its design features ensure durable and reliable operation on any engine.

All products of this manufacturer have a warranty period of service, which, according to the company's engineers, is one million miles.


There are two types of zero filters, whichdiffer in geometry and installation method. The first is cone-shaped. This type of filter is very effective, as it is located under the hood without an additional protective cover. Its advantages also increase with the use of smooth nozzles with a minimum number of bends, unlike corrugated ones. The second - the elements that are installed in a regular seat.


How to mount a zero filterresistance? Reviews of motorists say that for this it is desirable to choose the "coldest" place under the hood of the car. This is to ensure that the incoming air was as cold as possible.

filter zero resistance on the carburetor

It is undesirable to place the filter near the radiator and exhaust manifold, because of this, the efficiency is significantly reduced.

To protect the element from possible contact with engine oil, it is recommended to install a protective cover on it.

What in the end?

Having considered the pros and cons of a zero filterresistance, the car owner will decide on the installation of this item. If, nevertheless, you decide to equip the engine of your “iron” friend with a filter of this design, then you should select and install the nulevik with the correct approach to this procedure so as not to damage the condition of the power unit. Professional racing cars are equipped with such a product in the standard order, because its powerful engines have very noticeable effect. When driving a car at high speed, the flow of air creates turbulence in the intake tract, almost turning into a small hurricane. Due to this factor, a vacuum is created in the system, with which the zero filter is excellent, straightening the air flow.

setting filter zero resistance
The probability of dust entering the cylindersThe engine is very large. For racing cars, this is irrelevant, since almost after every competition their engines are repaired and replaced by a piston group.


Pros and cons of zero resistance filterdepend on the quality of performance and materials used in the manufacture of such, on the type of the product itself and the car engine. Therefore, the final decision on the installation depends on you.

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