/ / Cooking zucchini stewed

Cooking zucchini stewed

Vegetables always differed in their usefulness, in freshform or cooked during any heat treatment (cooking, frying, baking, etc.). Not an exception, and zucchini stew, which includes a mixture of various ingredients that carry a lot of vitamins. Especially delicious dish is obtained in the summer, when all herbal products please their freshness. And with this light and useful food allows you to diversify the menu.

zucchini stewed
So, how to cook zucchini stewed with vegetables?6 servings will be needed: 1 kg of zucchini, 300 g of carrots, 1 head of onions, 1 tomato, 40 ml of sunflower oil, black pepper and salt to taste, greens (parsley, dill). Average cooking time is half an hour. The nutritional value of each serving is approximately 89 kcal.

First you need to prepare all the ingredients. Peel onion, finely chop, fry in a skillet on sunflower oil. Then add the tomato, cut into small pieces.

zucchini stewed with vegetables
You should also prepare zucchini.If they are still very young, then they can not even be cleaned, but only cut into cubes. If the vegetables are overripe - remove the peel and seeds, crumble into pieces. Carrots need to grate. Prepared vegetables are added to onions with tomatoes. Salt and pepper - to taste. All this is then closed with a lid and stewed for 20 minutes.

After the vegetables become soft, in themdill and parsley are added, then zucchini are kept on low heat for another five minutes. We can assume that the dish is ready, and it only remains to serve it to the table.

zucchini stewed with meat
Zucchini stewed with vegetables can be served asan independent dish, and also as a side dish. For example, you can boil the usual sausages and serve with a cooked vegetable dish. It is easy and fast, while nourishing and nutritious.

It is also worth noting that this recipe is notalways always observe exactly: fantasy is only welcome when cooking. After all, this is a creative process, and every housewife has an individual approach to it. Adding this or that component from itself, it thereby gives it a zest. For example, potatoes can be added to zucchini stew, resulting in a more satisfying and fuller meal.

With the same ingredients you can zucchinibake in the oven. To give them a special refined taste on top, you can put the grated cheese, or mix it with the mentioned sausages. The result is a very tasty and delicious dish.

You can cook and zucchini stewed with meat.These components are well combined with each other, creating a tasty and healthy dish. There are quite a few cooking options for this dish: you can, for example, bake zucchini with meat, put out, cook cutlets and much more. Since vegetables are cooked very quickly, preference is often given not to meat, but to meat. If, however, the fillet is taken, then meat of young animals (veal, pork, lamb) or a bird should be taken. It will be good to combine cheese with this dish, forming an appetizing crunchy top. As you can see, there is nothing complicated here, but everything is tasty and original.

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