/ / Is it possible to fill diesel oil in a gasoline engine?

Is it possible to fill diesel oil in a gasoline engine?

In the market of motor oils, there are many differentbrands that offer their fuels and lubricants. Each manufacturer has products that are distinguished by an additive package, a basic base (mineral, synthetic or semi-synthetic), viscosity and other parameters. But now we are interested in the scope of application: for gasoline engines, diesel and universal oils for both types of motors.

diesel oil in a gasoline engine

So big a market with a huge number of offersraises a number of questions, and many owners want to know whether it is possible to fill diesel oil in a gasoline engine and vice versa. And what to do if there is an opportunity to pour only diesel oil at any emergency malfunction.

Against this background, universal oils makeadditional confusion - they can be poured into any motor. But let's see how the diesel engine oil differs from the petrol engine and what will happen if you fill diesel oil in an engine that runs on gasoline. The difference between the oils is, and significant.

Differences in oils

diesel engine oil in petrol engine effects

Perhaps, it's worth starting with the fact that both motorshave a similar working principle. Both burn fuel in cylinders, however, everyone does it their own way. It is also known that the oil inside lubricates rubbing parts, nothing more. If you take the information so simply and do not go into too much detail, it can show that any oil can cope with the lubrication functions, regardless of what type of motor it is to pour. However, it is not just that the lubricants are delineated in terms of use. The reasons for their division are as follows:

  1. Different types of fuel. Gasoline and diesel fuel differ in properties and composition.
  2. Each type of ICE has its own individual characteristics. In particular, we can distinguish the maximum speed of rotation of the crankshaft, the method of igniting the fuel, the load in the places of friction of the parts.

So why not cast diesel oil inGas engine? Even despite the similar principle of operation of both types of motors, oils for them differ. If in brief, then in a diesel engine, the oil oxidizes faster than oil in a gasoline engine. This is due to the different degrees of compression of the fuel mixture in the combustion chamber.

can I use diesel engine oil

Oil oxidation problem

Thus, a diesel fuel mixture consisting ofair and diesel fuel, after combustion leaves a lot of residual elements - soot. Also in the diesel engine, the compression ratio of the fuel mixture is almost twice as high as in the gasoline engine. This is necessary in order to ignite a fuel mixture without candles. In addition, increased compression heats the air in the cylinders and facilitates the penetration of more gases from the combustion chamber into the crankcase of the motor. These gases greatly accelerate the oxidation of the oil.

you can fill diesel oil in a gasoline engine

Given this feature of the diesel engine,manufacturers add to the oils special additives, which are aimed at fighting oxidation. It should also be taken into account that diesel fuel contains sulfur compounds (they also exist in gasoline, but there are much less of them), which after combustion form sulfur oxides. So without an additional package of additives in oil can not do. Combustion products aggressively affect the engine and oil, so lubricants must also be appropriate.

Also diesel oil contains specialcomponents that are aimed at slowing the aging process. They make the lubricant more resistant to oxidative processes. In addition, the combustion of diesel requires more air, which is fraught with the formation of coke and different deposits of carbon. So, oil should have good cleaning properties, not to the detriment of its service life. In this feature, oils for diesel engines.

You can pour diesel oil into a gasoline engine

Gasoline Oils

If we talk about oils for gasoline engines,then there the fuel charge when burned forms less soot. Still there is less sulfur in the gasoline, so in the package of additives to petrol oils do not need to include special components and increase the alkali number, because the oxidation of the lubricant is very slow.

Speaking about the possibility of using diesel oilsfor passenger gasoline engines, it is worth mentioning the working speed and the maximum speed of crankshaft. Speeds in gasoline and diesel ICE differ, therefore in petrol oils contain additives for creation of the improved protection of the loaded details at high rpm. An important task of oil in gasoline internal combustion engines is to ensure the stability of dynamic and kinematic viscosity taking into account shear deformation. But for a diesel engine, this parameter plays a secondary role, because the crankshaft does not spin so much there. Therefore, we can conclude that if you pour diesel oil into the gasoline engine, the consequences will be inevitable. Having propelled the engine to high speeds, oil simply can not cope with the load, it will not be able to provide adequate protection, because it is not corny calculated for this.

diesel oils for passenger petrol engines

Universal oil

Not so long ago a universalengine oil, which is offered by the producers of petroleum products. It is assumed that it can be used for any type of engine. It should be noted that even official dealers try to impose these lubricants during the warranty service. In addition, they are actively used in European developed countries. Especially this oil is in demand, if there is a whole fleet of cars with different types of engines. What is the peculiarity of such oils?

Features of universal fuels and lubricants

First of all, motor oil is calleduniversal because it contains special additives that provide the necessary properties when the engine is running on diesel fuel or on gasoline. In simpler terms, the universal oil has good cleaning properties and perfectly cleans the engine, provides protection at high speeds and is resistant to oxidation. However, it must always be borne in mind that the life of this oil is highly dependent on the quality of the fuel used. In European countries, diesel fuel and gasoline are quite clean, in the CIS countries fuel is much dirtier, and therefore universal oil deteriorates much more quickly. And if the use of universal oil in Europe is more or less justified, then in Russia or Ukraine it is worthwhile to think about before pouring it.

you can use diesel oil in a gasoline engine

What is a bad universal oil?

Also it is necessary to remember that the universal productalmost always involves an average balance. This means that in the manufacture of such a composition, manufacturers try to provide him with such properties that would correspond to the average parameters for use on both types of motors. That is, the oil for the diesel engine will be superior in quality to universal. The same can be said about oil for gasoline engines. Therefore, the best way is to use specialized fuel, designed for specific types of motors. Of course, if the question is what is better - diesel oil in a gasoline engine or universal, then the last option is preferable. Also, a universal oil is suitable for old cars with engines that are already living out their time.

What will happen if you pour diesel oil into the gasoline engine: the consequences

There are a lot of oils on the market.And some drivers, in ignorance, can pour oil into the engine, which is not intended for him. That is, pour diesel oil into the gasoline engine. Can I use it in this version or not? And what could the consequences be? Note that some automakers do not recommend using even universal oils in the engines of the produced cars, not to mention the oils, which are generally not designed for them. This is especially true with respect to diesel engines of cars and trucks.

In the case of petrol engines, the situation is different.The fact is that there are not enough oils on the market, which are designed exclusively for the gasoline engine. Pure gasoline oil is characterized by the lowest content of ash and other additives, and it is calculated for perfectly clean gasoline in the combustion chambers of the power plant. That is, gasoline must comply with all standards and norms, and also contain a minimum amount of acids and impurities. Many gasoline oils are targeted at such gasoline.


So, is it suitable for a gasoline engineDiesel oil? Can I fill in the last one or not? Of course, the answer is no. This will certainly lead to rapid aging of the oil and coking of the motor. This is logical, since such an oil has no detergent properties. Also, diesel oil in a gasoline engine is not designed for increased engine speed, and the active properties of petroleum products will lead to blockage of lubrication channels.


When it is possible to pour diesel oil into a gasolineengine? In extremely rare cases. When, for example, there was no oil at all on the dipstick and the oil pressure lamp caught fire. If the gasoline oil is not at hand, then you can fill the diesel only in order to reach the nearest service station. And then you need to go at a lower speed, do not allow the speed of more than 2500 per minute. This will help to avoid oil starvation of the engine and wear of the parts, but after the fault is eliminated, the unsuitable oil must be drained off. Moreover, it may even be necessary to flush the engine immediately before replacing the fuel.

Now you know when you can pour diesel oil into the gasoline engine, and when you can not.

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