/ / Appetizing cutlets from chicken breast

Appetizing cutlets from chicken breast

Chicken meat has a delicate taste, that's why allproducts from it turn out to be low-fat and melting in the mouth, especially it refers to dishes from chicken breast. You can, of course, bake it whole, but you can make cutlets from chicken breast, which have a juicy and pleasant taste.

Very common is the following recipe.With the chicken breast skin is removed, the bones are removed. Meat is ground in a blender or meat grinder along with peeled onions. Add a small amount of white bread, soaked in milk, salt, pepper. All is mixed, from the received forcemeat small sizes of a cutlet are formed which are breaded in breadcrumbs or semolina, and send to the heated frying pan to be fried until readiness.

Quite interesting taste have chicken cutletschopped breast. For their preparation the meat is not crushed with the help of a meat grinder or other appliances, but finely cut with a knife. To it is put chopped onion, mayonnaise, flour (can be replaced with potato starch), egg. Minced meat is mixed to homogeneity, it should not get too liquid, salted, seasoned. It forms cutlets that are fried on both sides, and then go for 15 minutes in a preheated oven or for a while stew in a frying pan with the addition of water.

Можно приготовить следующие котлеты из куриной Breasts that help diversify the menu. Chicken and onions are cut into small cubes, mixed and left for several hours in the refrigerator for pickling. After that, they are pulled out, finely chopped boiled mushrooms, a little grated cheese, starch, salt and spices to taste. Weight is well mixed, using a spoon is laid out on the pan, neatly attached to the shape of the cutlets.

Не нужно забывать, что котлеты из курицы, рецепт which are usually simple, are prepared less time than from another type of meat, so you need to watch so as not to overexpose them on the stove, otherwise they can turn out to be harsh. This applies to other dishes prepared from this bird.

It should be noted that chopped chicken cutletsBreasts also retain juiciness and tenderness. So, the chicken is cleared of skin and bones, the meat is cut into small cubes, no more than 1 cm, laid out in deep dishes. Half a kilogram of fillet is put on 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise (those who do not really favor this sauce, you can replace it with 2 chicken eggs with a spoonful of vinegar), potato starch, salt, spices. The latter are taken to taste, but it is worth considering that it is good with chicken meat combined turmeric, dried ginger, red pepper and other spices. The mixture is thoroughly kneaded so that all chicken pieces are covered with it, left for a while to marinate under a closed lid. In this case it will be enough to wait about half an hour. During this time, the chicken pieces will be missed, and the starch can swell. After this, using a spoon, the mixture is laid out in a pan with preheated vegetable oil. On each side you need to fry the cutlets for about 3-4 minutes so that the meat can prepare. Garnish can be served as cereal dishes, as well as boiled potatoes.

Very juicy chicken cutletsBreasts cooked as follows. Butter in a mixer or blender with chopped herbs and garlic. The resulting mass is laid out on the food film in thin strips and placed in the freezer for freezing. Chicken breasts on both sides wrapped in a film and beat well, rubbed with salt and pepper. In the middle of each piece is put butter with greens, the meat is wrapped in the form of a roll, dipped in beaten eggs and breadcrumbs. If necessary, the breading is repeated. Fry such cutlets in a frying pan until cooked.

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