/ / Mushroom spurge: photo, description, features of preparation

Mushroom spurge: photo, description, features of preparation

Молочай – это гриб, который растет в одиночку или small groups of walnut, beech, oak, often near rotten stumps. You can meet him from July to October. In this article we will consider what is the fungus spurge, photo and description, how to cook, its unique properties and use in folk medicine. Let us dwell in more detail on each question.

Mushroom spurge: photo and description

Euphorbia, podorshnik, pomegranate red-brown -this is the name of the same fungus. He refers to the genus Melechnik and the family Sysoyozhkovye. It is a mushroom with a red-brown cap with a diameter of 4-10 cm. In young mollusks it is flat-convex, in the old one it is funnel-shaped with a bloom.

fungus spurge

On the inside, the hat is plate-like, yellowor brown. From it is abundantly allocated milky juice, which, when in contact with the air, is browning, as is the flesh of the fungus. Its foot has a thickness of approximately 2 cm and a length of no more than 10 cm. By these signs, people easily find in the forest the fungus spurge. The photo and description of it is fully confirmed.

Euphorbia can also be detected by smell.Milky juice, extracted from the flesh of the fungus through the plates, not only becomes brown, it also gives off a specific fishy smell. Mushroom pickers call it herring. The older the spurge, the more sharp it will smell and taste unpleasant. The young mushroom has excellent taste qualities. Unlike other members of the genus Milky podreshnik, or spurge, has a sweetish milky juice, and not bitter. To taste the mushroom looks like a russula.

Therapeutic properties and application

In the flesh and milky juice of the fungus, a number of special active substances with unique healing properties were found.

Mulberry fungus is widely used in folkmedicine. Especially prized milky juice, allocated to them, which is used as an antitumor agent. From fresh milkweed, an extract based on ethanol is prepared, which is used in folk medicine as a remedy in the fight against cancer. It is proved that the substances contained in it perform the function of an active antioxidant and suppress the growth of cancer cells in the body.

fungus spurge photo and description
In the fruit bodies of the milkweed, a hormonecortisone and other steroids. This determines the scope of use of the fungus - the manufacture of drugs to combat inflammatory processes in the body and rheumatism.

Mushroom spurge: how to cook at home

Unlike other fungi of the genus Mlechnik pomodred-brown is not bitter at all. The peculiarity of the milkweed is a specific fishy smell, which is stronger the older the fungus. During the preparation, the smell becomes less pronounced, but still remains. In young mushrooms, unlike the old, the taste is pleasant, saturated.

The fungus spurge is recommended to salt and marinate, andalso fry, stew and dry. And before cooking, it does not require soaking, like other representatives of the Syroezhkovye family. Euphorbia is never damaged by larvae, so some mushroom pickers prefer to use it in raw form with salt.

mushroom spurge photo and description how to cook
The easiest and tasty way of cookingmushroom - cold salting. To do this, the spurge is washed several times under running water, and then placed in a container in layers, alternating with salt. For 3 kg of mushrooms you need about 120-140 g of table salt. The container should be refrigerated for 30 days. After the specified time, the fungus can be tested. If it tastes too salty, then it is necessary to soak it in cold boiled water, after which it can be safely added to salads.

How to pickle the spurge in a hot way

To all mushroom pickers, who do not want to wait a wholemonth, until the salted mushrooms, like the hot way of cooking them. To pickle the spurge on this recipe, it must be boiled in advance for 12 minutes. Then mushrooms should be thrown on a sieve and wait until the water completely drains. The boiled milkweed is laid in layers at the rate of 80 g of salt per 2 kg of mushrooms. After that, the container should be put in a cold place, where the required temperature regime is maintained from 0 to 10 degrees.

fungus spurge
Milk fungus, cooked according to this recipe, can be tried after 6 days. Mushroom pickers recommend adding it to salads with pickled onions and other vegetables.

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