/ Garnet is a fruit or a berry? All use in the composition

Is a pomegranate a fruit or a berry? All use in the composition

The solar grenade has won great fame andpopularity in the culture and religions of many peoples. Information about him as a medicinal plant is available in the Bible, the Muslim Koran and the Babylonian Talmud. According to some reports, the royal crown was made in the form of a pomegranate. For this reason it is often called a royal tropical plant.

It does not matter whether this story is true or not, the main thinghow generous the nature has endowed with a garnet. Is it a fruit or a berry? Few will give the right answer. Maybe you will be surprised, but in fact it is a large berry of spherical form, growing on trees and bushes. It has always won people with taste and medicinal qualities.

Botanical characteristics

pomegranate is a fruit or berry

Adult pomegranate trees sometimes reachheight to five meters, and shrubs - no more than a meter. They can be noticed on oblong leaves of a bright green hue. Unripe fruits are small, but in the course of maturation they increase to 18 cm. One berry can weigh 500 g. The color of the peel depends on the variety of fruit, ranging from a maroon to a bright orange shade.

Internal content is thinFilms filled with juicy and sweet grains. Garnet grows in tropical and subtropical areas. A fruit, grown only in warm regions, is cultivated in the southern regions of Russia, Iraq, Iran, Yugoslavia, France and Italy. Fruit-bearing tree begins already in the second year, but only after transplantation. To increase the yield requires quality care. The plant does not tolerate frost, already at -15 perishes. The preferred annual average temperature is + 20 ° C.

Scientific facts

pomegranate fruit fond of health

Is a pomegranate a fruit or a berry?Many people are interested in this issue. The answer is obvious - the berry, as well as the watermelon. Its properties and composition are well studied by specialists of many countries. During the research, scientists found that seeds abound with antioxidant substances. Fruit is considered the best natural remedy for malignant tumors, it prevents the occurrence of free radicals.

American and British doctors confirmedpresence of anti-inflammatory properties. Natural extract from the skin helps to protect the cartilage from destruction. It strengthens the immune system and makes the body resistant to staphylococcal and viral infections.

Fruit is a good help for people whoseactivity is associated with active mental stress. It activates the brain work and improves memory, but at the same time strengthens the nerve cells and helps to withstand stress. It is explained by the presence of vitamin B1.

In sweet seeds, a lot of ascorbicacids, vitamins B6, C, E, A, PP. The fruit abounds in numerous trace elements, minerals, natural organic acids, tannins and essential amino acids. No wonder he is called with the elixir of youth, beauty and good health.

Medicinal value

pomegranate fruit growing

Eastern medicine believes that with the help ofred fruits can be cured of serious ailments. This was in his treatises written by the great scientist Avicenna. It is not surprising, why so popular and we consider many nations of the world garnets. Fruit is a well of health and longevity, it is a real concentrate of vital substances. No part of the fetus should be eliminated.

Peel has excellent cleaning properties.Her broth was treated with dandruff and strengthened her hair. Partitions have a calming effect, relieve nervous tension and insomnia. Bones kindle appetite, normalize digestion and restore microflora, because they contain useful vegetable fiber.

Another fruit helps to eliminate unpleasantclinical symptoms with menopause. It is useful for people with a low level of hemoglobin. Pediatricians recommend including it in the diet of weakened children. Garnet juice and grains with anemia, malnutrition and atherosclerosis will cope.

king of garnet fruits

Used garnet for therapeutic purposes withrespiratory and dental pathologies. Clinical trials have shown that the extract reduces the occurrence of bacterial infections, diabetes and periodontitis. By rinsing, it is possible to eliminate the unpleasant odor from the oral cavity.

The uniqueness of the berry lies in the fact that ittreats diarrhea, upset stomach, enterocolitis, suppresses the dysentery and E. coli. Anti-inflammatory properties are widely used in cosmetology. Juice protects the skin from acne and removes excessive fat content.

The fruits show a whitening effect.It is also noted that pomegranate juice burns fat reserves and prevents obesity. The data were obtained in studies on rats suffering from excessive body weight. With daily use after a month, their weight decreased significantly.

Benefits of pregnancy

"King" of fruit garnet has a beneficialthe effect on the muscular tissue of the uterus and vagina due to the presence of the substance oxytocin, which strengthens the body and facilitates the successful resolution of labor. Italian experts have found that the use of berries during childbearing strengthens the genetic system of the embryo. However, one should know the measure, since the fetus can provoke constipation or cause allergies.

Harmful properties


We managed to find out:garnet is a fruit or a berry. About contraindications, too, should be mentioned. Fetal fans should know that it needs to be eaten at reasonable dosages, because it contains many natural acids that cause irreparable harm to tooth enamel. Doctors do not advise to consume pomegranate in case of gastric ulcer diseases and people with high acidity. Concentrated extract is better diluted with boiled water.

And one should not independently conduct therapy withhelp peel. It has many alkaloids, these substances in large volumes can cause terrible intoxication, convulsions, dizziness, increase pressure and lower vision.

Is a pomegranate a fruit or a berry? Now this question will not excite the lovers of this fruit. Of course, it is a useful product and worthy of universal respect and attention.

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