/ / Recipe for Salad Mushroom Glade

Recipe for Salad Mushroom Glade

With the help of mushrooms you can create a whole masterpiece to the dining table. To do this, you just need to know the recipe for salad mushroom glade.

Holidays are not only the days when you canrelax from work and devote himself to family and favorite business. For a woman, a holiday is another test, the need to show your culinary skills. Will help you demonstrate your culinary art salad recipe mushroom meadow.


The recipe for salad mushroom meadow provides for the use of the following products:

- 3-4 boiled small potatoes

- 1-2 boiled carrots

- 250-300 grams of boiled chicken meat

- 250-300 grams of pickled mushrooms

- 3 boiled eggs


- pickles

- dill, parsley, green onions


Cooking salad mushroom glade with champignonsbest in deep storage. Suitable for this purpose, for example, a pan or a glass dish for a microwave oven. Before preparing directly, prepare the container. To do this, you can either grease the dish with vegetable oil, or cover it with a food film.

After that, we spread the mushrooms with the hats down to the bottom of the pan. For a salad it is better to use champignons. Salad mushroom meadow with muffins it will be a little more difficult to cook.When choosing mushrooms, the main thing is to look at the expiration date and buy only a quality and tested product. Also it should be remembered that mushrooms are contraindicated to people suffering from stomach diseases, and also to small children. And healthy people are not recommended to eat more than 150 grams of mushrooms per day. Although, in moderate doses, fungi are an excellent source of protein and various beneficial substances.

After the mushrooms were in a container,it is necessary to cut the greens (except leaves of lettuce) and fill it with mushrooms. And it is important that the green covered the mushrooms completely. Layer of green meadow with mayonnaise. And it is on this layer that it should be used more sparingly, making it not very liquid.

After this, it is necessary to grate on a large graterboiled carrots and put it on a layer of green, watered with mayonnaise. On top of carrots, you also need to make a mayonnaise mesh, though this layer of mayonnaise will need more than the previous one.

The next layer of salad will consist ofpickled cucumbers. To ensure that the salad turned out not too wet, chopped cucumbers should be squeezed slightly before laying on a platter. Slightly pressing down cucumbers, again it is necessary to make a mayonnaise net.

After the next layer you need to cut thinwith boiled chicken meat and put in a dish over pickled cucumbers. And chicken meat, if desired, can be replaced with ham or boiled beef or pork. The taste of a salad does not in the least deteriorate.

After a layer of meat you should grate the boiled eggs on a grater and put on top of the chicken. After that, water the dish with mayonnaise.

Finally, go to the last layer -potato. First you need to grate potatoes on a grater and then sprinkle a layer of boiled eggs. It is also watered with mayonnaise. Salad is better not to salt, because mayonnaise and pickled cucumbers already contain salt.

After this, it is desirable to leave the salad for a while (several hours) to stand in the refrigerator.

Serving Your Dishes

Recipe for salad mushroom meadow providesbefore serving the decoration of the dish. To do this, put on a plate of fresh lettuce leaves. And then turn on the same plate the contents of pots with a mushroom meadow. And you can do all this as before the arrival of guests, and directly at the table. Thanks to the vegetable oil or food film, a green glade with mushrooms will appear on your table in a flash.

As you can see, the salad recipe for the mushroom meadow is quite simple, but at the same time this dish is not only extremely tasty, but it will also decorate your table with its appearance and will certainly amaze the guests.

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