/ / Marinating mushrooms: a recipe and tips

Marinating mushrooms: a recipe and tips

The end of summer and the whole autumn is a busy time forlovers of quiet hunting, as well as those who prefer to see mushrooms on their table as a main course or snack. Of course, it's nice to eat fish in sour cream or fried butter mushrooms, soup of mushrooms. But it's even nicer to treat ourselves to pickled winter fungus pickled or salted.

Basic rules of preparation and processing

pickling a mushroom recipe

We will discuss how the pickling of the mushrooms should take place.Recipe recommends strictly follow the technology of preparing the product for canning. First, the fungi should be carefully sorted, removed from the waste (wormy, overripe), and also cleared of forest debris. Secondly, the piles contain a certain amount of bitterness. In order not to spoil the canned food, it should be removed. Therefore, marinating mushrooms (the recipe takes this into account), it is necessary to start with soaking the mushrooms in cold water for two days. The fluid must be changed three times a day. And the bucket or the pelvis with mushrooms set in the cold. And certainly add (about a tablespoon of salt for each liter of liquid). Be sure to put on top a little oppression, so that the mushrooms do not surface, they were completely covered with water. After the specified time, take out the mushrooms, allow them to dry, separate the hats from the legs, cut them into pieces.

Mackerel ordinary pickled

recipe for pickling
So, marinating the mushrooms.The recipe is this: put the prepared products in a large enamel pot. Pour boiling water (for each kilogram of mushrooms you need 0.5 cup of liquid), add salt (2-3 tablespoons) and spices. Be sure to take: a few peas of sweet pepper, a couple of pieces of bay leaf, a little cloves and, if desired, cinnamon. Let the mushrooms boil, then reduce the fire. And let them cook until ready. Be sure to remove the foam. When all the mushrooms are lowered to the bottom, they are removed from the fire, drained of water, packed in cans. And now the marinating of the mushrooms begins. The recipe offers proportions for liter containers. In filled jars, pour 4 tablespoons of vinegar, add a few slices of garlic cut into pieces. Covered with lids, put canned food sterilized. The boiling time is 25 minutes. Then immediately screw and leave to cool.

Mushrooms marinated with onion

white marinated mushrooms
We offer you the second recipe for pickling mushrooms.Preparation for processing is described above. But boil them should be this way: fill the pot with a pot (for 1 kg of mushrooms there is a glass of water (200 g), a teaspoon of salt and 4 g of citric acid), boil it, pour the main product and cook until ready. In half-liter jars on the bottom lay pieces of sweet Bulgarian pepper, thinly sliced ​​small onions, bay leaves and other spices. Fill them with mushrooms and fill with a hot marinade. It is prepared as follows: the water left from cooking, strain, pour in another 100 g of boiling water, one and a half teaspoons of salt, 50 g of vinegar (5%), a little citric acid and a pinch of sugar. Boil, pour into cans. Ready containers should be sterilized (for 0.5 liters it should be 20 minutes, for liter - 30) and tighten. Especially good for this recipe is a white mullet. Marinating it is different in that you can add a little bit of hot pepper to the jars (a piece of pod into each). And instead of Bulgarian wonderful gogoshare, especially red, cut into halves. And necessarily coriander as a spice.

Here such wonderful fungi at you will turn out!

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