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Do you know how to make coffee in a Turk at home?

The discovery of the invigorating properties of coffee refers to the 10thcentury. A shepherd boy from Ethiopia, who noticed that his goats, after tasting some red berries, began to tirelessly romp and run through the hills, told the monks about it. And those, in turn, collected the fruits and leaves from these bushes and began to experiment on them. The taste of the berries they did not like. Therefore, they began to cook an invigorating drug from the leaves, then they began to prepare wine from the fermented fruits. Later, in order to transport the miraculous berries, which were throwing out the blues, they were dried in the sun.

How to make coffee in the Turk at home

So, coffee from Ethiopia got to the Arabianpeninsula. And from there, thanks to the Venetian merchants, it spread throughout Europe and Asia Minor. Cooks grandees of the Ottoman Empire first came up with frying grains on hot metal sheets, and then ground them and made a soft drink with intoxicating aroma. Soon came the first Turks or Dzhezva. However, they have not yet learned how to brew coffee in Turkish. The houses of the Turkic rich people were famous for the fact that at the receptions the hosts treated the guests with a new and invigorating drink. In France, the recipe for cooking came from the Turkic ambassador. Louis XV liked the drink that was driving away tiredness and drowsiness so much that he himself learned from a foreign diplomat how to make coffee in a Turk. From Europe, coffee tree grains, along with the Spanish conquistadors, came to the American continent, and it turned out that the fertile land in the New World is perfect for breeding these bushes. No matter how Europeans taught the natives that it was necessary to brew coffee in a Turk only on low heat or on hot sand, they nevertheless continued to prepare it in large boilers over fires. Today, South American countries: Brazil, Colombia, and others - are leaders in the production of coffee. Many even think that America is the birthplace of this drink.

how to make coffee in the Turk
The first method. How to make coffee in the Turk at home?

In order to cook delicious, invigorating andflavored drink, and even with a soft crema, you need to fry the grains in a frying pan slightly until shine appears, then grind them in a coffee grinder until soft coffee dust or powder is formed. And there should not be even small grains. Recently, more and more women (and men) prefer to drink coffee without sugar, but this drink should be moderately sweet. Therefore, to make one small cup, you need to take a Turk and put 1 teaspoon (with a slide) of coffee powder into it, then add the same spoon (without a slide) of sugar. Mix these two ingredients thoroughly with each other and only after that add 1 cup of cold purified water and mix again. Turku put on a slow fire and wait until foam appears. When the coffee starts to rise to the neck, it will be necessary to remove the dishes from the heat, pour the froth into a glass. Then stir the remaining liquid with a spoon and put it on fire again. Wait for the coffee to boil, and carefully pour it into the cup to foam. After this drink can not stir. The precipitate should settle to the bottom. Here's a guide on how to make coffee in a Turk at home.

Second fastest method

right to make coffee in the Turk

Freshly ground coffee in a Cezve or Turk can be brewed.and in another way. By the way, it is much faster. We will tell you how to make coffee in a Turk at home in a couple of minutes. To do this, pour one cup of cold purified water into a cezvea and set it on fire. Then add 1 tsp to it. sugar and wait for the drink to boil. Remove from the heat and add 5 g of coffee (1 tsp.), Mix well so that there are no lumps, and put just for a few seconds on the stove. It is necessary to closely monitor the Turk, so that the coffee does not run away.

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