/ Raffaello sweets. The recipe for the preparation of delicate sweets at home

Raffaello sweets. The recipe for the preparation of delicate sweets at home

Many people are very fond of sweets. Especially this love is obvious to the sweets of "Rafaello".

But the whole problem is a high marketprice. In addition, no one will give you guarantees that the candy from the store does not contain harmful preservatives or, as they say, "Ashok". Therefore, there is an alternative way of preparing these delicate sweets. "Raffaello" sweets in the home are no different from the real, while they will not contain harmful substances for the body. Having prepared "Rafaello" with your own hands, you will raise the mood to yourself and your loved ones. By the way, one candy "Raffaello" weighs about 9 g and contains about 57 kcal. This information will be useful to those who are dieting.

What is the home-made candy "Rafaello" cooking recipe? About this further.

So, we take the same products that are contained inthese "Raphaelks", excluding unnecessary additives. The list of ingredients looks like this: coconut shavings, thick cream (cream cheese or butter) in the same proportions. We'll take 200 grams. Do not forget to take a can of condensed milk, three tablespoons of honey and add one hundred grams of roasted almonds. Also it is necessary to prepare two or three pieces of clean plates or a pan for stirring.

Candy "Raffaello": recipe, step by step cooking:

Step one

Melt the butter in the water bath. Then mix well with the condensed milk.

Step Two

In the resulting mass, gradually pour out the coconut shavings. Preheat, stirring constantly, in a water bath. Warm up for about three to four minutes.

Step Three

Remove the mixture from the fire and put it in the cold, for example, in the refrigerator. There the received mass should be at low temperature no more than an hour.

Step Four

Whip the cream. Mix the cheese with honey and cold coconut mass. All the resulting compositions are combined in one dish.

Step Five

Now you need to whip and mix the food for a long time to get a good viscous dough.

Step Six

Take a tablespoon or hand with the dough, hide the nut inside it, form a ball.

Step Seven

The almond-coconut bead is dipped in crumbly coconut shavings and laid in even rows.

Step eight

Leave the candy in the cold.

Step ninth

This is the last and most pleasant moment in cooking. Enjoy the masterpiece made with your own hands.

It was traditional for the candy "Raffaello"recipe. It will help you make unusual and delicious sweets. Also you can roll not only balls, but also create different figures. For such a business, special molds for biscuits are perfect.

Remember, in advertising always sounded the words:"Do not need words, give Rafaello!" Candy, cooked with their own hands, is also excellent as a gift to family and friends for any holiday. You just need to make a beautiful design. In a stationery store, buy a colored foil and wrap each candy. A paper with different patterns and shades will turn your sweets into an exquisite gift.

All the sweets are beautifully packaged in a gift box. How cool it will be if the gamut of colors of the box and the wrapping paper will match. Such a gift will not leave anyone indifferent!

And if a guy presents his girlfriend such a gift, made with his own hands, then do not doubt, the girl's heart just melts.

Based on all of the above, you can dothe conclusion that the devil is not so terrible as he is painted. Now in your treasury of delicious recipes there will be a dish called Raffaello sweets. The recipe will come in handy more than once, and the candy will decorate more than one holiday.

Have a nice appetite for you and your loved ones!

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