/ How to prepare a baking powder for yourself?

How to prepare baking powder for yourself?

Baking powder for dough is needed to produceair, melting in the mouth of baking. In the store you can buy special baking powder. And it is better to prepare a baking powder for the dough with your own hands. Such an additive will not be different from the purchase. It will give your pies an extraordinary pomp. How to make a homemade baking powder? The answer to this question can be found in this article.

Baking powder for dough - what is it?

This product is a special baking powder, which is added to bezdrozhzhevuyu baking. The main task of this ingredient is to give the finished culinary product a splendor.

It is possible to replace the disintegrant for the test

Baking is obtained by air and melting in the mouththanks to carbon dioxide, the bubbles of which are released during cooking and evenly raise the dough. The result is a culinary masterpiece that is notable for its pomp and appetizing appearance. The formation of carbon dioxide is the result of a reaction that occurs between the components of a baking powder. In the composition of this additive there is a special filler that does not allow the components of the disintegrant to interact with each other before the time.

How can I replace the baking powder for the dough? This is described in more detail below.

How to replace baking powder?

The classical composition of this ingredient is as follows:

  • food soda - 125 grams;
  • a wine stone - 250 grams;
  • ammonium carbonate - 20 grams;
  • rice flour - 25 grams.

Houses of such ingredients are not found by the hostess. So how can I replace the baking powder for the dough?

Instead of baking powder, you can use a mixture of wheat flour, baking soda and citric acid, formulated in certain proportions.

for which a baking powder is needed

Another option for replacement can be simply baking soda. More about this will be written below. And now it's time to learn how to make baking powder for yourself.

Self-made baking powder by hand

To prepare this ingredient you need the following products:

  • wheat flour - 12 tablespoons;
  • food soda - 5 tablespoons;
  • citric acid - 3 tablespoons.

baking powder for self-test

Consider the preparation process:

  1. Pour in flour in a dry glass jar.
  2. Add soda food and lemon acid.
  3. Stir the ingredients using a dry wooden spoon.
  4. Close tightly the container and shake it thoroughly so that all components are evenly distributed.
  5. Put a piece of sugar-refined sugar in the jar to remove excess moisture.

The glass container and the wooden spoon should be absolutely dry, otherwise the components of the house baking powder will react already in the jar and the powder will be spoiled.

Keep the resulting mixture in a tightly closed glass container.

Now you know how to make baking powder for the dough with your own hands.

How to replace baking soda powder?

It is allowed to replace baking powder with ordinary baking soda. In this case, one of the following ingredients must be present in the dough:

  • honey;
  • fermented milk products;
  • chocolate;
  • citric acid;
  • juice or fruit puree.

If the dough does not contain at least one of these products, the soda has nothing to react with. As a result, carbon dioxide will not be emitted.

baking powder for the dough what is it

How much soda should be added to the dough in one way or another? This can only be determined empirically. Soda will need about two times less than baking powder according to the recipe.

Some housewives believe that you need to bakeadd already extinguished soda. However, if you enter this component after it has reacted with vinegar, the necessary carbon dioxide will be released into the air and will not get into the dough. The desired result will not be achieved. It will be more correct to enter soda into the dough dry. And just before putting it in the form, you should add a little vinegar.

The benefits of home baking powder

Why should baking powder for the doughwith their own hands, abandoning the purchase? Baking soda is a part of shop baking powder. In addition, citric acid and flour or starch are added to the purchase mix. It would seem that such a baking powder consists exclusively of natural products. However, in mass production, some of the components are replaced by chemical analogues, the frequent use of which can be harmful to health.

Sometimes mistresses add more doughbaking powder than stated in the recipe. It seems to them that baking will be even better. Do not do this. After all, if you overdo it with store baking powder, then the finished culinary product will not acquire the desired pomp. And an excessive amount of soda and citric acid can lead to a bitter taste.

how to make homemade baking powder

That is why it is better to use homebaking powder for the dough. What will it give to your baking? It will gain pomp, airiness and beautiful appearance. In addition, in the finished culinary products will not be harmful chemical components.


Now you know what baking powder is needed for.test. And if, at the right moment, you didn’t have the store baking powder at hand, then you shouldn’t be upset. Of the components that are always present in your kitchen, you can make a decent replacement. Home-made baking powder will compare favorably with the purchased one. After all, he always gives the test pomp. Prepared pastries have an excellent taste, do not contain harmful impurities and are well stored. Another advantage of home baking powder is that its cost is significantly lower compared to the store counterpart.

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