/ How to make a lazy pie with apples?

How to make a lazy pie with apples?

A few apples are almost always found in the house,especially in the autumn period. If there are simply so tired of them or want to do something tasty for tea without much effort, a recipe for a pie with apples is useful. Quickly need to cook dessert

Lazy pie with apples
when there are unexpected guests on the threshold. There are several options for this dish.

Layered lazy pie with apples

If you need to cook something as much as possiblequickly, bake a cake of puff pastry, which you can simply buy in the store and store in the freezer for storage. Baking from it turns out very tasty. So, the recipe for a lazy pie with apples is as follows: take a sheet of puff pastry, a couple of large apples, four tablespoons of sugar, cinnamon, half a lemon juice and powdered sugar for decoration. Dough must be defrosted. Preheat the oven to two hundred and twenty degrees. Mix sugar and cinnamon, pour lemon juice. Slice the apples slices, after removing the core. Each slice carefully roll in a sugar mixture.

The recipe for a lazy pie with apples

Раскатайте тесто в прямоугольник, разрежьте на two pieces and place them on a baking sheet. Over tightly lay the apples. Top with a little of the remaining sugar mixture and send to the oven for a quarter of an hour. When the dough acquires a golden tint and increases in size, you can turn it off. Pour the finished pie with powdered sugar.

Lazy pie with apples on yogurt

Для приготовления этого быстрого десерта you will need three chicken eggs, a glass of granulated sugar, seventy grams of butter, one hundred and fifty grams of kefir or sour cream, flour, baking powder, apples, cinnamon. The number of apples and flour can be determined by eye. Fruits need to take so much so that their halves could close the surface of the form in which you will bake a cake. Mix the eggs with butter and sugar, beat with a mixer or blender, add kefir, pour the flour so that the consistency of the dough resembles thick sour cream, add the baking powder and

Cake recipe with apples fast
снова все взбейте.Lubricate the form with oil and sprinkle with mango, pour into it the resulting dough. On halves of apples make a parallel cut, place them over the dough peeled up. Sprinkle sugar and cinnamon and bake for about forty minutes.

Warsaw lazy pie with apples

Take three quarters of a glass of flour, a glass of semolinacereals, baking powder, cinnamon, vanillin, several apples, seven tablespoons of powdered sugar, four tablespoons of oil. Mix the powdered sugar with mango and flour, add baking powder and vanillin, mix. Peel the apples and grate on a large grater, add sugar and cinnamon. Lubricate the baking dish with butter, lay dry flour mixture and grated apples there so that the top and bottom layer is flour, place on top of the pieces of butter and send to a preheated oven for twenty-five minutes at a temperature of two hundred and ten degrees. A cold lazy pie with apples is served to the table, decorated with powdered sugar.

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