/ / Appetizing appetizer - eggplant with walnuts

Appetizing appetizer - aubergines with walnuts

Today, no doubt, no one doubts thatthe inclusion of a large number of vegetables in the diet is very useful. From vegetables prepare different dishes - soups, side dishes, casseroles, ragout and, of course, a variety of snacks. Today we will tell you how to prepare a very spicy and tasty snack dish - eggplant with walnuts.

There are some options for preparing this snackseveral, we'll start with the simplest, for which we need two medium-sized aubergines, about one hundred and fifty grams of nuts, garlic (one or two denticles, depending on the size and desired flavor of the dish), a little mayonnaise, salt and oil for frying eggplant.

From the specified quantity of products it will turn outabout 15-20 mini-portions of this fragrant and very hearty snack. In addition to the ingredients, you can add greens. The best is coriander, but if you do not like its taste, you can use parsley.

We begin to cook our eggplant with walnutsnuts. Eggplant my, cut into thin slices, harden their salt and add them to a bowl. We leave for half an hour, so that the vegetables give juice. Then rinse the eggplant slices in cold water and dry on napkins. Prepared vegetables fry in a frying pan in oil, laying them in one layer. Fry on both sides until ruddy and again put on napkins to leave excessive fat.

Now let's deal with the filling. Put the nuts in the blender and crush them. It is extremely important to use for the preparation of our dishes just walnuts, as other nuts give a completely different taste.

In the shredded nuts, add a little mayonnaise,so that by consistency our mass began to resemble thick porridge. Then add to the nuts well chopped garlic and finely chopped greens. Again, everything is mixed. The filling is ready.

Now we spread eggplants on a dish in onelayer, and from above place the nut stuffing, leveling it over the entire surface. We remove ready-made eggplants with walnuts in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, after which they can be served to the table.

Snack of eggplant with walnuts can be servedand in another way, in the form of rolls. In this case, the eggplant should be peeled and cut along a thin (millimeter three in the thickness) plate. Then we act the same way as in the first recipe, that is, first we salt eggplant and let them stand. Then rinse, dry and fry. The filling of nuts is prepared exactly the same way, and if you do not like mayonnaise, then it can be replaced with sour cream. By the way, in this case, the dish will turn out to be less fat and caloric.

Fried eggplants are laid out on napkins, andwhen excess oil is absorbed, then spread a thin layer of fillings on the plates and roll into a roll. We put our eggplant rolls with nuts on a dish, decorate with greens and serve it to the table.

And if you want to cook not just a delicious snack, but a dish from the national cuisine, then you should take advantage of the recipe for such a dish as eggplants with nuts in Georgian.

For three eggplants we need five cloves of garlic, about two hundred grams of walnuts, coriander greens, hops-suneli seasoning, saffron, wine vinegar, red pepper ground and salt.

Eggplants are cut into thin plates without cleaning, and we prepare them in exactly the same way as described in the first two recipes.

To make the filling fill the blender with nuts,cilantro, garlic. All grind, then add salt, seasonings and wine vinegar to taste. If the mass is excessively thick, then dilute it with a little boiled water. We try the mass to taste, it should be nutty, but with a pronounced taste of vinegar and spices. But garlic should not drown out all other tastes, so if cloves of garlic are large, it is worth reducing their number.

Now we lay out on a board or a plateroasted plates of eggplant, we spread the filling on half of their length, and the second half - we cover from the top, we get such a unique sandwich - aubergine-filling-aubergine.

We spread the ready eggplant on a dish, sprinkle with pomegranate seeds and decorate with greens. Such appetizing and tasty snack can adequately supplement any festive table.

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