/ / How to make moonshine from birch sap at home: recipe

How to make moonshine from birch sap at home: recipe

Everyone knows that birch sap not onlytasty, but also very useful. In the spring, many gourmets and lovers of this beautiful natural drink begin to collect it. Fresh juice is the most vitaminized, and accordingly, and useful, but the conservation of juice allows you to use this drink throughout the year.

how to make moonshine from birch sap
Fresh juice and a little fermenteduse for making various alcoholic products made at home. Many people are interested in the question: how to make moonshine from birch sap? This is due to the fact that the market for alcoholic beverages is far from perfect nowadays, and alcohol, prepared with own hands, is not only cheap, but also safe.

The benefits of birch juice and beverages on its basis

Birch juice is indisputably a very useful drink.It contains vitamins B12 and B6, and the sugar content is reduced to only 2%, which is important for people with diabetes. It is also worth noting that the juice contains more than a dozen organic acids.

In view of the enormous benefits and accessibility of thisNatural drink came up with a huge number of recipes based on it. The most popular are the recipes of moonshine from birch sap. This is due to the fact that it has a special mild taste, but most importantly - a person receives a quality guarantee, because this product is prepared with his own hands. Flavors can be modified by adding various additives. How to make moonshine from birch sap right? For this, exact adherence to technology and desire is needed.

Recipe for birch

The drink, which is based on fermented birch nectar, is very ancient. Moonshine from fermented birch sap is called birch, birch or birch bark.

Recipe for moonshine from birch juice, whichwandered, quite simple. It will take only fresh birch nectar - 30 liters, and kefir or milk - 25 grams. How to make moonshine from birch sap that has been fermented to make it tasty. Just like moonshine, which is made without yeast. The finished product will turn out to be clear, clean and without any impurities.

Recipe for birch vodka

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In the event that there is no moonshineapparatus, you can make birch vodka. To do this, in 10 liters of birch juice add 2 kg of sugar and cook it all over a small fire until the volume of liquid is less than 2 times. Then cool and let the liquid through the gauze, which must be folded several times. Then pour 1 liter of vodka and put 100 g of softened yeast. All this must be thoroughly mixed until completely dissolved. It remains to cut a small slice of lemon and add to alcohol. The resulting liquid is placed for half a day in a warm place, then cleaned in a refrigerator or cellar. Vodka made from birch juice is ready.

Bottles of champagne are good for storing this alcohol. The plug must be firmly secured with a wire. This alcohol will be strong, smelling of zest and birch.

The recipe for birch wine

recipes of moonshine from birch juice
From birch nectar it is possible to prepare refinednatural wine product. It will turn out to be easy and pleasant to the taste. The recipe is very simple, it can even be used by someone who has never encountered winemaking.

  • 3 l of birch nectar, a bottle of white wine (preferably dry), 700 g of granulated sugar, several lemons are mixed.
  • Take the container, which is suitable for the mixture, and is filled.
  • For a couple of months, the wine is put in a cool place.
  • Then everything must be filtered, removed from the sediment and bottled.
  • In a couple of months, the wine will be ready.
  • It is recommended to add dried apricots, raisins, honey, cognac, port wine to taste.

Alcoholic beverages from birch nectar candiffer among themselves in strength, taste, and softness. Consumer reviews of brewer's own brewed juice are in the lead by a greater number of better indicators than other alcoholic beverages from birch nectar.

The recipe for brewing. Classic

At home-brewed brew from birchjuice, in principle, the cooking process is standard. The difference is that traditional water is traditionally used, and in this case, undiluted birch sap is taken. First, prepare a braga. Ingredients:

  • natural birch sap - 10 liters;
  • yeast - 200 g (pressed);
  • sugar - 3 kg;
  • sour milk or kefir - 1 tbsp. l.

The process of fermentation will occur throughdecomposition of sugar. This is because the yeast interacts with ethyl alcohol, carbon dioxide and juice. This process must proceed in a certain temperature regime.

moonshine from fermented birch sap

Березовый сок необходимо процедить с помощью gauze folded several times. After that, the juice is heated, but it can not be boiled. It is important that the liquid has oxygen. You can warm up to a maximum of 30 ° C. While the juice is heated, sugar is added to it. If the juice is still heated to a higher temperature, then it can then simply cool down to the desired temperature. Cookware for making mating should be great to avoid splashing the liquid.
Then yeast is taken, to the state of crumbsknead with a fork. They are also added to the tank where the brew is prepared. After that kefir or sour milk is added, they reduce the process of foaming in the product.

A container with billets is necessaryplace in a warm place and put under a water seal. After that, there will be a bubble bubble process. It will be over in about 10-14 days. Indicator of the end of this process can serve as a normal rubber medical glove, or rather, its fall.
Next is to visually evaluate the brag.It should brighten up and become almost transparent. Yeast by this time should settle to the bottom. To taste it will be sour-bitter, without the taste of sweetness. The presence of these signs suggests that the barn is ready. Now it remains to drive it into moonshine.

Recipe for brewing without yeast

brewing syrup from birch sap without yeast
Interesting is the recipe for moonshine from birchjuice without yeast and sugar. In this case, it is important that the fermentation of raw materials occurs only at the expense of natural glucose, which contains the birch juice. If everything is done correctly, then such homemade brew juice made from birch sap will be much tastier than yeast. The process of cooking is more complicated, but the result is worth it.

The process of brewing

How to make moonshine from birch juice afterHow is the braga ready? It remains to carry out distillation of bregs in moonshine. The finished product, which is guaranteed to be of superior quality, can be tried without fear of negative consequences.

The classic process of brewing includes the following stages:

  • first prepare the must;
  • then there is a process of fermentation;
  • are distilled;
  • clean;
  • sometimes repeated distillation is required.

moonshine from birch juice reviews
The distillation should be slow.In order to get moonshine, brag must be poured into the still cube of the moonshine. Then heat under a tight lid. As for the heating rate, it is different. At first, the heating process proceeds quickly. Then, when the breg is heated above 70 ° C, the rate of increase in temperature should be reduced.

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