/ / Muesli bars: how to make at home? Muesli Bars: Benefit or Harm

Muesli bars: how to make at home? Muesli Bars: Benefit or Harm

muesli bars

Surely today there are few people who do notsometimes likes to treat yourself to a bar of chocolate, ice cream, cake, a piece of cake and other sweets. This is especially true of children. Indeed, despite the harmfulness of the ingredients presented, they still ask for a tasty treat.

Muesli bars are a good alternative.modern confectionery. In addition, such sweetness is not necessary to purchase in the store. Knowing the many different recipes, the presented delicacy can be very easily and quickly prepared at home, thereby pleasing all family members.

So, let's consider together exactly how such tasty and healthy products are made.

Muesli Bars: A Step-by-Step Preparation Recipe

To create such a dessert, you must purchase the following components:

  • oatmeal flakes - 2 faceted glasses;
  • apple green, with sour - 1 pc .;
  • soft sweet pear - 1 pc .;
  • big ripe banana - 1 pc .;
  • roasted almonds (you can also take peanuts or walnuts) - 3 large spoons;
  • prunes and seedless raisins, dried apricots - add at will and taste.

Processing of main components

muesli bars at home

Muesli bars can be made using differentingredients. In this recipe, we decided to use only fresh and ripe fruit, oatmeal and other additional components. Before you make a dessert of them, each purchased product must be carefully processed. To do this, wash the pear, apple and banana, and then wipe them dry and finely peel off the peel, if necessary. Next, the first two ingredients should be grated on a coarse grater. As for the banana, it is desirable to put it in a deep bowl and knead in a uniform mashed potatoes without lumps with a fork or tolkushki.

It should also be noted that the home barMuesli will be more satisfying and tasty if you additionally add ingredients such as dried fruits and nuts. To do this, wash the raisins, dried apricots and prunes well, then pour boiling water over them and leave them aside for a short time (for 3-6 minutes). This procedure will completely eliminate the products of dirt and dust. It should be noted that too long to withstand the ingredients in boiling water is not worth it, since they will become soft and absorb too much water, which will complicate the process of dessert formation. After the dried fruits are processed, they must be finely chopped with a knife. You also need to wash the nuts separately, dry them in a pan or in a microwave oven, and then pound into a large crumb.

Formation process and heat treatment

Before you put the muesli bars in the brasscabinet, they should be properly formed. To do this, in the same bowl you need to combine the following products: oatmeal, grated apple and pear, banana gruel, chopped dried fruits and nuts. These ingredients must be thoroughly mixed to obtain a dense homogeneous mass, which will very strongly resemble the consistency of thick dough.

After the done actions the basis is requiredspread evenly on a baking sheet, which must be pre-lined with parchment paper. Next, the edges of the mass should be leveled with a spoon and immediately placed in the oven. Muesli bars should be baked at a temperature of 185 degrees for 16-22 minutes or until fully cooked.

granola bars benefit or harm

How to serve cereal dessert to the table?

After the oat-fruit mass hardens slightly, it should be cut hot in portions, cooled slightly and served to the table along with tea or milk.

How to quickly make a dessert with honey?

Muesli bars at home can be made not only with the use of fresh fruit, but also with lime or any other honey. For this we need:

  • oatmeal flakes - 250 g;
  • dried fruits (you can take the mixture) - 200 g;
  • any nuts roasted or raw - 100 g;
  • vegetable oil, odorless - 30-50 ml;
  • Lime honey or any other - 90 ml.

Preparation of ingredients

Presented muesli bars at homeconditions are made almost the same as in the previous recipe. However, the difference between them is still there. Thus, it is necessary to take a mixture of dried fruits, wash them thoroughly, dry them, and then cut them into small pieces. You also need to sort the nuts, rinse them in warm water, lightly fry in a pan (you can in the microwave) and pound into a large crumb, using a rolling pin or a blender with knives.

To muesli bar (calories giventhe product will be presented below) turned out more beautiful and uniform, purchased oatmeal is also recommended to grind. For this it is best to use a coffee grinder. But if such a device in your house was not, then do not worry. After all, this dessert still get tasty and sweet.

Forming and baking products

Muesli Bars Recipe

After preparing the main components can safelyproceed to the direct preparation of dessert. For this purpose, it is necessary to combine oatmeal, nuts and dried fruits in one dish. Next, all the ingredients should be flavored with slightly heated honey (with the addition of vegetable oil) and mix thoroughly. Then a small baking dish is required to cover with parchment paper, evenly put the prepared mixture into it and tamp carefully. Filled dishes must be put in a preheated oven (up to 165 degrees) and bake for half an hour until they get golden.

The finished product should be completely cooled, cut into small bars and presented to the table. Enjoy your meal!

The easiest recipe for making dessert

How to make a muesli bar quickly and without baking in the oven? This question will be answered by the submitted recipe. To prepare such a dessert, you must purchase:

  • a mixture of oatmeal, dried fruit and nuts (can be made independently, or can be purchased already in finished form) - 200 g;
  • honey of any kind - ¼ cup;
  • sand sugar - 2 large spoons;
  • fresh butter - 70 g.

Cooking process
muesli bars losing weight in a week

Homemade or purchased muesli mixture is necessarynot very finely grind in a coffee grinder and set aside. Next, you should do the preparation of syrup. To do this, put in a metal bowl any kind of honey, granulated sugar and butter. After mixing all the ingredients, they should be put on a very low heat and, stirring constantly, boil until a uniform caramel is obtained.

After both parts of the future bars will beready, they need to be combined in one dish and evenly put on parchment paper. There is no need to bake such a product in the oven. After all, after a brief exposure in a calm air, the caramel will harden, and the dessert will take a steady shape. Next, the sweet layer is required to be cut into small pieces and present to the table along with low-fat milk or hot tea.

Muesli Bars: Benefit or Harm?

Today there is quite a bit of controversy overabout whether such sweet products are useful or not. In part, this concern is due to the fact that the presented bars are often included in the diet of children and are perceived by adults as healthy snacks. But how are things really?

muesli bar calorie
As you know, the feeling of benefits from such productsdue to the fact that they include the so-called muesli. But if you really want to get the maximum of vitamins and fiber, it is better to use this product in its pure form, with the addition of milk. After all, it is not known what cereals contain purchased muesli bars. “Lose weight in a week!” - this is a short but impressive statement found on many labels of this dessert. Then why do nutritionists not advise to use the presented product to their clients? The fact is that the use of such bars for the figure and the gastrointestinal tract is just a myth. After all, the caloric content of this product is 400 energy units (and even more!) Per 100 grams. Moreover, muesli bars (their use or harm, we understand in the article) should be perceived solely as sweetness. And this is due to the fact that in some products the amount of sugar exceeds more than 60% at the current rate of 15%. Such a content of the sweet product can lead to caries, as well as diabetes or obesity. By the way, some manufacturers of similar bars instead of sugar add to the dessert the so-called maltitol syrup, which is much more caloric and harmful.

Buying muesli in supermarkets is not worth it.forget that very often they contain various flavors, saturated fats, preservatives, fruits processed by chemistry and other substances that have a negative effect not only on a person’s figure, but also on the normal functioning of his gastrointestinal tract.

how to make a muesli bar

В связи со всем вышесказанным следует отметить, that when buying store cereal bars, you may face intestinal upset and other problems. If you buy these products in order to lose weight, then do not forget that the inclusion of a large amount of sugar and saturated fat makes this product no less high-calorie than classic chocolate.

But what to do if you want to lose a coupleextra pounds, and refuse such a delicacy beyond your strength? In such cases, nutritionists recommend to use only homemade bars homemade. After all, during the creation of such a delicacy, you can control the calorie content of the product yourself, adding not sugar, but honey, not roasted nuts, but fresh ones, etc. As for purchased products, it is better not to use them or to acquire them very rarely.

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