/ Recipe for salad with caramel. Delicious salads

The recipe for salad with caramel. Delicious salads

Do you know at least one recipe for salad with ramson? If not, this article will present several options for preparing such an unusual snack.

salad recipe

It should immediately be noted that the salad is freshThe wild garlic is a dish full of vitamins. By the way, this appetizer is seasonal. This is due to the fact that fresh wild garlic is available to us not all the year round.

Make delicious salad with caramel and egg

In the preparation of the cold snack in question, there is nothing complicated. If desired, this dish can make even a child. To do this, you only need to stock up:

  • caramel fresh - 2 bundles;
  • eggs of chicken - 4 pieces;
  • mayonnaise of low fat content - 3 large spoons;
  • sour cream thick - 3 large spoons;
  • salt cooked - apply to taste.

Method of cooking

Salad with caramel and eggs is a delicious and nutritious dish, for the preparation of which you will need only 15 minutes.

Chicken eggs boil to a steep state inslightly salted water, and then cool, clean and shred with medium cubes. The cherries are sorted, thoroughly washed and finely chopped with a knife. Both components are combined in one bowl and filled with a mixture consisting of mayonnaise and sour cream. Also, the ingredients are salted to taste and hinder.

The appetizer is presented to the table in a cold form together with a slice of white bread.

lettuce with cucumber

Step-by-step salad recipe with wild garlic and vegetables

Cheremsha - universal greens, which can be added to any food and snack. If you want to make a vegetable salad, we recommend using the following set of ingredients:

  • wild garlic fresh - 1 medium bunch;
  • small radish - 6 pcs.
  • medium-sized cucumbers fresh - 2 pcs .;
  • soft tomatoes - 2 pcs .;
  • onion bulb - 1 pc .;
  • salt cooked and sour cream of medium fat content - apply to taste.

Processing Products

Before making a lettuce of cucumber and cucumber andother vegetables, they are carefully processed. Soft tomatoes are washed and cut into cubes. Just like radish and cucumber. As for the bulb, it is shredded with thin semirings. Also, separately cut the fresh wild garlic with a knife.

Formation of snacks

Salad of wild garlic with cucumber is formed in threeminutes. To do this, take a deep bowl and alternately lay out in it all the prepared ingredients (fresh tomatoes, radish, wild garlic, onion and cucumber). All the products are savored with salt and sour cream, and then thoroughly mixed.

To the table such a dish is presented immediately after formation. Otherwise, the vegetables will give their juice, making the salad watery and not very tasty.

salad with caramel and egg

Spicy appetizer for a festive table

To realize the presented salad recipe withcanola in many ways. If you decide to make a savory appetizer for a festive table (for example, for alcoholic beverages), then offer to stock up the following set of ingredients:

  • caramel fresh - 2 bundles;
  • cherry tomatoes - 5 pcs .;
  • mussels marinated - 50 g;
  • sweet pepper red - ½ pcs .;
  • paprika sweet - at discretion;
  • dill fresh - a few twigs;
  • sesame seeds - to taste;
  • salt cooked - apply to taste.

Preparing the ingredients

Before you make a lettuce salad,you must process all products. Cherry tomatoes and sweet Bulgarian pepper are thoroughly washed, stems are removed and crushed. The first vegetable is simply cut in half, and the second - in cubes.

Also separately rinse leaflets of wild garlic and twigs of fresh dill. They are vigorously shaken and finely chopped with a knife. As for mussels, they are taken out of an acute marinade in the right amount.

The process of forming a savory snack

A sharp salad of lettuce leaves is necessaryform in deep dishes. In her place green, as well as cherry tomatoes, sweet red pepper and marinated mussels. After that, the ingredients are flavored with sweet paprika and salt.

lettuce salad

Filling the appetizer with the marinade, where the seafood was, it is properly hindered by a large spoon. After that, the dish is laid out on the kremanki and flavored with sesame seeds.

We make a salad for the dinner table

Presented salad recipe with ramson is goodUse if you want to get the most nutritious and high-calorie snack. In its composition, it pretty much resembles "Olivier". Although there is a difference between them.

So, for preparing the snack in question, we need:

  • wild garlic fresh - 1 medium bunch;
  • small radish - 3 pcs .;
  • medium-sized cucumbers fresh - 2 pcs .;
  • ham fragrant - 60 g;
  • onion red bulb - 1 pc .;
  • eggs large - 3 pcs .;
  • carrots - 1 large piece;
  • potatoes - 2 medium tubers;
  • salt and high-fat mayonnaise - apply to taste.

Processing components

As in the case of a winter salad, fresh saladramson requires careful handling of all components. To get a more nutritious and nutritious dish, some ingredients must be boiled in advance in salt water. For this, potatoes, eggs and carrots are well washed. They put them in a deep saucepan, pour water, a little salt and bring to a boil. After that, the dishes are closed with a lid and the contents are cooked until ready. Eggs are taken out after 7 minutes, potatoes - after 20, and carrots - in half an hour.

salad of fresh leek

In the future, all the boiled ingredients are cooled and cleaned. They are shredded in small cubes and sent to a common container.

As for the rest of the products (radish, freshcucumbers, onions, fragrant ham), they are not boiled, but are ground in a similar way. Also, separately wash the wild garlic, shake it hard and finely chop with a knife.

Correctly form a nutritious dish

For the formation of a salad lettuce useddeep dishes. In it, spread the boiled potatoes, carrots and eggs, and then add radish, onions, fresh cucumbers and aromatic ham. After that, fresh croutons are placed in the dishes and all the ingredients are salted to taste.

As a refueling for such dishes usemayonnaise of high fat content. Sometimes it is replaced by thick and fresh sour cream. After mixing the products with a large spoon, they put the prepared snack in a salad bowl and presented to the festive table.

Let's sum up the results

As you can see, fresh wild garlic can be used to prepare completely different salads and snacks. It gives the dishes a special flavor and taste.

how to prepare a lettuce salad

In addition to snacks and various salads, such greeneryis also actively used for making other culinary delights. For example, some housewives add it to various goulash, soups and other first and second dishes. However, it should be noted that, under the influence of long heat treatment, the flavor of the ramson becomes less pronounced. Therefore, adding it to soups and various goulash is recommended immediately before turning off the cooker. Only in this way you will get rich and fragrant dishes.

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