Bake the "Football Field" cake for your birthdayfor a boy, husband, boyfriend. You can reward such a sweet presentation of the winners of the competition, enough for the whole team. To create this culinary masterpiece is quite simple. First, the base of the dough is baked. Then it is decorated with cream. The gate and the marking of the field are made with the help of white chocolate, and the figures of football players and the ball are made of sweet mastic.
It is best to bake the "Football field" cake forbased biscuit, make it oily. Dessert will be quite high-calorie, but very tasty. If you want the "Football field" cake to turn out to be big and it's enough for everyone, take the ingredients in such quantities:
- 9 eggs;
- 2 cups of flour;
- 1.5 cups of sugar;
- 300 g of butter;
- a pinch of salt.
The oil should be at room temperature.Therefore, if it is in the fridge, remove it first to warm up and become more plastic. Beat the softened butter, gradually adding half of the sugar to it.
Separate the squirrels from the yolks and remove them untilfridge. In the yolks, add the second part of the sugar. Whisk until weight increases in volume. Now gradually add the yolk component to the oil, whisk this mixer base with a mixer. It should be a light, lush mass.
Attach the dough nozzle to the mixer. Pour 1.5 cups of flour into the yolk-and-oil mixture, mix to homogeneity with the help of nozzles.
Remove the proteins from the refrigerator, add to thema pinch of salt, whisk until a thick foam forms. Put half the proteins into the dough, mix gently. Add the rest of the norm of flour, squirrels and again mix everything carefully so that the air dough does not opal.
It's so easy to prepare a base to bake a cake "Football Field". The master class continues with a story about the subtleties of baking.
Biscuit dough can not be done in advance, otherwise it will fall off. Before you start whipping the whites, turn on the oven. During this time, it will have time to warm up to 170 ° С.
To make a cake in the form of a football field, youneed a rectangular, sufficiently high shape. If you have a baking tray of this size, take it. You can use a large rectangular refractory shape. Lubricate its sides and bottom with oil, sprinkle with a small amount of flour. It is better to take a mold with a non-stick coating, so that then without difficulty remove a large cake. If you do not, put baking paper on the bottom, oil it.
Pour the dough into a prepared container,level its surface with a rectangular piece of cardboard or a wide culinary spatula. There are other subtleties that will help to properly prepare the cake "Football Field". The master class will share them right now.
Place the pan in the middle or topoven. Since then, do not open the oven door. Watch the process through the glass window. Baking the biscuit takes 30-35 minutes. After half an hour, gently open the door, pierce the center of the product in two or three places with a wooden stick. If it remains dry, then the process is complete.
Get the baking dish.Help the culinary shovel to separate it from the sides, if the dough suits them. Put a flat tray or a large wooden board on the mold, gently turn it over, it is better to do it together. Cut the sponge cake with a silk thread or a wide knife into 3 cakes.
If you did not manage to get it hot, cover it.form foil, leave for 8 hours. After that, it will be easy to take out and cut along into 3 pieces. The cakes should completely cool down, only after that they can be soaked, smeared with cream and collect the cake. The football field to make more realistic will help the cream. It is prepared on the basis of butter with the addition of eggs, brewed milk or condensed milk. Choose which one you like best.
If you want to prepare a quick oil cream, take:
- 650 g of softened butter;
- 550 g of condensed milk;
- 1 packet of vanilla sugar;
- A little green food color.
Whisk the butter with a mixer without stopping this process, pour in a thin stream of condensed milk, pour in vanilla sugar. When the cream becomes homogeneous and airy, it means that it is ready.
Proceed to the formation of the cake.The lower layer can be impregnated with berry syrup. To do this, dilute 50 g of syrup in 100 g of water, moisten the lower cake. After that, you can collect the cake "Football Field". It's nice to do these things with your own hands. Each time you can add new elements to the design. The first cake can be without the players' figures. Another time you will create a cake of mastic, a football field will decorate not only the gate, the ball, but also the players.
Make the edges of the biscuit semicircular, but notdiscard the remaining crumbs. Arrange the cakes one above the other. If the upper one in your baking process turned out to be uneven, turn them over so that the bottom one is on top. Then to impregnate the syrup is necessary that which now represents the basis. To do this, pour the syrup into the baking sheet and put the cake there. After 10 minutes, remove, place it on the dish, which will serve the finished product.
Lubricate the surface of this crust with white cream,put the second on it, apply the cream and this one. The third biscuit is placed on top. Place the cream in a pastry bag, use a small nozzle to cover the sides, so that you can get a beautiful cake from these sides too. Football field with their own hands is easy to make. First, from the same confectionery bag, fringe the pad, squeezing a trickle of cream around the perimeter of the surface.
Then, in the same way, draw a transverseband. A circle of cream passes through it, the ball is distributed here. You make it from a biscuit that remained after cutting the edges. Turn these leftovers into a crumb, mix with cream, roll into a bowl. Put the workpiece on a saucer, put it to freeze in the refrigerator, finish you work on it a little later.
In the meantime, add green food coloring to the cream,stir. Put it in a confectioner's bag, with dot motions cover the rest of the football field. To do this, bring the tip to the surface of the biscuit, squeeze a little cream. Move aside the pastry bag. The next pink point is near the first. The cream should be covered with the entire surface. Remove the product in the cold for 2-3 hours, so that the cream stiffens.
The football field is not only a rectangularplayground, but also the gate, the ball, the players. Them, the surface of the ball is made from sweet mastic. It can be prepared using chewy candy, for this you will need:
- 100 g marshmallow marshmallow;
- about 2 glasses of powdered sugar;
- 2 tsp. lemon juice.
To tighten the ball you need candy whitecolors. If you make players, pink will do. Cut the sweets into slices, pour the lemon juice, melt them in a water bath or for a minute in the microwave.
Get out, start pouring a little sugarpowder, kneading a warm mass. Mastic should get smooth and stop sticking to your hands. Put it in a cellophane bag, put it away for half an hour in the refrigerator.
Remove the sweet mass, break off a small piece, roll it on the surface, sprinkled with starch or powdered sugar, into a layer 4 mm thick. Cover them with a piece of soccer ball.
Tear off the next piece of mastic, drip ontoblack dye, mix, roll. Cut out of it five small 6-coal figures. Glue them with water to the surface of the ball. Then you will get a real cake "Football field" with the ball.
Players from mastic to do too it is simple.First, sculpt their figures. Adding red, blue or other dye to different pieces of mastic, make clothes, facial features, football players' shoes. Finished figurines, the ball is placed on the field, they must dry for 15-24 hours. Then the cake from mastic will be almost ready, the football field will be decorated with the players with the ball.
For the complete authenticity of the culinary pictureit remains to make a gate. The mesh and the base are made of white chocolate. Melt 2 tiles of 100 grams in a water bath, pour the mass into the pastry bag.
On the cardboard draw 4 blanks - top, twoside parts and the rear side of the gate. Put the cut out patterns in a transparent file, brush the surface with olive oil. From a thin syringe opening, apply a pattern in the form of a grid to the cardboard bases. Give the chocolate well to freeze, then separate the file from the header. Connect them together with melted white chocolate. Put the gate on your place - the cake with the football field is ready.