/ / How to whip the protein into a firm foam with a minimum of effort: a few practical tips

How to whip the protein into a firm foam with a minimum of effort: a few practical tips

Beat protein in a steep foam is required in manyculinary recipes, but the process itself is described extremely rarely. But to make a really good meringue is sometimes not so easy. The first thing you need to pay attention to initially is the freshness of eggs and their temperature. Strangely enough, it is very difficult to whip a fresh egg egg, as it has a more dense structure. If it lasts several days, then it will be much easier. In addition, the temperature of both foods and dishes should be low enough. The bowl, in which the process will take place, and the eggs themselves are recommended to cool before whipping the proteins.

whisk the protein
Experienced cooks are also strongly adviseduse perfectly clean and dry accessories, because the presence of the slightest drop of water or fat can spoil everything. A bowl should be used glass, and on a mixer there should be 2 nozzles (one to beat up a protein it will be inconvenient). When separating the yolks, you should act very carefully, since the ingestion of the yolk is equivalent to a drop of fat (the mass will not foam). It is better to sacrifice some of the protein, adding it to the yolk, than vice versa.

how to whip the proteins
Do not immediately turn the mixer on the maximumspeed. Begin with a minimum, and then gradually increase it to the maximum. Sweeteners (sugar or powder) should be poured into already slightly whipped mass, because if the protein is initially sweet, then it will not break. Quite often, preservatives are used to accelerate the process and produce a more stable foam. On an industrial scale, this is usually citric acid or vinegar, and at home, lemon juice. However, it is important not to overdo it, so that the cream is not sour.

Knowing how to whip the protein with sugar correctly, you cancook a cake with meringue, merengue or just make a protein cream, for example for tubes. Usually 1 protein is taken 2 tablespoons of sugar (or powder) and a few drops of lemon juice.

To prepare meringues or meringue from meringues, you needwhisk the protein to such a state, until the mass stops falling out of the container when turning (that is, in a very strong foam). Then, gently (using a spoon or a pastry bag with a special nozzle), spread on parchment and bake in a not very hot oven for about 20 minutes. Do not open the door in any case. For the cake, the mass is spread into a mold and baked a little longer.

how to whip the protein with sugar
Ready meringues can be connected in pairs in oilcream, they also decorate a cake, ice cream or other dessert. If meringue is used as an ornament, it is often colored in many colors, adding dyes at the stage when the foam has already been obtained (after the powdered sugar).

Beat the protein for a biscuit or other testis a bit simpler, since such a stable foam is not required. But still here it is desirable not to ignore the above recommendations. Also it is worth remembering that whipped whites can settle quite easily, so it is necessary to mix them with other ingredients (yolk, butter, flour, etc.) very carefully, without using a mixer, and gently stirring the mass with a spoon from the bottom up.

Unfortunately, not all housewives know how to make a protein cream. And after all, it contains a minimum of calories, so with its use you can prepare dietary desserts.

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