/ Dishes from sour milk. What can be done?

Dishes from sour milk. What can be done?

what can be made from sour milk
Many people buy products for the future.And often they are then forgotten. They spoil, and it is a pity to throw out. Of course, spoiled vegetables or moldy bread should be thrown away: nobody needs food poisoning. But some foods are quite amenable to further processing. Let's say milk. Especially homemade, which is stored not too long, because it does not contain preservatives. In this article we will tell you what to make from sour milk. It turns out that in addition to cottage cheese from yogurt you can cook up quite a lot of other interesting dishes. One option is a cream dessert made from sour milk. What else can be done? Yes whatever! Kefir and yogurt, pancakes and pancakes, manna and all kinds of pastries. But since in one article all this tasty variety cannot be described, we will dwell on several options.

So, prepare the cream dessert.Take one glass of sour cream and sour milk, 2/3 cup of sugar, one teaspoon of gelatin, and a single orange zest. Sour cream combine with 1/2 cup of yogurt, add the same sugar, zest and gelatin dissolved in the remaining yogurt. Put the mixture in an ice container or on a cold surface, and beat until thickened. Then laid out in the bowl. From above we decorate with an orange slice and icing sugar. Put in the fridge for two or three hours.

what to make from sour milk
The next thing we cook is a gas station.for salad (and at the same time the salad itself). As is known, vegetable oils, mayonnaise or sour cream are used as dressings. "And what can be done from sour milk?", You ask. The answer is: delicious and healthy sauce! We will need several tomatoes (depending on the desired number of servings), lettuce leaves, twenty grams of horseradish, parsley. Cut the tomatoes in half and place on lettuce leaves. And now - sour milk sauce. What can be done: take 150 grams of "sour" and beat in a blender with horseradish and greens. The second option - all these ingredients slightly protomit in a saucepan, adding a little nutmeg. Pour the sauce over the tomatoes and decorate them with fresh, finely chopped dill or parsley. Done!

We continue to cook from sour milk!What can be done to not throw away the product? Our next recipe is taken from the national cuisine of Bulgaria. Take two or three zucchini, peel and cut into slices of equal thickness. Put them in salted boiling water, add dill and keep to a state of readiness on a small fire. We take out with the help of a skimmer and lay out on a platter. Beat 0.5 liters of sour milk with 4-5 crushed garlic cloves and parsley and dill. Separately, melt some butter with paprika powder in a pan. All mix well. Pour the resulting zucchini sauce. The finished dish can be served both hot and cold.

sour milk what to cook
Very tasty cake made from sour.milk What can be done, say, for Sunday tea or just for every day? A great option - donuts! They prepare quickly and easily. We will need: 1 kg of sifted flour, 0.5 liters of sour milk, ten grams of yeast, 1 cup of pure water, 500 grams of margarine, powdered sugar and a little salt. Beat the milk with eggs and yeast dissolved in water. Mix it all with flour. Knead soft dough. Leave it for an hour. Then we crush the dough and roll it into a thin layer. With the help of a round shape or a regular cup, cut circles. Use wet hands to form balls and fry them in a deep fryer or a large amount of oil until golden brown. Sprinkle donuts with powdered sugar.

Hosts Do not pour sour milk! What we cook from it, we have told you, now you can delight loved ones with tasty and healthy dishes.

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