/ Salad with tomatoes and basil: best recipes

Salad with tomatoes and basil: best recipes

Juicy sweet tomatoes are superbly usedin a wide variety of salads. Salad with tomatoes and basil is nutritious and juicy, and thanks to a very easy recipe, even a beginner mistress can cook it.

To improve digestion and raise the mood

Before preparing a salad with tomatoes andbasil, let's find out what useful properties he will have. Tomatoes improve the process of digestion and metabolism. They contain trace elements such as potassium and iron, magnesium and zinc, calcium and phosphorus. Tomatoes are rich in B vitamins, they have a fairly large amount of vitamin C.

salad with tomato and basil

Basil perfectly tones, improves appetite, ithas an easy diuretic effect and is even capable of removing stones from the body. In this grass there are copper and zinc, selenium and phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, calcium and a number of other useful microelements and vitamins. It is worth noting that with the help of basil, even migraine is treated. And it is recommended to use during inflammatory infections of the upper respiratory tract, with heart pain, rheumatism, cough and even for the prevention of cancer. Here's some useful grass!

Thus, a salad with tomatoes and basil will not only satisfy your hunger, but it will also have a very favorable effect on your body. A whole pantry of vitamins - in one salad bowl!

Waist will not suffer

best salad recipes with tomatoes and basil

In addition to its usefulness, a tomato salad withbasil has a very low calorie content. One medium tomato weighing 100 grams has only 19 kcal. Do you think that basil is even less caloric, because it is grass? And here not. In 100 grams of fresh basil, there are 23 kcal. This is due to the fact that there are more fats and saturated fatty polyacids in the basil. But still this is not enough to be afraid of those who are on a diet. Salad from tomatoes and basil is an excellent choice for those who follow their figure.

How to choose tomatoes and basil

Before you prepare a salad of tomatoes andbasil, you need to make the right choice in the store or the market. If you are going to prepare this dish right now or during the day, it is better to choose on red, ripe tomatoes that are slightly soft to the touch. If you reserve for future use and will make a salad in 3-4 days, then you can buy more solid tomatoes. They ripen during this time, even in the refrigerator.

When choosing a basil, attention is drawn to itsappearance. Leaves should be fresh, juicy, not wilted. They should not have yellowish and dark spots. If you purchased this grass for future use, wrap it in a damp towel and place it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. In this form, this spice will remain fresh for a week.

Simple and fast

The best salad recipes with tomatoes and basil are difficult to distinguish, because although they look very similar, but thanks to the addition of various spices and seasonings, they have completely different tastes.

salad with basil and tomato recipe

Here is the traditional classic, verysimple in performance and beautiful on a plate. We take 3 medium tomatoes, cut them with lobules, removing the peduncle beforehand, and put on a plate in the form of petals of a flower. A bunch of basil, thoroughly washed under running water and dried, do not cut finely, but spread out with leaves for tomatoes. Sprinkle with pepper, salt, lightly sprinkle with lemon juice, pour on top with one teaspoon of olive oil - the dish is ready for use.

You can add grated cheese on top -literally 50 grams. And if you put all this beauty for a couple of minutes in the microwave, until the cheese melts, you will get a wonderful warm tomato salad!

Let's add sharpnesses

If you are a lover of a sharp, salad with basil andtomatoes, the recipe of which is very popular, you will also like it. First you need to make a piquant filling. Take 3 tablespoons of olive oil, fill it with finely chopped basil and squeezed garlic. In the mixture, add a teaspoon of mustard. Solim to taste, you can put 1 teaspoon of sugar and the same amount of vinegar. Stir thoroughly and let the sauce stand until we cut the tomatoes.

tomato salad with basil

Tomatoes we cut slices or cubes (on yourdiscretion), for the beauty and outfitting you can add yellow sweet peppers and cucumbers, which will give the dish a richer palette of colors and flavors. Fill the prepared salad with a sauce - and, please, it can be served on the table!

Italian coloring

If you want to prepare a dish for a festivea table, a salad of tomatoes with mozzarella and basil will be a real decoration of your feast. This is a purely Italian recipe, and not only because the most delicious mozzarella is made in Italy. If you look at this salad, then its colors will be: red, white and green. That is the colors of the Italian flag. That is why this salad is very popular in this Mediterranean country and to serve it on all holidays.

tomato salad with mozzarella and basil

It is prepared easily and quickly.Tomatoes, in which the stems are removed, cut into half rings or a semicircle. Similarly, cut and mozzarella balls. And now the main thing is to lay beautifully sliced ​​ingredients. We put a ring of tomato, then - a sprig of basil, and then - a circle of mozzarella. And so we spread the first circle, then the second, the third. In the middle of this lacy delicacy you can stick a few more branches of basil. Decorate the salad with olives or olives, sprinkle it with lemon juice and olive oil, sprinkle with ground pepper.

Salad with tomatoes and basil is prepared simply andrecipes offer a great variety of variations. It can be added cheese, eggs, ham, fish fillets and many other fresh vegetables. Bon Appetit!

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