Broccoli, being one of the ancient vegetablecultures, today it is gaining popularity, because in its composition it contains a lot of vitamins, minerals and a small amount of calories. However, many consumers often have a question about what is the broccoli, how to cook it and what dishes are made from it.
Broccoli is a type of cabbage.It should be noted that the physicians identified the unique properties of this culture, which can reduce the risk of developing cancer, provided it is properly prepared. This vegetable contains mirozin, which according to numerous studies can stop the growth of cancer cells. Therefore, it is recommended to eat broccoli raw or cooked in a double boiler for a short period of time, as the prolonged influence of high temperatures destroys the beneficial enzyme. Thus, cooking broccoli should not take a lot of time.
In addition to myrosin, cabbage contains sulforaphane,which has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Apart from the fact that this enzyme contributes to the destruction of cancer cells, it also protects against stomach ulcers. Moreover, broccoli can destroy a number of bacteria that are not amenable to treatment with antibiotics. Both mirozin and sulforaphane are abundant in young shoots of the plant.
To date, there is no definite correctway to cook broccoli. How to cook this cabbage, prompt some tips and tricks. The main rule here is that broccoli can not be digested, because it loses most of the nutrients. In addition, it is better to use a young plant, but in winter it can be replaced by a frozen product. At the same time fresh cabbage is stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week. Before cooking, broccoli is washed with water, but it is not recommended to leave a vegetable in water, as it loses its properties.
But how delicious is broccoli toto keep all its nutrients? The taste of broccoli is similar to the taste of cauliflower, so it can replace the latter in various recipes. So, it can be boiled, fried, added to soups or stews, served raw or baked, it all depends on the personal preferences of the chef. The broccoli dish will be very tasty if served with tuna, salmon or chicken. To do this, cut the cabbage into pieces and fry in butter, adding garlic. Boiled broccoli is used as a side dish for meat, as well as a dressing for baked potatoes or cooked soup from it.
but cabbage при варке теряет часть полезных микроэлементов, therefore, it is recommended to steam it. Let us consider in more detail how to choose broccoli, how to cook it for a couple. To do this, select young elastic plants with bright buds, wash them in water and separate. Water is poured into a steamer, a basket of vegetables is dipped over boiling water, covered with a lid and cooked for several minutes. Finished cabbage can be served as an independent dish, adding butter, or creating various culinary masterpieces.
We looked at broccoli, how to cookher and what useful properties she is endowed with. It remains to be noted that its regular use favorably affects the human body. Thus, this vegetable culture is able to stop the growth of cancer cells, primarily those that affect the gastrointestinal tract, prevents the development of sclerosis, reduces the risk of developing diseases of the NA, heart and blood vessels. The main thing is that broccoli should be properly prepared, then it will retain all the nutrients and become a good prophylactic against many diseases.