Испания входит в тройку самых крупных в мире wine producers. The vine occupies a huge area - about six million acres. No country in the world has such areas for growing raw materials for the future of the drink, which is exported to many countries. This article introduces the reader to the sparkling Spanish wines, their description, assortment and production.
This activity has existed sincethe country was ruled by the Romans and the Phoenicians. In Spain, winemaking is practiced for over 2,000 years. The first source with references to Spanish wines dates back to 873. Production of this drink in the country developed thanks to the Romans, who diligently taught the local population the secrets of its production and storage. They themselves exported wine to the Roman Empire.
In the Middle Ages, Spanish sparkling wines becomepopular thanks to the efforts of the monks, who sought to improve their quality. In the manufacture of this product in the country treated with trepidation. Thus, in the seventeenth century, the mayor of the city of Logrono issued a decree that prohibited horse-drawn carriages from passing through the streets adjacent to wine cellars. This, according to the ruler, prevented the quality of the drink.
Wineries built by the French in Spainhave had a positive impact on the development of this fishery. It so happened that the vineyards of France were invaded by phylloxera imported from America. It caused irreparable damage. Then French winegrowers became interested in the Spanish regions and launched their production there. They especially liked Rioja, since the wines produced there reminded the French of their homeland's drink - the notorious Bordeaux.
There are no festive events in Spainwhich would pass without the use of this drink, although kava deserved undoubted popularity in many other countries. Sparkling Spanish wines are made in a specific region called Cava. The predominant part of the wine production is in the provinces of Catalonia, Barcelona and Tarragona.
Spanish sparkling wines are produced in the country inlarge assortment. But not every one of them deserves the right to be called a sparkling cava. This name is given only to those drinks for the creation of which the corresponding grape varieties are grown using classical technology and in a certain region of sunny Spain.
White sparkling Spanish wines Cava (Cava) are made from grapes such as Macabeo, Charello, Parellada. For pink wines suitable Garnacha, Pinot Noir, Monastrell, Trepat.
The history of the creation of sparkling wines in Spainhas several centuries. The first appearance of cava dates back to 1872. Its creator is Don José Raventos, a representative of one of the oldest families in Spain - Codornio. He mastered the method of champagnization, which was developed in France, and successfully implemented it in his homeland, Catalonia. Currently, almost 100% of the production of sparkling wine Kava accounts for this region. Already in those days there, Jose had a small production of this drink.
Since then, the popularity of Spanish sparkling wineKava is not inferior to other drinks. This is evidenced by the fact that the annual volume of its production is 200 million bottles. It is quickly bought up by the local population and is sold outside the country.
The basis of the production of cava is secondary fermentation in bottles. To get the best Spanish wines, the raw materials are further subjected to various procedures: from blending to dilution with liquor.
This drink of various brands is made ontraditional champagne method. Sparkling Spanish wines have a noble aroma and taste of ripe grapes. The production of Kava is carried out using the original method, which completely mechanizes the process of disguise. The bottles were replaced with a large metal structure called the hirasol ("sunflower"). This capacity holds five hundred bottles. It is not necessary to individually expose the procedure of a rejuvenation, this problem is removed.
Officially, the cava is divided into pink and white.The first has a rich fruity and floral aroma and a dense dry taste. The following are the types of cava, classified according to the concentration of sugars:
If the question "how to choose sparkling Spanish wines" arises, pay attention to the manufacturer of the drink. The most famous companies:
This drink should not just drink, butget pleasure from it. To get started, pick a great company in which you feel comfortable. Equally important is the snack. Fruits, seafood, caviar and various cheeses are ideal for this wine.
Served in a chilled drink.It is poured into tall, transparent, tulip-shaped or flute-shaped glasses. So the wine aroma will last longer. Through the transparent glass, the color is visible and the size of the bubbles is well distinguished, by which the quality of the drink is determined. It is necessary to pour the cava into glasses carefully so that the liquid flows along the walls. Up to the top do not pour.
Бесспорно, лучшими считаются испанские вина.Discussion of their taste can continue indefinitely. It depends on the preferences of each person. But in Spain they follow the traditions of drinking wine, each type of which is combined with a particular dish. For example, among the best aperitifs are called kava and sherry. For stewed vegetables are suitable drinks from grapes of pink color. Dried fruits and meat dishes are washed down with cava, and paella, the traditional dish of the country of winemaking, is sherry.
When choosing alcohol should follow the basic rule: wine and food should not be very different in color. Therefore, it is better to eat cheeses and meat with red wine, and seafood with white wine.
Spanish Wine Classification - This is a detailed system thatfirst glance may seem complicated. Built on a legislative basis, it inspires respect for itself. Thus, the type of drink established by the law on vineyards and wines is influenced by its quality and place of origin. So, the wines of Spain are:
1. Dining rooms.For the production of these beverages used several grape varieties. However, this category may include non-branded aperitifs. This is the lowest level of classification, and therefore the minimum requirements for them. As a result, the range of products is very wide. Table wine in Spain can be bought for bottling, packaged in paper bags or expensive bottles.
2. Vintage (quality), which are subdivided, depending on the place of origin, into:
Wines containing bubbles are sparkling andfizzy. They are distinguished by pressure. In a bottle with real champagne, the pressure should be 5-6 atmospheres. The best Spanish sparkling wines naturally saturate themselves with bubbles that are the result of fermentation. Sparkling wines are usually sweetened and carbon dioxide is artificially introduced into them. Cheap fizzy drinks contain a large amount of various undesirable ingredients. This wine should not be bought.
Лучшим игристым напитком в Испании считается кава - white or rose wine. It is produced in six regions of the country. What are Spanish wines, depends on the grape variety used to make the drink. Good kava should be a pale color with a nutty flavor and a pleasant lemon scent.
Spain is famous for its winemaking, and the most prestigiousThe area is considered to be Rioja. Here the local microclimate favorably affects the vineyards, formed under the influence of the Atlantic Ocean and the Ebro River, in the valley of which delicious grapes are grown. The most successful of his variety is Tempranillo.
Advanced Region of Catalonia for the production ofSparkling wine is Penedes. Its climate allows you to grow excellent grapes that love heat and humidity. This is where Spanish sparkling wines are made. Kava
The largest winegrowing region in Europe - LaMancha Growing grapes here is quite difficult. Of the twelve months of the year, nine are in the winter period. Therefore, not every variety of culture will take root in such harsh climatic conditions. But Airen grapes, this environment is suitable, here it is grown in huge areas.
Region Ribera del Duero is famous for producing the most expensive elite wines of Spain. Here, the climate itself created all the conditions for the growth of high quality raw materials.
The best in the world is considered Spanish wine. Wines of Spain, the types of which are represented in the widest range, have thousands of names. Below are some of them:
1. Rioja - the most recognizable wine in Spain.Usually, the men, gathered in three, offer to drink ryohi. In fact, this title summarizes the very concept of a wine-growing region where all sorts and names of wine are produced. The region itself includes:
2. Sherry - Spanish fortified wine.Wines of Spain can not be imagined without this drink. In its production, a special technology is used to add alcohol. This drink is made from grapes harvested in September, which is placed in huge oak barrels (volume 600 liters) for up to several months (for fermentation). During the winter, the wine is clarified, and it is poured into other containers that are placed in the cellar for three years. They are put in tiers of four each. As the drink ages, the barrels are rearranged from the upper tier to the lower. Wine is consumed only from the lower barrels. The most common variety of sherry is Fino. This is the whitest and always dry wine.
3. Sangria is made with the addition of citrus essence and sparkling water in white or red wine, which by volume takes 50%. The beverage may contain pulp or zest.
4. Malaga is made using three types of wort, which is the juice:
Every kind of wort is fermented and aged.separately. In addition, Malaga is produced using simple wines. Such a sweet dessert drink based on white grapes is characterized by a large number of varieties, depending on the sugar content, color, strength. Currently this wine is an endangered species. The fact is that it is produced from indigenous grape varieties, and it, for the most part, died in the last century as a result of an epidemic of phylloxera.
It is considered unloved stepchild.The population of Spain is ambiguous about a product of this color. Many consider it "unfinished." Although rosé wines are produced using the same technology as red ones. The only difference is that grapes are cleaned from the shells before. This is done so that they are not too intensely colored wine.
If you discard the Spanish prejudices, you canenjoy the full and pink wine, such as Rosado, using it chilled. This drink perfectly complements dishes from poultry, cold meat and various salads.
In each region of Spain, those varieties of grapes that produce the greatest yields on its lands are grown. More often than others in the production of Spanish wines are used raw materials of the following varieties:
Knowing everything about Spanish wines is simply impossible.But some knowledge is essential, especially for those who are going to travel around Spain. So, wines of pink color have a pleasant aroma of strawberries and rose petals, they clearly feel the hue of spices. The best are those for the production of which is used amber grapes from Rioja and Tempranillo, which has the taste of ripe sweet cherries.
White wine is produced in Catalonia and has the aroma of alpine herbs and exotic fruits. Feels slightly citrus flavor.