/ / Champagne "Boska" - a drink for true lovers of beauty

Champagne "Boska" - a drink for true lovers of beauty

Компания "Bosco" на весь мир славится production of noble fine wines. Its assortment includes both sparkling drinks, and absolutely special, created by new technologies. To improve taste and fortress, sugar is placed in some wine, while others are made using malt rather unusual in winemaking.


Шампанское "Боска" выпускается с 1831 года.Such a long and glorious history served the benefit of manufactured products, and bottles with a drink are very popular among connoisseurs of good wine. As a raw material, manufacturers use elite grape varieties grown on the sunny slopes of the administrative center of Piedmont, which is in the north-west of Italy. By the way, "Boska" champagne has excellent qualities not only because it is produced by one of the oldest producers of sparkling wines in Italy. In the province there are many national parks. This is one of the most environmentally friendly places in Europe.

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Originality of wine products

Champagne "Boska" should not be confused withtraditional, familiar to us drink. Rather, this wine is close to sparkling, but is characterized by a softer taste, a gentle aftertaste and much less carbon dioxide. Most often in the production of a drink, the technology of the reservoir method is applied, which, naturally, is reflected in its properties. In addition, often in the main ingredients of the ingredients are added various fruit components. Due to this the wine gets a very special flavor and aroma bouquet. It is to this type of noble champagne "Boska Anniversari," for which collectors give considerable sums. To say that it is pleasant to drink it means to say nothing. Transparent-sunny color, fresh aroma with a light fruit and berry shade and a wonderful sweetish taste with an appetizing sourness - these are the qualitative characteristics of the wine. It refers to the dry, but it is very easy to drink.

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In general, the company "Bosca" champagne (types canbe different) produces something that almost perfectly fits both to sweet, dessert dishes, and to sharp, snack bars. If you consider the compatibility with food, then, according to professional sommelier, it is ideal for fish and all varieties of white meat. Alcohol, as a rule, contains champagne "Boska" 7.5%. And this is another undoubted plus of the drink. Drunk with him is quite difficult, the head after taking even a fair dose does not hurt, and all hangover syndromes are completely absent. Because it is often called female wine. A drink of three kinds is produced: dry, sweet, semisweet. Sugar, as a rule, does not contain champagne "Boska". They give it a little chilled.

The taste and color

Depending on your preferences, you can choosedrink with a raspberry flavor, notes of peach, from muscat with the addition of herbs, with the aroma of summer apples, with floral tints. Champagne and other sparkling beverages are available in red, pink, white or golden colors.

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