/ / Children's champagne - what is it? Can this be given to children?

Children's champagne - what is it? Can this be given to children?

To the festive table I want to buy everything myselfdelicious and try new delicacies and drinks. I also want to please children with something interesting. And now during a shopping trip you have children's champagne in your hands. What kind of drink is it, and is it true that it can be given to children?

Sparkling for kids

Of course, in children's champagne from an adultname alone. Under a stopper of a colorful bottle under pressure, ordinary soda with increased content of carbon dioxide is languishing in anticipation of its hour. Drinks of this category are produced today by various manufacturers. Accordingly, all children's champagne varies in taste and composition. The packaging does not always indicate the age at which a drink can be consumed. However, this information is also provided by not all manufacturers of conventional carbonated beverages. It turns out that the decision to buy or not children's champagne, and at what age to give it to the child is fully within the competence of the parents. Let's try to disassemble all the pros and cons.

Children's champagne

We study the composition

Что же написано на этикетке шампанского для kids? In the beverages of this category are usually sugar or a substitute, dyes, flavors, preservatives. Agree, solid chemistry and nothing useful. Choose these drinks should not be on the label on the label, but by studying their components. The safest soda in an "adult" bottle is made of water, sugar, citric acid and natural additives that improve the taste and color of the product. But children's champagne with a long list of artificial preservatives, dyes and flavors is better left on the store shelf. Beware also of sugar substitutes. Such additives will bring much more harm than just sugar.

Label for children's champagne

What is the secret of the popularity of champagne for children?

Many parents are happy to please their kidsseparate bottles. Why not? The drink is non-alcoholic, almost completely analogous to ordinary soda, the packaging looks beautiful. Children like to copy the behavior of adults and imitate their parents, a bottle of sparkling is much more interesting than the usual "Cola" or "Tarhuna." A chinno pour its contents on glasses like any child. As well as clink glasses with a characteristic chime and maintain a secular conversation at the table. Many parents are sure that the use of special champagne on holidays helps children to develop the right attitude to alcohol. This concerns first of all the culture of drinking. Of course, a bottle of children's champagne should be opened exclusively for a beautifully served table, for the arrival of guests, and not for the first childish whim in the kitchen.

Do our children need alcohol free sparkling?

Bottle of children's champagne
Champagne for children causes someparents a negative reaction and misunderstanding. What is this game for drinking alcohol and why is it needed? Such an opinion takes place. Teach the child the rules of etiquette at the table and make you feel like an adult can be served by serving juice, compote or mineral water in a beautiful fouger. Remember your childhood, that's how we celebrated the New Year and birthdays, drinking soda from beautiful glasses and not even thinking about any special champagne. But what if the child persistently asks for a sparkling drink?

As you know, demand creates supply, andon the contrary, impress your son or daughter can advertise, tell a story of a friend or a row of beautiful bottles in a store. You can try to explain that the label for children's champagne is specially glued so bright and interesting, and inside is a normal lemonade. But most likely it will not stop your curious child. A good option is to buy one bottle for a trial and let the baby personally compare champagne and juice (tea, mors). Most likely, the choice will be made in favor of a traditional drink, not a novelty. Do not forget to explain to the child that what you need to choose is not what is fashionable, but what you like best about him.

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