/ / Herring under the fur coat

Herring under the fur coat

For human health, differentvitamins and trace elements, which are involved in the internal processes of the body. To preserve the youthfulness of the cells, the mobility of the joints, the strength of bones until old age, doctors recommend using a sufficient amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are found mainly in fatty seafood, which is often too expensive for the average Russian buyer. But there is a wonderful all available substitute for expensive varieties - it is familiar to many from childhood herring. You can use it in various forms. In many families the herring under the fur coat became a traditional festive dish.

A large number of options for thisdishes can be found in various parts of our country. Recently, herring has been popular under a fur coat under a new recipe, where mackerel is used instead of herring. The choice depends on personal preferences, but it should be noted that with mackerel, the dish will be more satisfying, and the taste is more saturated. Here are the two most popular recipes of this all favorite dish.

A classic recipe for salad "Herring under a fur coat."To make it, you need: lightly salted herring - two pieces, boiled potatoes - four to five medium potatoes, three boiled eggs, one boiled beetroot, one cooked boiled carrots - two pieces, one medium-sized onion, mayonnaise. Cook boiled potatoes cut into small cubes or grate. Protein hard-boiled eggs rubbed on a large grater. Separate the herring from the bones, cut into small cubes. Cooked beets and carrots cut with a small cube or rubbed on a grater. Onions cut into small cubes and pour hot boiled water for a few minutes - while the onion will lose unnecessary bitterness, but it will retain a pleasant crunch. This salad belongs to the class of puff. We layer the listed products in the following sequence, promazyvaya each layer of mayonnaise. The first layer is laid half of all the potatoes, a layer of chopped herring, then a layer of half a carrot, grated proteins on it, then a layer of half a grated beetroot. After that, repeat the layers as they were described above. The top of the salad "Herring under a fur coat", coated with mayonnaise, is decorated with grated egg yolks on a fine grater. Salad should stand in the refrigerator and soak.

The second recipe.For this version of the salad "Herring under the fur coat", prepare the following products. Small salted herring - two pieces, boiled eggs - three pieces, a couple of mature apples, one onion, two pieces of boiled beet and carrots, four medium boiled potatoes, hard cheese, cream cheese. Peeled eggs cut into small cubes, cut the herring fillets into small cubes and carefully sort and remove small bones. Boiled vegetables cool, clean and rub on a large grater. With apples, you can do things differently. Some recommend that they be previously peeled, others are best left as is. We leave the decision of this issue to your discretion. So, washed apples cut, remove the central part with seeds and grate on a large grater. Cut the onion into a cube and scald. After the completion of the preparatory procedures, we begin to collect the salad. Do not forget to spread the products layer by layer and spread each layer with mayonnaise in sufficient quantity. The first layer is potatoes. Some prefer to spread the herring over the bottom layer, so you can meet a different sequence. We put the herring on the potatoes, lay a layer of scalded onion on it, then a layer of melted cheese (on top of it, do not need it with mayonnaise), a layer of apples on it. Next, alternate eggs, carrots and beets. Products can be laid out in full in one layer, or lay out half of the recommended amount and repeat the layers alternation again. Cover the top layer of beets with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese, then put it on the refrigerator for several hours. Herring under the fur coat with cheese is ready!

The above recipes are close to the classical version, but the cooking process allows you to look for new tastes, use new products and get pleasant surprises and new recipes.

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