/ / Salad "Chicken under a fur coat": various recipes

"Chicken under the fur coat" salad: various recipes

Salads "under a fur coat" to do very easily, and dishesthese are always winning. They can be made up of various components that turn out to be in perfect harmony with each other. Their main ingredient is meat or fish. And then fresh or canned vegetables, pickled berries or fruits are taken. As a dressing, usually used mayonnaise.

hen under the fur coat

Chicken with pineapple

An example of such a delicious salad isa chicken under a fur coat. In its composition, in addition to 4 large potatoes, includes marinated Bulgarian pepper (4-5 pieces - approximately, a can of 250 g), a can of canned corn and one more - pineapple. This unusual combination of products makes a salad "Chicken under a fur coat" bright in taste, juicy in consistency. The order of preparation is as follows: 400 g fillets boil until cooked in salted water with spices. Potatoes, too, cook, but in the peel. Cool down. Pineapples, corn and peppers throw in a colander. Take a flat plate, lay it with lettuce leaves. On them the chicken "under a fur coat" will be laid. Peel the potatoes and grate them on a large grater. Half lay flat on the plate. Seize and pepper. Make a mesh of mayonnaise. Strip the pepper in strips - this will be the second layer. Smooth slightly with mayonnaise. Cut the meat into small cubes or strips. Lay half the portion on potatoes with pepper, pepper, sprinkle with ground coriander. Thanks to him, your chicken "under the coat" will become especially fragrant. Again miss with mayonnaise. The next layer is pineapple, cut into cubes. Then make a layer of mayonnaise. And sprinkle everything with corn. You still have half of the products - you can repeat all the actions, so that the salad "chicken under a fur coat" was more nutritious. On top decorate the snack with twigs of parsley and dill. A wonderful dish turned out!

Under the "coat", but not herring

chicken under a potato coat
The beauty of this food is that itscan be attributed to low-calorie. Vegetables are easy to digest. They are suppliers of natural vitamins in the body. A meat gives a protein - its main building "brick."

Salad "Chicken under a potato coat" not onlyvery tasty, but also very useful. Prepare it for this recipe: boil and tear into small pieces of meat (350-450 g) along the fibers. Put it on a plate, sprinkle with a set of seasonings for "carrots in Korean." Lubricate with mayonnaise. Peel potatoes (5 pieces), cut into thin slices and fry until a crispy rusty crust. Warm it with meat and cover it with mayonnaise. The next layer is marinated or pickled mushrooms (finely chop). To give the salad sharpness, squeeze through a garlick 2-3 cloves of garlic and mix with mushrooms. If there are no canned, and there are fresh - boil them and fry. Mushroom layer, too, grease with mayonnaise. Next - prunes, pitted (150-200 g). Shave it with hot water for softness and cut into slices. On it, put a mesh of mayonnaise, then again the meat. Then potatoes and mayonnaise. Sprinkle the salad with chopped herbs and nuts on top.

chicken salad under a fur coat

Classic appetizer

The classic version of the dish is prepared by analogywith a traditional Russian snack "Herring under the fur coat." Boil 3-4 peas with medium potatoes, 2 carrots and beets, and 300 g of breast or 2 legs. Vegetables cool, clean and separately each grate on a large grater. Cut the meat into cubes. And now it remains only to combine all the ingredients in the salad "Chicken under a fur coat." Each layer is greased with mayonnaise. Let's start with the main ingredient. Then put on it thin half rings of chopped onions. It can be slightly added and sprinkled with vinegar. Next are potatoes (salt), carrots and beets. Top again with mayonnaise.

A few tips

"Fur" salads are delicious when the ingredientsimpregnated with juices of a friend. Therefore, after completing the preparation, be sure to allow the dish to stand for several hours. When you put carrots and beets into a snack, you can mix the cooked vegetables with a small amount of raw - so it turns out juicier and piquant. Particularly interesting is the taste, if you replace the cooked carrot with grated, which is added with mayonnaise and garlic. And sprinkle the dish with grated cheese (a little bit), it will be very tasty.

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