/ / Delicate beef in sweet and sour sauce: cooking features, recipes and reviews

Delicate beef in sweet and sour sauce: cooking features, recipes and reviews

Exotic Asian cuisine has becomethe progenitor of meat in sweet and sour sauce. Today, recipes are used, adapted to the usual ingredients. A successful combination of flavors of beef and sweet and sour sauce makes the dish spicy, literally melting into a company.

beef in sweet and sour sauce

Classic recipe

6 servings - this is the recipe for this. Beef in sour-sweet sauce with vegetables will take 45 minutes to cook.

You need these components:

  • 300 grams of tender beef meat;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 2 eggplant;
  • 2 carrots,
  • 2 pepper (1 Bulgarian and 1 Chile);
  • 1 tomato;
  • tomato paste (enough will be 3-4 tablespoons);
  • apple cider vinegar (not to spoil the dish, do not add more than 2 tbsp);
  • 1 tbsp each flour and potato starch;
  • soy sauce (it depends on how flavored your dish will be, do not add more than 70 ml);
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • vegetable oil.

Stages of cooking beef according to the classic recipe

The recipe of beef in sweet and sour sauce includes such stages of preparation:

  1. The first step is to prepare all necessaryproducts, thoroughly washed the vegetables and meat under running water. Meat should be cut into not very large elongated pieces. It is thanks to this cutting the dish will be very gentle.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix the starch and flour, andafter that, fill the prepared mixture with beef. Then you need to pour the beef with soy sauce, carefully mixing, so that the ingredients are well connected together. Leave for 20 minutes to marinate meat.
  3. This time can be spent on preparing vegetables.The first thing to do is cut the eggplant into cubes, and then fry them in a pan with a little oil. From time to time, stir eggplants so that they do not burn.
  4. Cut the bell peppers. The use of this vegetable is necessary to give the sauce a special flavor.
  5. Preparation of a carrot means the need to chop it with straw.
  6. The bulb should be finely chopped. Using this ingredient makes it possible to make the meat more juicy, rewarding it with an incredibly rich taste.
  7. It is important that tomatoes are cut larger than other vegetables, because this can be guaranteed for a longer period of their original appearance. Chili pepper is cut into thin semirings.
  8. To aubergines, which have already acquired the necessarygolden color, you need to add in turn pepper, carrots, prepared onion, sliced ​​tomatoes and chili. During this time, vegetables will be allowed to juice, as well as a little fried.
  9. The next stage is cooking meat.To do this, in a frying pan you need to warm up the butter and put the meat in it, previously marinated in soy sauce. It is necessary to very well fry beef, so that it has acquired a beautiful ruddy color.
  10. Combine the fried meat with stewed vegetables andcontinue frying for about another 10 minutes. To get a more saturated flavor, you need to refill the dish with tomato paste. In this case, do not add salt to the dish, because the meat has already received the right amount of salt from soy sauce. Frying pan with beef in sweet and sour sauce should be covered and put out for 10 minutes.
beef with pineapple

As a side dish, rice, spaghetti or mashed potatoes are perfect.

Beef in Chinese

This spicy beef in sweet and sour sauce in Chinese will be a perfect addition to both the daily diet and the festive feast.

For 6 servings, the following ingredients will be required:

  • 0.4 kg of beef;
  • 2 small bulbs (or 1 large);
  • 70 grams of prunes (this is about 11-12 pieces);
  • 120 grams of dried apricots;
  • medium Bulgarian pepper;
  • 50 grams of butter;
  • 1 cup of apple juice;
  • greens (parsley is usually used);
  • black pepper (choose freshly ground).

Stages of cooking beef in Chinese

It takes an hour and a half to prepare this delicious dish.

  1. Initially, you need to start preparingdried them for an hour with cool water. After this time has passed, you need to drain the water and dry the paper towels with berries that have already accumulated water. Then cut the dried apricots with prunes in small pieces.
    prunes for sauce
  2. Pepper thoroughly rinse, peel it from seeds, and then cut into thin strips. At this time, parsley should be washed well, and then - dried and finely chopped.
  3. Beef pulp thoroughly rinse, thendry with a paper towel. After this manipulation, it must be cut into portions. To cook beef in sweet and sour sauce for this recipe, the meat should be repulsed a little, rubbed with pepper and salt to taste.
  4. On a hot frying pan spread the meat and finelychopped onions. When the meat has got a golden crust, it needs to be transferred to the brazier, add the prepared ingredients and pour the juice. Stew about an hour, setting a small fire.

Meat with pineapple under fragrant sweet and sour sauce

This delicious dish belongs to the Chinesekitchen. Moreover, in the menu of traditional Chinese restaurants, there is certainly beef with pineapple in sweet and sour sauce. The recipe is so simple that any mistress can easily cope with it.

we cut beef

To prepare the dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • 800 g of beef;
  • 0.3 kg of canned pineapple;
  • tomato paste (not more than 5 tablespoons);
  • a tablespoon of starch;
  • 2 tsp. vinegar;
  • soy sauce;
  • seasonings to taste (usually used salt with pepper);
  • vegetable oil.

Stages of cooking meat with pineapple

  1. Preparation of meat is the most important stage, whichassumes that it needs to be thoroughly washed and removed from the surface of the film. After you need to cut the beef in small pieces, about 2-3 cm each. In a separate bowl, mix the meat with flour, starch and soy sauce. Leave it for 20 minutes to get marinated.
  2. From the jar of pineapple, drain the juice and rinse a little pieces of fruit, then fry them for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Now proceed to roasting the meat. Once the beef has an appetizing crust, turn off the fire.
  4. The next stage of cooking beef in sweet and soursauce involves the preparation of sauce. To do this, in a separate container you need to mix sugar, tomato paste and the amount of vinegar indicated in the ingredients, and then this mass should be poured onto meat and add fried pineapples. After adding the spices, simmer the meat for about 15 minutes.
beef with vegetables and sauce

A small recommendation for those who lovespicy sauce: you need to add to it finely chopped Bulgarian pepper. In Chinese restaurants, meat is often sprinkled with sesame seeds, you can also take advantage of such simple advice.


According to reviews, beef in sweet and sour saucehas a unique taste. It can be eaten as an independent dish, served with a side dish or wrapped in lavash. Mistresses are advised to use a beef shovel for cooking. Then the dish will be more gentle.

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