/ / Braised beef with prunes in the multivarquet: cooking features, recipes and reviews

Stewed beef with prunes in the multivarquet: cooking features, recipes and reviews

Beef is considered the most popular meat in the world.It is assimilated by 70%, has a high nutritional value and is traditionally used for cooking main dishes, broths and soups. Beef cook, fry and stew, adding to the main ingredient different vegetables, spices and dried fruits. A special taste of the dishes is attached to the marinade, in which the meat is kept before cooking. In our article there are different recipes for beef with prunes in a multivariate. At the very end, we suggest you read the reviews of people and their recommendations for the relative preparation of this dish.

How to cook beef with prunes in a multivariate?

Under the recipe presented below, it turns outtasty and soft meat with juicy notes from dried fruits. But prunes to it should be chosen namely sour, instead of sweet. To this dish you can serve a side dish of potatoes, rice or pasta.

beef with prunes stewed in a multivariate

Step by step beef in the multivariate is prepared in this order:

  1. The vegetable oil (30 ml) is poured into the bowl of the device, it is warmed up, the cut meat (1 kg) is laid out from above.
  2. In the "Hot" mode, the beef is cooked for 10 minutes.
  3. The onion is rubbed on a grater and added to the meat along with a glass of water.
  4. In the "Quenching" mode, the beef should be tormented for 40 minutes or until the liquid evaporates completely.
  5. To beef in the bowl multivarka is addedsliced ​​carrots, pre-washed and dried prunes (200 g), a knife crushed with a knife, salt and pepper to taste. In addition, half a glass of water or broth is poured out.
  6. Meat with vegetables is stewed for another 30 minutes or until cooked.

Below we suggest other recipes for stew with prunes in a multivariate beef. Meat, cooked in tomato sauce, white wine or sour cream, is also no less tasty and juicy.

Beef with prunes in tomato sauce

This version of meat preparation is suitable fora family dinner and to meet guests. Beef with prunes, stewed in a multivark, languishes with vegetables for about 2 hours and during this time turns into a juicy and fragrant dish.

beef stew with prunes in multivariate recipes

The sequence of cooking meat in a multivark is as follows:

  1. Beef (0.5 kg) is washed, dried with a paper towel, cut into small pieces.
  2. The mode of the multiquark "Baking" is set and the time is 30 minutes. A little sunflower oil is poured into the bowl, pieces of beef are put on top.
  3. Fry the meat should be, stirring occasionally, 20 minutes. 10 minutes before the end of the program, the onion and carrots cut into half rings are added to it.
  4. The following cooking mode is set:"Stew" for 90 minutes. In a bowl, 100 g of prunes, tomato paste (2 tablespoons), and a glass of water are added to the meat and vegetables. After the specified time, the dish will be ready.

Beef with prunes in wine

Do you want to prepare fragrant and juicy meat? Use the following recipe. Alcohol makes the meat more tender, and prunes add a piquant sweet and sour taste.

beef with prunes in multivarck reviews

Stewed beef in a multivarquet with prunes is prepared very quickly:

  1. Meat (500 g) is fried in the "Baking" mode on all sides for 8 minutes.
  2. Beef is transferred to a plate, and in the sameBow is fried in vegetable oil onions, then garlic (4 slices). Add to taste spices, bay leaves and prunes. Meat is also moved here. We continue to cook for another 5 minutes.
  3. To the meat and vegetables you need to pour 100 ml of white wine. Cook until alcohol is evaporated. Then pour 2 cups of water or broth, add salt to taste and flour (2 tablespoons).
  4. Set the mode of the multistake "Quenching". Cooking meat for 1 hour.

Fragrant beef with prunes and nutmeg

This dish will appeal to all people without exception. It turns out gentle, with a piquant aroma of nutmeg.

To prepare the dish, the meat is cut.Beef (1 kg) is fried in a small volume of vegetable oil in the bowl of the multivark with an open lid. To save time, you can fry onions and carrots separately. You can also wait until the liquid from the bowl evaporates, shift the beef to a plate and start cooking vegetables.

beef with prunes in a multivariate recipe

Prepared onion with carrots and meat combinein the bowl. Add a glass of boiling water, bay leaf, nutmeg and ground black pepper (0.5 teaspoons), salt (2 teaspoons). In the "Quenching" mode, the beef will be cooked for 1 hour. At the end of the selected program, chopped prunes and chopped garlic (6 lobules) are added to the bowl to the meat. Stewed in a multivariate beef with prunes is perfectly combined to taste with mashed potatoes. This dish can also be served at the New Year's table.

Beef stewed in a multivark with vegetables and prunes

First of all, when preparing this dishcut into small pieces of meat fried in vegetable oil in the "Bake" mode. The cover of the multivarker should not be closed at the same time. The liquid must be completely evaporated. Next to the meat are added chopped onions and carrots. They need to fry 10 minutes. If desired, you can add celery root. He will give the dish a special piquant note. Lastly, ingredients such as tomato, diced, tablespoon of tomato paste, bay leaf, salt and 100 g of prunes are loaded into the bowl, a glass of water is poured into the bowl.

recipes for beef with prunes in a multivariate

Stewed beef with prunes in the multivarquet will be ready in about 90 minutes. It is necessary to try the meat and, if necessary, to give it a sauce in the sauce for another half an hour.

Beef with prunes in sour cream

This recipe for cooking meat can be calledone of the fastest. Beef cooks only 1 hour. And all this is thanks to sour cream, which helps soften meat fibers. To speed up the cooking process, the beef is fried in a frying pan until a crust is formed. At this time in the bowl multivarki in the "Baking" mode under the lid is prepared onion and carrots. Vegetables are transferred beef, add sour cream 20% fat and spices (dried basil, dill, pepper, salt). All the ingredients are poured with water so that the meat is completely in the liquid. The "Quenching" mode is set and the program time is 1 hour. 15 minutes before the readiness to the bowl of the multivarka is added finely chopped prunes.

A festive recipe for beef with prunes in a multivariate

This dish has a special, honey flavor.It is achieved due to the sauce, in which prunes separate from beef. Directly, the meat is cooked in the bowl of the appliance, and before serving, it is combined with a savory dressing. Beef with prunes in the multivark, according to reviews, is so soft that it literally melts in the mouth.

beef with prunes in a multi-cook how to cook

For cooking on vegetable oilFirst the meat is fried (1 kg). After that, the "Baking" mode is turned off and the "Quenching" program is installed. Meat is poured in water (2 tbsp.) And languishes under the closed lid for 2 hours. To taste, salt, ground ginger and black pepper (1 tsp), a few cloves of garlic, a pinch of saffron are added to it.

A sauce is prepared in a small sauté pan on the stove.For this, finely chopped prunes are cooked for 15 minutes until soft. The water is drained, half a glass of broth is added, a tablespoon of honey, twice as much sugar and a cinnamon stick. On a small fire prunes are languishing for about 40 minutes until a thick syrup is obtained. Before serving, the meat is poured with sauce.

Reviews and recommendations for cooking

Above were presented delicious recipes of beef withprunes in the multivark. Each of them has its own peculiarity, and also much in common. Most recipes can be classified as dietary, since meat is prepared with a minimum amount of fat. According to the hostesses, the multivark greatly facilitates the process of preparing the dish, and the beef itself turns out to be more tender. Very tasty comes out and poured. Even rice, porridge or pasta is transformed by it into a festive dish. Mistresses recommend to cook meat in a multivark, and add prunes half an hour before the end of the process. Then it will retain more vitamins.

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