Tequila is the same symbol of Mexico as vodka -Russia. However, the Europeans came up with a drink. Arriving on a new continent, they saw an interesting custom of the Indians to drink during the holidays low-alcohol juice of the agave. This "drink of the gods" was called pulque. Spanish conquistadors - lovers of stronger distillates, overtook a local drink, which is why the mescal appeared. Carefully cleared to transparency, tears, it turned into tequila. And if the mezcal appeared already around 1535, then with the last drink there were long metamorphoses. Being purified, it had different names. Mostly it was "agave wine" or brandy-mescal. Its current name is Tequila received from the town of Tequila, which is located in the Mexican state of Jalisco, to the west of Guadalajara. The drink quickly gained popularity in the north, in the USA. At us this distillate only starts to win hearts. This article will be devoted to the question of how to properly drink tequila.
If you have never tried tequila before,Be careful with the choice of products. The market, especially the Russian one, is inundated with falsification. From acquaintance with such "tequila" you can develop a strong rejection of this drink. If you expect it to be "the same vodka, only from a cactus," you are cruelly mistaken. The taste of tequila is not comparable to anything. If, of course, this is an authentic drink. The label should indicate two important points. The first is the composition: 100% blue agave. And the second - the place of production: Mexico, Jalisco. All other regions have the right except to bottle tequila. They serve a drink in Mexico in tall and narrow clay cups with a thick bottom. They are called "caballitos", that is, "horses". We'll talk later about drinking with tequila. But the first time you meet, just take a small sip and hold it in your mouth. Feel the whole taste, and then swallow, feeling how a warm wave passes through the esophagus. By the way, unlike vodka, tequila is not cooled before serving. The best qualities she discovers at room temperature.
Сами мексиканцы считают, что этот напиток хорош by itself, and does not need accompaniment. It is served both for an aperitif and for a digestive, but not with food. Tequila Mexicans do not have a snack, but drink down, and even in rare cases. It is best to drink a glass in a gulp. So the simple Mexican people think. Gourmets believe that the drink should be consumed with salt. Better yet, eating a Caribbean lime. Why do tequila drink with salt? Scientists have found the answer to this. Salt sharpens the sensitivity of receptors in the language. And lime? It acts as coffee beans for the nose: clears the tongue for further perception. This trio - tequila + salt + lime - and gave rise to a variety of ways of using distillate.
Before considering that drink with tequila inWestern Europe and the US, let's explore the local, Mexican custom. Mescal, the common ancestor of a club drink, was usually consumed with a volley from small cups. At the same time, alcohol did not jam, did not drink or sniff. But tequila is a refined drink, and glamorous boys are not a match for severe macho. Therefore, in Mexico, there were three ways to use this distillate. The first we have already described. This is already a classic trio with tequila, salt and lime. This method has a lot of nuances, up to erotic fantasies, which we will talk about later. The second way of drinking tequila is with Sangrita. Just do not confuse this non-alcoholic cocktail of orange and tomato juices with the addition of hot pepper with "Sangriya" (Spanish wine, where it is customary to put citrus slices). A glass of tequila is usually drunk at a salvo. After that you can already slowly sip "Sangritu".
Третий способ тоже не вполне привычный для of the European stomach. We pour tequila in the caballitos and set it aside. Usual glass glass is filled with lemon or lime juice (preferably fresh). We drip into it the sauce "Tabasco". It is important not to overdo it: this seasoning is very sharp, because it is made from hot chili pepper, acetic acid and salt. Spoon the sauce in the juice. Further we proceed, as in the previous recipe. With a volley we drained a glass with tequila and washed it down slowly with juice. This method allows you to appreciate the rich aroma and taste of a wonderful distillate from the sprouts of blue agave. Well, now consider what is being drunk with tequila outside of its homeland - Mexico.
Перешагнув границы родного края и став желанной a guest at youth parties first in the US, and then in Europe, tequila "overgrown" with various variations. The most famous are "Silver" (she is "white"), "Gold", "Olmeca" and "Chocolate". And for each of these species are invented their own ways of drinking. As vodka is a premium class, and tequila. "Olmec" and "Gold" are considered more purified. "Chocolate" is a separate story, a variation invented for those who do not like the sharp-salty taste. A great way to amuse the too-constrained girl in a disco - after all, tequila is easy to drink, and at first you do not feel her insidious alcoholic influence at all. On the question of what to drink chocolate tequila, connoisseurs say that it is excellent solo. A pleasant, velvety cocoa flavor replaces dessert, and only in the aftertaste is a light alcohol. But chocolate tequila (however, like other types) feel great in the composition of cocktails.
This is one of the types of premium drink.But do not think that tequila "blue blood" should be consumed somehow in a special way. This cognac suggests the presence of a leather-wrapped cabinet, cigars, bow ties and other etiquette. Tequila - a club drink, you can say, a youth. That's why they need to enjoy with a young fervor. So with what to drink tequila "Olmec"? All those methods are suitable for this species, as for the "silver", white distillate. The most common method is called "licked, overturned, bitten". It consists in the following. We squeeze a lime lobe between the thumb and forefinger. We put salt in the notch on the back of the palm. In the other hand, take caballitos with a drink. On your marks! Attention! March! The tongue is dipped in salt and, until the crystals have dissolved, we topple the glass. And then we eat with bitter lime.
It is similar to the previous one.Only salt is replaced with cinnamon, and bitter lime is a sweet orange. So the Germans answered the question about what to drink tequila "Gold". You can pour cinnamon on the back of the palm - in the notch between the thumb and forefinger. This is how they act in the company of bosom friends. A more prudent way of consuming tequila "Gold" is to dab the wet edges of the glass in the powdered sugar mixed with cinnamon, then pour the drink. Next, put a saucer with orange slices. But the Germans went even further and included tequila in the number of erotic games. Instead of a palm, cinnamon is filled with a path to the beloved's body, the navel plays the role of the glass ... However, such alcohol consumption presumes a chamber situation.
Inventive club youth came up with a lotways of what you can drink tequila. For example, to scrape out the flesh of lime, and from the skin to do something like cups. They are powdered with salt and pour tequila. After that, the glasses are eaten. The Spanish way was called Rapido ("fast") or "tequila boom." In a glass with distillate add a tonic in a ratio of one to one. Cover the glass with your palm and sharply hit the table. There is a "boom" - the tonic begins to hiss and foam. Naturally, you will need a glass with a thick bottom, otherwise the drink will be on your clothes, and your fingers - in the blood from the broken glass. Another way - especially for those who adhere to the worldly principle: "Vodka without beer - in vain spent money." It is called the Mexican Ruff. Tequila is poured with Corona Extra brand beer in a 1:10 ratio. But Tequila con gusano (with a worm) indicates a low quality of distillate.
Based on this Mexican distillatea lot of interesting mixes. The most famous and popular cocktail is Margarita. In its manufacture involved all those ingredients that we called when they answered the question with what better to drink tequila. A wide glass is dipped in salt, so that its edges are dressed in "frost". We pour one part of tequila. Add an equal amount of orange liqueur and lime juice. A few more ice cubes - and ready. And now consider how to drink chocolate tequila as a part of cocktails. This kind of distillate is perfectly combined with currant liqueur, "Chivava", brandy, grenadine and other syrups.