/ / Fish Polish - healthy and tasty

Polish Fish - Useful and Tasty

Fish with Polish sauce - this dish was extremelypopular in Soviet times. It was often prepared in catering establishments and especially in rest houses and sanatoriums. The explanation of this popularity of the recipe is simple - this dish is not heavy and can be attributed to the recipes of the diet kitchen. In addition, the Polish-style fish is really delicious!

In the classic recipe, it is recommended to usewhite fish - perch, mullet, hake or cod. However, this is a matter of taste, if desired, this dish can be cooked with any fish fillet or low-stick fish.

We will tell you how to cook fish in Polish.To do this, you will need about a kilogram of fish or fish fillet, 1 small carrot, onion (onions can be replaced with leek), bay leaf, allspice and black pepper and salt. To prepare the sauce, you need to take 100 grams of butter, 2-3 boiled eggs, a bunch of greens (parsley and dill), and lemon to make juice.

Polish-style fish is usually served with a side dish. The classic option is mashed potatoes or simply boiled potatoes, seasoned with butter and sprinkled with greens.

If the dish is prepared from a whole fish carcass, then itsneed to be cleaned of scales, remove the head with gills and fins. Some people prefer to cut the fins with scissors, but this is not a good solution, since the inner bones of the fins remain intact. Therefore, it is better with a sharp knife to make two deep cuts along the ridge of the fish, and then remove the fin together with the internal bones. Carrying out this operation, you need to be careful, because in perch, for example, the fins are very prickly.

The prepared fish is divided into portioned pieces,slitting across. When using fillets, simply cut into one piece per serving. Now we need to start up the fish, that is, boil it in a small amount of liquid. Since the product has a specific smell, boil it with spices and aromatic roots.

Наливаем в кастрюлю с широким дном воду в таком quantity so that it barely reaches the level of the fish, and heat it to a boil. Salt the water, put in it coarsely chopped onions or leeks, carrots and spices - bay leaf, allspice and black pepper. Other ingredients can be added, such as celery root or parsley. Now lay out the pieces of fish on our vegetable pillow and cover the pan with a lid. It is important that there is no rapid boiling of water, otherwise the fish will fall apart. Therefore, it is necessary to strongly reduce the heating of the burner so that the broth boils barely noticeably

Fish cooks pretty fast, so, pieces of zanderready in 7-10 minutes. Sign of readiness - color change to white. Cooked fish is removed from the stove and left for some time in the broth, so that it is slightly cooled.

An important part of the dish Fish in Polishis the sauce, so let's cook it. To do this, we will build a water bath, putting a small saucepan in a bigger bowl, in which water is already boiling. Put butter in a small saucepan and wait until it is completely melted. In the meantime, we will clear the eggs that were boiled beforehand, and finely chop them. It is not recommended to use conventional egg slicer to make this sauce, as the pieces will be too large. Therefore, just chop the eggs with a knife. Just finely crumbled greens.

Add the eggs and herbs to the hot meltedoil and mix well. Remove the sauce from the water bath and pour lemon juice into it, which will be needed near a tablespoon, but it is better to navigate to your own taste.

The fish in Polish is ready, it remains to garnish it andbring to the table. A boiled fish is laid out on a serving plate (you need to be careful to get it out of the pan using a skimmer so that the pieces are left intact) and generously sprinkle with cooked oil sauce. On the side of the mashed potatoes mashed. The dish can be decorated with greens.

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