/ / Delicious homemade preparations: seasonings for the winter from tomato and other vegetables

Delicious homemade preparations: seasonings for the winter from tomato and other vegetables

Preparing supplies for the winter, every mistresstries not only to roll up a large variety of salads, pickled and salted vegetables, but also special seasonings for cooking first dishes, stew, stewed meat, sauces, etc.

Garlic and tomato seasoning

condiments for the winter from a tomato
The most popular among culinary loversdelicacies is considered a saturated sweet and sour dressing with a sharp taste. Here is a good example of such a seasoning. For the winter from a tomato it is possible to make an excellent vegetable mix which it will want to eat directly so, from banks, a spoon. Its recipe contains the following components: 250-300 g of garlic (it is no longer necessary to put it, it will turn out to be fire), 1-1,5 kg of ripe, fleshy tomatoes, horseradish roots - 200 g, it is possible and slightly less, this is to your taste. It is a part of the seasoning for the winter, from tomato and garlic, 60 g of vegetable oil, 100-120 g of sugar (like the messenger - pour 150), a little salt (to taste, but not less than 15 g) and 50-60 g of vinegar. Tomatoes are covered with boiling water to remove the skin. Grind them on a meat grinder or finely chop. Horseradish, put into a pan to tomatoes. Mix with butter, sugar, salt and vinegar, which are for this seasoning for the winter of tomato a natural preservative. Pack the workpiece in jars for 250 and 500 g, cover with plastic lids or wax paper and store in a refrigerator or in a dry cellar.

Seasoning with tomato and sweet pepper

seasoning of tomato for the winter
In vegetable dressing, in addition to pleasant taste,contains a lot of vitamins and substances useful to our body. which make seasonings for the winter from a tomato an indispensable help for a high-grade food. Yes, and everyday life at the stove, they facilitate to the maximum. Therefore, dear mistresses, do not be lazy, do preparations for future use, and then only open the cans, refuel your dishes! In how, even the poems have gone! But we digress, we are waiting for a very tasty assortment of seasoning from tomato for the winter. To make it, you will need: 1 kg of carrots and bell pepper, half a kilo of onions, 2 kg of tomato, 100 g of salt. Carrot clean and cut into small circles or straws. Also do with onions, peppers, tomatoes (they should be cut into slices). Fold the ingredients in a pot, salt, boil and cook for 15-20 minutes. If you want, add a little sugar and sunflower oil. Do not remove the seasoning from the fire, pack it on cans (sterile) and immediately roll. A wonderful piece for filling soups and borsch, roasts and ragout is ready for you!

If the tomatoes are green

seasoning of green tomato
And, finally, the hit article - seasoning from greentomato with hot pepper to boot! Yes, you can make such a yummy! For it you will need: green or brown tomatoes - a pound, as much sugar, hot pepper in the pods - a few pods, half a spoonful of tea citric acid and 200 g of water. Tomatoes put in boiling water for a couple of minutes, then take out and cut into small slices. Spill them with sugar, pour in water. Choppedpeaches, mix with tomatoes. Put acid in them. Pour the saucepan over high heat, then reduce it to a moderate one and cook the dressing until the transparency of the tomato slices is reached. Then pack on sterile jars and close.

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