/ / How to smoke a chicken at home

How to smoke a chicken at home

how to smoke a chicken
It is very rare to find a person whodid not like smoked meat or chicken. On the shelves of shops and markets, you can find a variety of meat smoked products, and almost everyone can choose what is more to his liking. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to be sure of the freshness of the purchased product, and all kinds of flavoring additives do not benefit the body. Therefore, the smoked chicken cooked at home is more useful and tasty.

Before tackling the chicken, it is worthlearn how to smoke a chicken properly. There are many recipes for smoked chicken, you can smoke it whole and in parts. For smoking you should choose a fresh product. More delicious is the meat of young chickens.

how to smoke a chicken in a smokehouse

How to smoke a chicken, not everyone knows.You can do this in a specially purchased electrocaptile, but the chicken will be better and tastier in the home smokehouse. Smoky, it will have an unforgettable taste and aroma.

Тем, кто не знает, как коптить курицу, следует bear in mind that it must be pre-marinated. So, take our chicken or several carcasses. The main thing is to understand: the more the product, the more marinade. We wash carcasses and put them in a container in which they will pickle.

Let's start preparing the marinade.We bring the water to a boil and set it aside for cooling. The water should be so much that it covers our chicken, then the carcass is well promarinuetsya from all sides. In the cooled water we add salt, ground black pepper, ground coriander, bay leaves, finely chopped garlic or crushed garlic. All seasonings are added depending on your preferences. For lovers of acute they will need more, most importantly - do not overdo it. After that, stir the marinade well to dissolve all the salt, and pour it into the container so that it completely covers the chicken carcasses.

smoked chicken in smokehouse
Cover the container with a lid and leave it for a day in a cool place. For a day the chicken will be well soaked, due to which it will have a wonderful taste and aroma.

At the end of the day, before smoking a chickenin a smokehouse, it is suspended on a hook and moved to a home smokehouse, then a bonfire is kindled. A bonfire for smoking should not be too strong for our chickens not to burn out. For a bonfire, it is desirable to choose slightly damp and larger firewood, so that it does not burn too much, and the chickens have the opportunity to get a good smoke.

Smoked chicken in smokehouse over medium heattakes about six to seven hours. At the end of this time, the carcass can be extracted and enjoyed by its aroma and taste. After you at least once try to cook homemade smoked meat for this recipe, you will not have any questions about how to smoke a chicken.

Smoked chicken can be added to variousdishes, including salads. It is perfectly combined not only with vegetables, but also with pineapple, mushrooms, prunes, nuts, and also with hard cheese. The main thing is not to overdo it so that other products do not eclipse its taste.

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