/ / How to smoke meat at home: recipes

How to smoke meat at home: recipes

Pork is a product that has a high fat content andcaloric value. How to smoke the meat correctly, knew in ancient times, and thus tried to extend the shelf life of this product. Some believe that after going through heat treatment (hot smoking), the delicacy may lose its useful properties. Cooks are assured that with all the rules of cooking meat will become even more useful.

how to smoke meat at home

Useful properties of pork and fat

The fat is excluded pork fatty deposits,pickled and salted according to an individual recipe. Salo is considered no less useful than meat itself. Therefore, most often these products are used together. Smoking of meat is a laborious process. It is important that the product does not lose its properties.

Properties of fat and meat

Consider the useful properties of products:

  1. The biggest source of animal fat is fat. Contrary to fears that fat is very harmful and caloric, its use in the cold season can significantly saturate the body with energy and warm it.
  2. The high content of magnesium and zinc in meat makes this product indispensable for the cardiovascular system.
  3. The product is contained in large quantitiesvitamins of group B, and also A, D and E. Meat by utility can be compared with citrus or red caviar. Because of the large amount of fat, all the vitamins from it are absorbed better and faster.
  4. Свиное мясо по большей части состоит из жира.And this is useful cholesterol. The consumption of fat (approximately 100-150 g per week) contributes to the normalization of the work of the heart and vessels, and also favorably affects the work of the brain.
  5. Some nutritionists recommend using porkfat for weight loss. This product helps to cleanse the body of toxins, and because of the high caloric content and long digestion time helps to reduce the amount of food consumed.
  6. The meat contains amino acid lysine, necessary for the renewal of bone tissue.
  7. Scientists consider selenium to be a significant micronutrient that can be found in pork meat. It favorably affects the functioning of the body, promotes the activation of immune processes.
  8. Almost everyone knows that you can use lard to treat burns and frostbite. The popular recipe for this advises to rub the affected area with this fatty product.
  9. Pork is easily digested in the human body compared to other types of meat.
    smoking meat

Negative properties of pork meat

It should be noted that because of the high fat contentsmoked meat is not recommended for people with obesity, as well as with cardiovascular diseases. Limit the reception of such a product is also that part of the population, which has problems with the liver and pancreas.

We must understand that everything is good in moderation, and the main harm fatty meat can bring only when consumed in excessive quantities.

Many housewives want to learn how to smoke meat inhome conditions, and what is the secret of cooking this product. There are more than 100 recipes for pickling meat and its use in conjunction with other products. Meat, like bacon, you can boil, smoke and fry, salt in jars with berries and spices. A lot of recipes tell us how to make an original cold snack from such a product. The main thing in all these recipes is the useful properties of lard.

recipe for smoked meat

How to smoke meat at home?

For successful cooking, you must follow a few simple rules:

  1. Meat should be the freshest. It is better not to use a product that has been frozen several times. The ideal option is fresh, not frozen meat.
  2. Before starting smoking, any meat should be prepared. To do this, it should be soaked and marinated. The meat will be juicy and fragrant.
  3. The correct way of smoking is the guarantee of a successful dish. Here you must rely solely on your own preferences.
  4. Meat in the smokehouse is important not to overdry. Too long treatment evaporates moisture from the product, accordingly, it loses all useful properties and becomes unappetizing.
  5. The choice of meat for domestic smoking is an important stage. As a rule, the majority prefers pork - it is softer and more tender. However, you can take other varieties.
    how to smoke meat properly

Preparation of hot-smoked meat

The process of making hot smoked delicaciesdoes not require special efforts. In addition, not many products are required for this. However, there must be a smokehouse in the presence of the house. It can be purchased at a specialized store. You will be offered both large and capacious devices, and miniature. The principle of home smokehouse is the same. Some make such devices on their own.

Многих новичков интересует вопрос, как правильно smoke the meat in a home smokehouse. If you decide to cook a delicacy on the street, then the device should be installed on a fire. Wood in this case does not matter and taste will not affect. In the apartment the device for smoking meat products can be installed on both a gas and electric stove.

The main thing is that the heat from the stove or fire is enough to heat the smokehouse to 90-110 degrees.

smoked pork meat

What is the smoker for cooking meat at home?

Smoking hot meat means itPreparation under the influence of steam formed inside the appliance for smoking. That's why it's better to put a chip of fruit wood or alder on its bottom - so the dishes will have a pleasant aroma. But it is better to refuse from coniferous species. Otherwise, the product will acquire bitterness and a specific taste.

A special pallet is placed above the sawdust, it will not allow the fat and juice to get on the chips. On top of the pallet there is a grill on which meat or other sausages are laid out.

Практически каждый опытный кулинар знает, как smoke the meat in the smokehouse. But the time of its preparation is always individual and depends on many factors. For example, chicken can be sampled after an hour, and pork - after 1,5-2 hours, beef should not be taken out earlier than 3 hours after the beginning of the cooking process.

It should be noted that when you put the meat insmokehouse and close the door, then in 5-10 minutes there will be a light smoke and a pleasant smoked aroma. The cooking process has begun. Ready meat is checked in any convenient way. Some pierce or cut, and some focus on the look.

Do not forget that cooking smokeddelicacies in the apartment conditions will require a little more skill than in a country house. Do not forget to remove the pipe from the smokehouse in the window, so that the smoke and smell of smoked meat do not accumulate in the apartment.

Cold-smoked meats

The preparation of such a delicacy requires skill, skill and time. How to smoke meat in a cold way is not known to every mistress. However, everyone understands that such a product is stored for a long time.

This kind of smoked smoke should be continuous for the first 10 hours, and then you can take a break for the night. The bird will be ready not earlier than 48 hours, but a ham can prepare a week.

During cold smoking, the moisture from the meat evaporates gradually. In this case, the product does not lose its juiciness and fat content.

After smoking, meat (pork) is needed wellto dry. To do this, it is suspended in a dark room with a temperature of no higher than 10 degrees for 20-30 days. Care should be taken to ensure that insects do not sit on meat at this time, and that the premises are clean.

how to smoke meat

How to store homemade smoked products

The taste of hot smoked must be consumedin food for 4 days. Some try to prolong the life of the delicacy, wrapping it with a cloth dampened in strong saline. However, this significantly worsens the taste of meat. Therefore, it is better to eat freshly prepared product.

Cold-smoked products are stored up to two years. The more they salted, marinated and dried, the longer their shelf life.

Foods prepared in any way are stored in the refrigerator, in their own packaging (foil, sacking).

Recipe for smoked meat without smokehouse

You can cook meat at home without a smokehouse. To do this, you need to buy a ready-made solution of liquid smoke, meat (2-3 kg) spices, bay leaf and onion husks.

Boil a liter of water, adding a laurel leaf to it,onion husks (for color), spices and 6 tablespoons of liquid smoke. Meat should be placed in boiling water, then again brought to a boil and cook for 1-1.5 hours. After cooking, the product is cooled and hung in a well-ventilated room or outdoors for drying. Keep refrigerated.

Now everyone knows how to smoke meat at home without a smokehouse and without much expense.

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