/ How Cashew Nuts Grow. Where to grow cashews

How to grow cashew nuts. Where to grow cashews

Every person who cares about health and dilutes his diet with useful products knows about the properties of delicious cashew nuts. Lovers of this delicacy are interested in how cashews grow.

Where to grow cashew nuts

Tourists wishing to improve their health andtry a lot of new things, it is worth paying attention to Thailand, where cashews grow. In this country, these nuts are as popular as peanuts. In order to learn how to grow cashew nuts, you can go to Thailand, Brazil, India or Vietnam.

How to grow cashew nuts

A surprising fact, but cashews in the strict sensewords are not nuts. Botanists consider them the second part of the fruit tree. These trees attract people and themselves. Wood is considered very valuable and very popular. The first part of the fruit is a soft pedicel, which is often compared to a ripe apple. Pedicel is very soft, juicy and tasty. It often cooks jam, makes jams, and some even prepare alcoholic beverages. But only soft "apples" are not sold in other countries. They spoil a day after they were ripped off. Therefore, in order to try this delicacy, you need to go to the place of growth of the tree. But nuts are much more popular. But to collect them is not easy.

How to Process Cashew

Properties of cashew nuts

Local people know that cashew nuts can not becollect with your bare hands. But tourists sometimes get chemical burns because of their ignorance. Never try freshly cashew nuts. The damage received after this experimenter is great.

The nut is protected by a thick smooth shell.It contains a resin that is hazardous to human health. Only neutral heat treatment can neutralize this poison. Before selling cashews or using nuts for cooking, they are first fried. Then people each nutlet separately separate each nuts from the hard shell.

The use of cashew nuts for a figure

Losing people usually refuse nuts, because they are afraid that such a delicacy can spoil the figure. I must say that 100 grams of the product contains 600 Kcal.

Cashew nuts harm
Not so long ago, scientists conducted an experiment toto clarify, how do they actually affect cashew nuts on the figure of people. For 28 months the members of the first experimental group added these nuts to their diet, and the second group refused them. At the end of the experiment, it was found that people who at least several times a week ate cashew nuts, the risk of gaining weight was much lower.

Nuts are well absorbed, as well as nutritious.If you pamper yourself with such a delicacy, then hunger will occur much less often. In addition, there is no risk of eating a large amount of high-calorie food.

Cashew nuts contain much less fat than,for example, walnuts. It is impossible to grow fat from these tasty and very useful fruits. But you can protect yourself from them with extra pounds. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend that their patients dilute their diet with cashews.

The use of cashew nuts for the heart

Where to grow cashews

Doctors of the whole world have long noted for themselvesuseful properties of cashew nuts, because they include them in many diets. There are these nuts can even people suffering from allergies. In addition, the features of cashews help people to protect themselves from heart disease.

People suffering from diabetes should notimagine refusing cashew nuts. This treat contains both olive oil and oleic acid. It helps reduce the risk of heart disease, and also helps people with diabetes to maintain their health. And all the rest of the nuts will help protect themselves from this disease. Studies have shown that if you add cashews to your diet, then the risk of diabetes is reduced.

Other useful properties of cashew nuts

В странах, где каждый знает, как растут орехи cashews, they found a lot of ways to improve their health with the help of them. For example, nuts are simply necessary for those who want to have a beautiful smile. In various countries, dentists advise their patients to cashew nuts, and African doctors have learned to remove toothache with chopped nuts. They have the magical properties of killing bacteria that destroy teeth. This is a great way for everyone to protect themselves from dental caries and gum disease.

In addition, men who want towomen's impression, it is also worth learning how to grow cashew nuts and where they can be bought. This treat is a good aphrodisiac. Women will also benefit from eating it. For a romantic evening, you can prepare a dish with cashews or just treat them to your soul mate.

These little wizards will help even the skinmake it more beautiful. Psoriasis, eczema and many other skin problems arise due to improper metabolism. Cashew nuts are one way to fix this trouble, and also to protect yourself from the onset of the disease or its development. And if you cook a decoction of the shell, then with it you can get rid of warts and cracks.

How to strengthen immunity

In countries where cashews are grown, manyrecipes of folk medicine using the fruits of this tree. Among them, there are those that help cope with diseases of the throat and even asthma. To do this, use a decoction.

How to grow cashew nuts
People who love this gift of nature should not be afraidinfectious diseases. They avoid and do no harm. And also there are no problems with high cholesterol. The immunity of cashew fans is much stronger than that of all other people.

It is not so easy to imagine how cashews grow.But nature is rich in miracles. This delicacy is one of them. It not only makes tasty dishes, but also helps people to become healthier, to maintain their figure in excellent condition and to protect themselves from many ailments. In order to achieve this result, only a few times a week there are these nuts.

Fortunately, it's not difficult to buy them now.But those who go to warm countries, where this miracle of nature grows, it is necessary to try and soft fruit. Just remember that raw, unroasted nuts are strictly forbidden!

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