/ / Marinade for shish kebab from chicken, lamb and pork.

Marinade for shish kebab from chicken, lamb and pork.

The most delicious meat is a shish kebab!Whatever the European cuisine offers us, the secret of the taste of the dishes in France, Italy and Germany is in special sauces and additives. A shish kebab - it shish kebab everywhere, and you can eat it for free, enjoying the taste of fresh meat, the smell of smoke, pleasant conversation and real Georgian wine. Ah, yes, the long, deep-seated Caucasian toasts are also part of the obligatory program of fun.

What makes a shish kebab so tasty?The whole secret is a special marinade for shish kebab. Each master reveals the secret of the marinade only to the chosen. It would seem that such a difficult thing in this science: sprinkled with vinegar, fell asleep onions - and on the coals. But no! The ratio of the liquid in which the meat will be roasted plays a very important role in obtaining a satisfying, superb looking and smelling dish. We will not further torment the public, but we will pass directly to the recipes.

Marinade for shish kebab with vinegar is the mostis widespread in our country. It is best suited for pork, but you can not overdo it, otherwise the meat will be stiff and get a dark crust. Here's a good way: for a kilo of meat, a tablespoon of vinegar, ginger and one big sweet and sour apple. All the ingredients are crushed with a blender, pork is cut into small pieces and falls into the mushy marinade for about 2 hours. Be sure to add pepper - it's natural black ground, not fragrant. You can experiment with special dressings for shish kebab - but it's for an amateur.

Marinade for shish kebab can be quickly preparedgenerally without the use of any liquids. And, believe me, the result will be great if you follow certain rules. Firstly, they say in the Caucasus: a shish kebab does not tolerate women's hands. So, dear ladies, take places in the auditorium and enjoy the nature, while the strong half will create a masterpiece of culinary art. In this case, you can take the chicken pieces with special pieces "For shish kebab" or pork, but chopped up in large pieces. Best will suit entrecote. Meat is laid out on the table and sprinkled with pepper (only black - without options!) And salt. The taste of the master is determined by tasting - in Russian, lick the result from the finger. Do not be surprised - the Caucasus is not afraid of contamination from meat, because the main secret of this shish kebab is the freshness of all the ingredients. Then the meat is "kneaded" so that the pieces are completely soaked in the dressing. Then it is put in a large saucepan and covered with plenty of onions. That's the whole marinade for shish kebab. After an hour you can fry the meat - the taste will be simply unmatched!

Well, of course, if you decided on cookingpork, it is best to choose a marinade for shish kebab with ayran. It is this sour-milk product that completely neutralizes the smell of meat and makes it juicy, soft and tasty. For cooking lamb, you need to be able to choose the meat itself - given the fact that you are unlikely to catch a live sheep, trust in choosing your meat at the market for your instincts. The ram should not be crooked - in this case, even the most skillful marinade will not smell the smell. It is also better to take the back of the carcass - it is softer. The marinade for shish kebab consists of the same ingredients as the previous versions: pepper, salt, you can add ginger, and, of course, ayran. Meat is in the marinade night - this ensures a good result. Believe me, lamb in ayran has a taste more tender and deep than any the best pork.

And in general there is one more secret of long-liversCaucasus: meat, lying for a day, is suitable only for dog food. Not so long ago, customers of cafes of Transcaucasia were offered to choose an animal, a shish kebab from which they will now eat. And there was no need for marinade: the best meat - it's just roasted on coals fresh meat.

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