/ / Curly kale: photo, name, recipes

Curly cabbage: photo, name, recipes

Curly kale, or kale cabbage, isan unusual variety of cabbage, which managed to avoid gene modification and domestication. In the Second World War in France, people from starvation and beriberi were saved by Jerusalem artichoke. At the same time, in England, cabbage of this variety helped not to die of starvation. Kale, like the Jerusalem artichoke, for many years gained the title of “forgotten vegetable”. Nowadays, she returns to the tables thanks to popular restaurants, which actively use the leaves to prepare their dishes.

curly kale

Name and homeland of Kale

Curly cabbage is not the name of one.It is also called Kale (emphasis is placed on the second syllable), Brunkol, Brauncol, Grunkol. But no matter how it is called a vegetable, it looks the same in any case: its fringed leaves may have a purple or green shade, and they do not form a head. That is why in Latin the name of the product is Acephala or Brassica oleracea, which means “loose, not tied”. This variety has a high, sometimes reaching one meter, stalk, from which leaves fall loosely on all sides. Scientists believe that the grunkol is the most ancient type of wild cabbage.

Brauncoli manages to grow even at the mostextreme climatic conditions. After suffering frost, it turns out only juicier and sweeter. In Europe, cabbage until the end of the Middle Ages was the most popular green vegetable. Many countries engaged in the cultivation of leaves, but over time, other cultures have supplanted the vegetable. When this variety was remembered again, it was already considered exotic, especially in our latitudes.

But, nevertheless, no state considersthemselves homeland grunkolya. Cabbage is loved in all countries, but everywhere it is considered imported from another state. The Germans call Calais a French culture, in England it is widely believed that this cabbage is from Scotland or Siberia, and for the Dutch it is the German “subject”. In the United Kingdom and the United States, kale appears under the name Red Russian kale — Red Russian cabbage. It is said that merchants from Russia brought leaves to America on ships, after which the product firmly settled in Californian gardens. Trade relations between Arkhangelsk and London contributed to the second coming of Calais to England.

kale curly kale

Types of cabbage braungol

Curly cabbage has many varieties:

  1. Siberian cabbage is a variety resistant to low temperatures and various pests.
  2. Reed - its height can reach almost two meters. The peculiarity of this species is that it has a heavy stem that can be used as a cane.
  3. Red Russian - possesses the same properties as Siberian, but outwardly it is distinguished by the presence of sinuous, expressive leaves of red color.
  4. Curly kale is the most common variety of kale (cabbage). It is distinguished from other varieties by a milder and sweeter taste. The leaves of the culture have a wrinkled and curly appearance.
  5. Cabbage Redbor F1 can be dark purple or red Kohler, so this variety is often used to give dishes a certain tone.
  6. Tuscan cabbage - different oblong thin leaves with shriveled structure.
  7. Premier cabbage is a frost-resistant, fast-growing variety.

Whatever the variety of feces (curlycabbage), its leaves are best eaten raw, adding them to salads with young garlic, tomatoes and basil. Thus, the beneficial properties of the culture will be preserved much better.

crispy cabbage photo

The composition of cabbage brunkol

Kale contains many minerals, folic acid,about 20% magnesium, calcium, copper and potassium. Curly cabbage, the photo of which can be seen in our article, is enriched with vitamins A and C. They are located here approximately 50%. The culture contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, and also E.

There is vitamin K in the product, which is extremely important.for the human body. Provitamin A (beta-carotene) is also part of feces. The product contains 85% of the daily dose of the substance. One hundred grams of cabbage braungol has 28 kcal.

curly kale name

Useful properties of brunkol cabbage

Кудрявая капуста обладает рядом некоторых positive properties for the sake of which it is necessary to grow this vegetable. The product helps to eliminate calcium deficiency. One gram of cabbage has about 1.35 milligrams of this substance, whereas in the same amount of milk there are only 1.13 milligrams. Calcium from this cabbage is absorbed by the body 25% better than calcium from milk. For persons who suffer from milk protein intolerance, kale is an invaluable source of calcium.

Thanks to the increased content of vitamin C,Brunkol is considered an excellent antioxidant of natural origin. Low calorie brauncole helps fight excess kilos. Despite the minimum calorie content, the vegetable fully fills the body with most of the necessary substances. Therefore, vegetarians give culture an honorable place in its dietary menu.

Cabbage kale is considered an unsurpassed substance for the prevention of vision. The culture is called the queen of carotenoids, since one cup of the product contains 200% of the daily requirement of vitamin A.

curly kale seeds

Cooking Kale Cabbage

Brunkol serves as a wonderful ingredient forset of dishes. Curly kale (recipes below) can be a component of a salad or soup. From the young leaves of a vegetable, you can make a delicious salad. To create it, you will need eight small cabbage leaves, one hundred grams of feta cheese, one glass of red currants (gooseberries, raspberries, black currants, grapes or apple slices), some cold pressed olive oil, a quarter cup of quinoa, parsley, dill, green onions to taste .

Вымытые и высушенные листья кале следует порезать thin straws. Then finely chop the onion and greens, whip some berries in a blender. Berry puree mix with salt, olive oil and pepper. Now in a bowl, combine cereal, greens, onions and cabbage and mix the salad with berry dressing. On top of the dish it is recommended to decorate with pieces of cheese and the remaining berries.

For cooking soup with cabbage gryunkol should prepare:

  • One hundred ml of cream.
  • One glass of chicken or vegetable broth.
  • 400 g frozen peas.
  • White pepper, salt.
  • One potato.
  • 200 g kale.
  • Two tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese.
  • One or two sprigs of mint.
  • Three or four basil sprigs.

Potatoes are peeled and cut into large pieces.In two tanks boil potatoes and peas. Combine the boiled products with chopped cabbage leaves and broth and whisk everything in a blender. Add pureed basil and mint leaves, parmesan, cream in puree and set on a small fire with a bowl of soup. Stirring all the time, warm up the dish for two minutes. Served with crackers.

curly kale recipes

Planting culture

As a rule, the culture is grown from seeds,which are planted in open ground. Curly cabbage, the seeds of which need to be planted in mid-April or in early May, is not the best tolerated transplant. Therefore, it is better not to touch the sprouts that have already broken through from the ground. The temperature of the soil for seeds should be 50 degrees. In each hole you need to make a little humus with wood ash.

Curly cabbage (kale) grows very quickly. Seeds germinate on the fifth or seventh day after planting. At home, the culture is grown from seedlings.

curly kale seeds

Vegetable Tips

When buying cabbage kale, pay attention tothe condition of its leaves: they must be crispy and dense and not have dark spots. Store the product in the refrigerator in a paper bag for two weeks. If it is necessary to keep the grunkol longer, then it is done in the freezer in a plastic container.

Before cooking, cabbage is best washed and remove the stems from it.

Contraindications to the use of feces

Cabbage of this variety contains oxalates.Excessive amount in the body leads to a number of diseases. Therefore, the use of feces should be abandoned to individuals who have stones in the gallbladder or kidneys.

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