/ Green tea lowers blood pressure or increases it?

Does green tea lower blood pressure or increase it?

The fact that green tea, of course, hasimportant for a person useful properties know everything, because it's not in vain it is called a pharmacy in a cup. Scientifically proven that green tea lowers the pressure, and not only in this its effect. On the healing and healing properties of the drink knew in ancient times and for a long time used this drink for the prevention and even treatment of a variety of diseases.

The composition of this wonderful drink includesvarious minerals, a large number of vitamins and bioactive substances that strengthen immunity and thus have a beneficial effect on the human body. By the way, of the ten health-promoting and longevity-promoting products, green tea is called the first.

Green tea lowers blood pressure only whenregular use. Also, the use of this drink makes sleep better, the nervous system stronger, the heart works more actively, dilates the blood vessels, removes their spasms and normalizes blood pressure, and accelerates blood circulation, that is, acts as a spasmolytic. Japanese scientists found that people with hypertension, with a fairly regular use of the drink, blood pressure is reduced by ten or even twenty percent. Do not forget that only properly brewed green tea lowers the pressure.

The homeland of green tea is East and thereThe preparation of this drink is associated with special traditions and ceremonies. Europeans, in most cases, brew it incorrectly, with the result that some of the useful properties are lost. A lot depends on the dishes, in which tea is brewed. It must be brewed in special cups with lids, because green tea is not further diluted with boiling water. But you can brew in teapots. The kettle must be completely dry and well heated.

A glass of water is taken one teaspoon of tea leaves.Water is better to take soft with a small amount of minerals. Boil it is not necessary, but only bring to the state of "white key", that is, until the bubbles appear. You can brew green tea in different ways, here is one of them.

Take two liter containers, one of which withspout. In it pour tea leaves and immediately pour boiling water. After ten seconds, the tea is poured into another container. With this method of brewing, the aromatic bouquet of tea is not distorted, and the tea itself becomes amber. You can pour the dry tea leaves to half the volume of water and let it brew for about three minutes, then pour the remaining water and still hold for five minutes.

But we must remember that only high-quality greentea lowers blood pressure. It cannot be said that poor-quality green tea has at least some useful properties, since it does not contain valuable medicinal and dietary substances.
Antihypertensive tea is drunk after meals three times perday and no less. To enhance the effect of tea, you can additionally take ascorbic acid or add lemon to tea. Those people who do not like sour, can add rosehip syrup to tea or just currant jam. In hot weather, people suffering from hypertension can drink a weak infusion of green tea instead of water.

Do not forget that this productcontains caffeine, so in large quantities, green tea increases the pressure. Therefore, in hypotensive this drink causes a slight increase in pressure. However, people with low blood pressure should also not abuse this medicine, so in large quantities green tea can cause some disturbances in the heart rhythm. Not for nothing that they say that in all things you need to comply with the measure.

So does green tea reduce pressure orenhances it? The influence of green tea on our bodies is ambiguous, and even nutritionists have not yet come to a common opinion. Obviously, in each case, the individual characteristics of the organism come into play ...

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