Do you know how to prepare soup? Caloric content of this dish you know? If not, the article is written specifically for you. It contains several recipes for cabbage soup and information about their calorie content.
Foreigners who come to Russia do notonly with its sights, but also with culinary traditions. In cafes and restaurants they usually order soup. Caloric content of the dish is of little interest. They want to quickly assess the taste of cabbage soup. Most tourists are delighted with the rich first course. Every nation has its own special soup. The French have this julienne, Italians have a minestrone, and Russians have shchi. The caloric content of the dish depends on the ingredients from which it was prepared. We offer several varieties of cabbage soup. Choose any of them and go to the practical part.
Grocery set:
1. Clean the onions and carrots. Grind them and fry them in a frying pan using butter.
2. Cabbage should be chopped.
3. Peel potatoes, cut into medium cubes.
4. Take the pan, fill it with water for ¾.We put it on the fire and wait for the moment of boiling. We throw first cabbage, after 20-25 minutes - potatoes and roast. Water should completely cover the vegetables. Solim broth. Varim soup until they thicken and get a consistency of stew. When the dish is ready, we add hot milk to it. You can also decorate the soup with chopped dill. So our grandmothers cooked soup. The recipe assumes this particular set of products. If you add something from yourself, then the taste of the dish will not be the same.
How are cabbage soup made from sour cabbage?
1. The basis of soup is a meat broth.Beef whole piece placed in a pan, pour water and cook for about two hours. Do you want the broth to turn out fragrant? Then add celery, parsley and a whole onion (without the husk).
2. While broth is being cooked, let's prepare sauerkraut. It should be extinguished in a skillet with the addition of a small amount of butter.
3. When the meat is cooked, take it out of the pot and cut it into slices. Bulb and whole rootlets from the broth also need to be removed and discarded. We will not need them any more.
4. Again, put the pan on the fire.In the broth obtained earlier we lay cabbage, chopped onions and rye flour. Cook soup to soften all ingredients. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add spices and spices. Be sure to check the broth for salt. Now you can serve to the table sour cabbage soup. Caloric content of the dish per 100 g is 228 kcal. Spoon soup on plates, in each of them we add a few pieces of meat and a spoonful of sour cream.
Required products:
Practical part:
Step number 1. In the pan, lay the beef tenderloin, fill it with water and put it on the fire. Cook the broth until the meat is half ready.
Step 2. Cabbage needs to be cut large. And simply clean the onions. Add them to the broth, then we put the roots. For half an hour, cook these ingredients over low heat.
Step number 3.Cut apples into thin slices and send them to a pan. A few minutes later, we put the chopped greenery there. Cook the soup until the apples are not boiled. Then we pour it on plates and serve it to the table. Calorie content of fresh cabbage soup is 70-75 kcal / 100 g. Rye crunches, croutons or bread will be an excellent addition to the soup. Whole-wheat bread is also suitable.
Grocery list:
1. First we boil the meat. You can take pork or beef (preferably on a bone).
2. Boil the hard boiled eggs.
3. Sorrel is washed with water from the tap, we remove the thick part of the stem, and the rest is crushed.
4.When the meat is cooked, you do not need to get it out of the pan, and turn the broth off. Using a fork, we check the readiness of pork (beef). Then add the sorrel, carrots and onions to the boiling broth. We mark 15 minutes. It is this much time that these ingredients need to soften. A few minutes before the end of cooking, add to the soup chopped dill and garlic. Ready dish we pour on plates, filling with sour cream and decorating with halves of eggs. It looks nice and appetizing.
Want to make variety in your diet orto cook for your household an unusual dish? We offer you such an option as fish soup. This soup has long been brewed in the northern regions of our country. The main ingredient is sour or fresh cabbage. Fish can be any. For example, the inhabitants of Karelia prepare delicious cabbage soup with small perch and ruff. Caloric content of fish soup does not exceed 60 kcal / 100 g.
Вы получили инструкцию о том, как сварить Aromatic first dish - soup. Calorie soups, cooked according to different recipes, was also indicated in the article. Those who are on a diet and carefully watching the figure, we can recommend fish or green soup without adding meat. We wish you successful culinary experiments!