/ / How to cook squid: useful advice to housewives

How to cook squid: useful tips for housewives

A good hostess always knows how to pleasehouseholds and guests with delicious and original dishes. In her piggy bank, there are a lot of recipes that involve the use of various products. Meat, fish, vegetables, sauces, fruits, sweets - all this can make a meal not just a necessity, but a real treat. Especially if you know how to cook. Have you ever wondered how often on the table in your house there are dishes from squid? Most likely, you do not pamper yourself and your relatives with such masterpieces. And very vain. After all, squid is a delicious and healthy seafood. Of them, it's easy to cook anything. The most important thing is to know the secrets. Then there is no question of how to cook squid.

This seafood is very commonis economical. And so it is unclear why it is not very welcome modern housewives. In fact, they just do not know how to cook squid. Because of this, the dishes turn out to be tasteless or simply spoiled. The main task of each hostess is to find the right method, which will make the preparation of squid elementary.

This seafood is considered very useful.After all, the protein content in it is high enough. In addition, squids overtake many products, if it comes to the content of vitamins. Iron, phosphorus, copper, iodine - all these are able to provide the human body with these marine inhabitants. Experts recommend eating more dishes from squid to those who have problems with the digestive tract. Any hostess simply must know how to make squid rings, soup from it, put out or stuff the carcasses. Often this seafood is only perceived as an ingredient for salads. This is mistake. You will easily understand how to cook squid, if you learn some little secrets.

Going to the store, remember that the carcass is notmust be tightly frozen to each other. This indicates that the product has been repeatedly subjected to freezing and defrosting. A similar ingredient can make any dish bitter to the taste. Note that the squid film is both gray and purple, its meat should always remain white. After multiple treatment with cold, it loses such a shade.

Some landladies do not want to learn how to cooksquid, just because they do not want to clean it. This procedure seems to them a long and tedious. In fact, everything is simple. It is necessary to put the frozen carcasses in a bowl and pour boiling water so that the water completely covers them. As a result, the peel is first curled, and then peels off. Will only rinse them with running water and take out the insides.

One of the easiest ways to preparesquid is its boiling. Many "experts" recommend cooking seafood from 3 to 5 minutes, no more. In fact, this will bring a lamentable result. To get delicious and soft meat, squid should be cooked for 3 minutes and no more, or leave them on fire in a saucepan for a little more than half an hour. Carcasses should be lowered into boiling water with spices.

Recipes telling how to cook squid,a great many. You can create a salad that will please not only your household members, but also guests. Take two carcasses of squid, boil them by all the rules, and then cut into small straws. In the salad you need to add three boiled, chopped eggs, two fresh cucumbers, diced and onions (rings), pre-soaked in boiling water with vinegar for 10 minutes. Fill all this with mayonnaise or sour cream - it's tasty and simple.

Squids are often fried. To do this, they need to be cut into rings and sent to a pan, where the onion is already languishing, brought to a golden crust. There should also add tomato paste and spices.

Dishes from squid are always full and useful. They are easy to prepare and pleasant to eat. Therefore, go for it!

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