/ / squid in battered recipe for ordinary cuisine

squid in batter recipe for ordinary cuisine

The sea pampers us with its gifts.And among the many seafood can be identified squid. They are useful, hearty, tasty and relatively inexpensive. From these seafood, you can cook a lot of dishes. Squid in batter is not bad. The recipe, which allows you to quickly prepare an excellent snack for beer, is very simple.

Для этого блюда понадобится шесть тушек кальмаров and six eggs. Also, flour in the amount of 250 grams, half a bottle of light beer, vegetable oil and salt will be needed. Carcasses are best taken in medium sizes, about 20 centimeters long. They need to be thoroughly washed, remove the chitinous rod and the insides. Then they need to be lowered for five minutes in hot water, remove the carcasses from the carcasses and again for two minutes dip in salted boiling water.

После такого "купания" кальмарам следует дать cool and cut them into rings. Now it was the turn of the batter. For him, you need to break the eggs, and split the yolks and squirrels. Proteins should be beaten in a soft foam. And the yolks are mixed with beer and flour until a homogeneous mass. Then add whipped proteins and salt to taste.

А теперь о том, как приготовить кальмары в кляре.This requires a frying pan with a thick bottom. In it, it is necessary to heat the vegetable oil to an average temperature. Then we squeeze the squid rings into the batter, let it drain and lower it into the pan. Pieces of squid should be placed at a certain distance from each other, so that the clay does not stick together. Fry squid until golden brown and remove with a noise.

Но это не единственный способ того, как готовить squid in batter. There are many such recipes, and all of them differ mainly only in ingredients for batter. Here is another for which you need three eggs, three quarters of a glass of flour, one onion, spices for fish, pepper, salt and the squid carcasses themselves. They also need to be doused with boiling water, hold in hot water and cover with cold water. Then remove the peel, remove the insides and cut into rings or strips.

Дальше идет приготовление кляра.The bulb for it should be finely chopped and mixed with eggs, milk and flour. Then this composition should be peppered, salt, add the rest of the spices to it and mix it well. Next, each piece of dipped in a batter and fry on both sides. And the less time they fry, the softer the calamari will be in batter. The recipe is simple and accessible to everyone.

And here's another way to fry squidBreaded. The recipe is similar to the previous methods of cooking these seafood. And for batter you need flour and starch for one third of a glass, a glass of milk, two egg whites, as well as black pepper and salt. Clair is cooked in a small bowl. It combines starch, flour and milk and mix well. And squirrels need to pepper, salt and beat until frothy. Then they must be added to the flour mass and mix everything until homogeneous.

The squid fillet itself goes through a standardpreparation for frying. That is, they need to be washed, cleaned and boiled in salted boiling water for several minutes. Then the carcass must be cut and, dipping each piece in batter, fry.

Also squids in batter recipe allows you to cookand in fondyushnitse. For four servings of this dish you will need half a kilogram of squid and corn flour, intended for breading. And for batter you need to take 200 grams of wheat flour, 300 grams of water, two spoons of olive oil, two egg whites and salt for taste.

Squids should be cut into pieces and eachbreaded in cornmeal. Then cook the batter. To do this, wheat flour should be mixed with salt and with a mixture of olive oil and water. Squirrels should be whipped until a foam is formed and gently introduce them into the batter with a metal spoon. Oil in a fondue bottle is brought to a boil. And the pieces of squid, pre-moistened in batter, are lowered into it. Fry them should be until golden brown. Served with such squid slices of lemon and tartar sauce.

Bon Appetit!

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