/ / Fried eggs in microwave oven: recipes with photo

Fried eggs in the microwave: recipes with photos

The diet of a modern healthy person is difficultsubmit without breakfast. It is a delicious and healthy first meal that can guarantee a proper start to the day, as well as reduce the number of snacks before dinner. But sometimes there is not even enough time to even choose clothes before work, not to mention breakfast. Do not miss an important meal will help prepare a dish such as scrambled eggs in a microwave, which can be done in minutes.

fried eggs in avocado

A simple scrambled egg in a mug

An electrical appliance such as a microwave,there is almost every house, but not everyone cooked eggs in it. Few people know that fried eggs in a microwave in a mug - this is really a delicious dish that everyone will like.

For the preparation of simple eggs, the following ingredients will be needed:

  • 1 egg,
  • butter (1 small piece),
  • salt (to taste).

Предварительно кружку нужно смазать сливочным oil, then - to break the egg and directly in the mug to shake it, salt. The mixture is sent to the microwave for 1 minute. As a result - literally melting in the mouth of a spherical eggs is ready.

If you want to make a dish more, then use a plate, not a mug. You can change eggs if you add cheese, sausage, bacon, vegetables or something else to your taste.

fried eggs in a microwave oven

Fried eggs in a microwave oven

The preparation of fried eggs requires some skill. In general, the process can be divided into the following stages:

  1. The scrambled eggs in the microwave start getting ready with the fact that you need to warm up the plate a little.
  2. Gently smear a piece of butter on the plate.
  3. Knock out the egg, avoiding the spreading of the yolk. Yolk must be gently punctured with the tip of the knife to keep it whole.
  4. Send a plate of eggs for 45 seconds to a microwave. If after this period it is clear that the egg has not yet prepared, add an additional 15 seconds.
fried eggs in a microwave oven

Eggs poached

Казалось бы, приготовить в микроволновке Poached eggs are impossible, but they are not. To cook poached eggs, you need to pour water into the cup, then gently knock the egg in and cover with a plate. In this form, the mug is sent to the microwave for 1 minute. You can get a ready-made egg with a spoon. If the microwave power is not very high, 1 minute may not be enough to prepare the egg, then add another 10-20 seconds.

egg-poached in a microwave oven

Scrambled eggs with vegetables and cheese

How to fry an omelet in the microwave to make it nutritious and healthy? You just need to use your favorite supplements. The variant with vegetables and cheese requires such ingredients:

  • 1 egg,
  • 2 cherry tomatoes,
  • 0.5 pcs. a small Bulgarian pepper,
  • 1 tbsp. l. cream,
  • 20 gr. favorite hard cheese,
  • 1 tbsp. l. frozen green peas,
  • salt and pepper to taste.

According to this recipe, scrambled eggs in a microwave oven, the photo of which can even boast in social networks, will turn out to be very beautiful, and not just delicious.

Stages of preparation:

  1. First you need to prepare the vegetables. Cut into half of cherry, and pepper - small cubes. You can defrost peas, but it is not necessary.
  2. A plate that will be used to make scrambled eggs, rub it with a piece of butter, and then put the prepared vegetables into it.
  3. To the vegetables, break the egg, then carefully pierce the yolk with the tip of the knife.
  4. On top, add a spoonful of cream (alternatively you can use milk), salt and pepper the dish to taste.
  5. Cut sliced ​​or grated cheese stacked on the egg.
  6. Cover the dish with a plate and send it to the microwave for 3 minutes.

When frying eggs for a minute and a half, in order not to overexpose the dish, it is recommended to check the stage of readiness. You can decorate the prepared dish with herbs or soy sauce.

Fried eggs with cheese in a microwave oven

What are the options for cooking eggs in a microwave oven?

All recipes can be made individually and supplemented with your favorite ingredients. For example, to make a dish more nutritious, you can add to fried eggs:

  • Мясо.You can use sausage, ham, sausages or other types of meat products. It is often enough to use forcemeat as a filling. However, it should be understood that the product must necessarily undergo thermal treatment (in the case of minced meat it must be stewed or fried), because raw meat will not have time to cook in the microwave for a couple of minutes.
  • Хлеб.This type of filling is used less frequently than the first, but with it you can also cook scrambled eggs in the microwave. Slice long loaf should be cut into cubes with a crust and spread on a greased plate. Bread can be supplemented with vegetables. Pour the egg (you can shake it up beforehand, or you can just drive in the whole). Under the influence of the egg, the crumb will soften and become tender. If you prefer a thicker consistency, then as a supplement to the dish you can put a few crackers instead of bread. Under the influence of temperature, eggs and cream, they will become a little softer, maintaining their density.
  • Porridge.Surprisingly, scrambled eggs can be supplemented with simple porridges. So, if rice or buckwheat remained in the refrigerator, they can be safely added to the fried eggs. For a dish it will take about 3-4 tablespoons. Carefully lay them out in a greased plate, add chopped greens and pour the mixture with an egg (no matter how much - or shaken up). Cover with a plate and send in the microwave.
fried eggs with tomato in the microwave

Cooking scrambled eggs in a container

Очень часто для приготовления блюд в microwave uses special dishes, thanks to which it is much easier and easier to cook. Fried eggs in a microwave in a container is an opportunity to cook tasty and healthy food in minutes. For cooking, a special container is used, thanks to which when cooking you do not need to add oil to lubricate the surface, but you can be sure that nothing will burn and everything will be cooked very quickly.

Most often such containers can be on 2 or 3the eggs. Cover with a special lid. Made from food-grade plastic, which even under the influence of microwave radiation does not pose a danger to the body.

For cooking scrambled eggs in the microwave you needgently hammer the eggs into the mold, spreading the yolk in the center with the tip of a knife. Add 1 teaspoon of water to each egg. Close the container lid and send in the microwave. With a power of 700-750, you need to set the cooking time for 1 minute, then let the dish rest for 10 seconds and turn on the microwave for another 30 seconds.

Fried eggs container in the microwave

Frittata in the microwave

To prepare such a dish you will need:

  • 4 eggs,
  • 2 tbsp. l cream or milk,
  • small zucchini,
  • potato,
  • Bulgarian pepper
  • bulb,
  • a tomato,
  • 1.5 Art. l olive oil,
  • 40 gr. hard cheese
  • dill and / or parsley (several branches),
  • spices to taste
  • garlic.

You will need to spend 35 minutes on this dish. It is not as simple as other recipes, but more nutritious.

At the first stage you need to prepare products.Vegetables cut into thin slices (optional - in small cubes). Finely chop the greens, onion and garlic. Cheese grate. Pour the butter into a deep plate and distribute it along the bottom, then fold the sweet pepper and onion into it, pepper and salt it. Next, lay out the vegetables in the following order:

  • potatoes,
  • zucchini,
  • tomatoes.

Каждый слой при необходимости солим и перчим по to taste. Send a plate of vegetables in the microwave and cook for 9 minutes. During this time, you can prepare the eggs, beating them with milk and spices with a fork. Fill the egg with vegetables, sprinkle with cheese and re-send to the microwave, setting the average power. Cook another 15 minutes.

The secrets of cooking in the microwave

There are general rules of cooking, which should be followed if you are wondering how to make scrambled eggs in the microwave.

  1. In no case can not use iron containers or utensils, which has a metal coating.
  2. To improve the quality of eggs, you can add to it a few spoons of milk.
  3. Before you start cooking yolk need to pierce a sewing needle or just the tip of a knife. This is especially important when cooking fried eggs, where you need to keep the yolk whole.
  4. Cook better with an average oven power.
  5. No need to bind to the specified time.So, if you need a denser consistency, you can safely increase the cooking time by 30 seconds (approximately), and to get more liquid scrambled eggs - reduce the required amount.

Microwave fried eggs are very simple incooking a dish that is perfect for a light snack. Turning on the imagination and using more products, you can get a unique and tasty dish that diversifies any diet.

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