/ Juicy Melon: Benefit and Harm of the Fetus

Juicy melon: the benefits and harm of the fetus

In the world there are more than 3000 varieties of melons,the smallest and does not reach 10 cm, while the largest grow up to two meters. Depending on the kind of fruit has a different taste qualities: some false melon are very savory, and others vice versa - sweeter than honey. On the Russian market are more common round and oblong melons, and each differs unique aroma and delicious taste.

melon is good and bad

When choosing sure to sniff it,feel and look at the tail. In no case should there be an incised melon. The benefits and harm of the fetus will be discussed in today's article. To begin with it is necessary to mention its low caloric content: 100 g of pulp - 33 kcal. That's why a melon is equated with a dietary food and is advised to use when losing weight. There is even a melon diet, calculated for a month.

For breakfast and dinner in this case you need to eatonly 300 grams of juicy pulp, and at lunch you can eat any dishes, except for flour and sweet products. The result will be noticeable in the second week - minus 5 kilograms of fat mass. Also helps to stabilize the nervous system, improve mood and normalize the work of the intestinal tract of sweet melon. The benefits and harm of melons are not equivalent. Still, there are much more useful qualities in it, thanks to the presence of cellulose, carotene, organic acids, vitamins and trace elements.

Melon Seeds Benefits

The silicon contained in the fruit helps our skinand hair to remain beautiful, and magnesium has a beneficial effect on the functional activity of the heart muscle. Vitamin C is known to boost the immune system and maintain the nerve cells in a healthy state. A tasty melon is also rich in folic acid. The benefits and harms of it have been fully studied and proven. Regular consumption will help restore the psycho-emotional state, normalize the cycle and relieve depression.

Особую пользу продукт приносит мужчинам.Since ancient times, as an aphrodisiac, it was the seeds of melon. The benefits of them are immense: they help to restore male power. Valuable properties of the product have not gone unnoticed and pharmaceuticals, medical companies are actively using them in the manufacture of various medicines, preparations and solutions that perfectly clean the body of toxins.

cured melon benefits

Juicy fleshy melon pulp is easily digested,helps with anemia and constipation. With prolonged intake of antibiotics, it is recommended to use it to reduce the toxicity of drugs. Exorcise parasites, relieve the common cold and signs of urolithiasis will help melon. Benefits and harm, according to experts, affect our health. To some people, it can cause harm. It is undesirable to use in the presence of diabetes and ulcers in the digestive tract. To avoid indigestion, a false melon should be eaten a few hours after eating. Never mix it with alcohol and sour-milk products! Caution is necessary to use the product for lactating women.

Любителям сладкого понравится вяленая дыня.Its use is the same as in the fresh product. Dessert improves blood flow in the brain, cleanses the intestines and the body from cholesterol. Dried snacks help you cope with infectious diseases and anemia more quickly. In any form, the pumpkin culture is delicious and extremely useful. From it wonderful winter preparations are obtained: jam, jams and marmalade. Melon is not only dried, but still marinated and brewed.

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