/ / Melon "Torpedo": calorie, benefit, growing

Melon "Torpedo": calorie, benefit, cultivation

Fragrant, juicy, sweet amber melon"Torpedo" and asks in the mouth. I want to quickly bite her tender flesh, blissfully close my eyes and enjoy the divine taste. But those who are on a diet or observe moderation in nutrition, are interested, is not too sweet melon "Torpedo"? Caloric content is 38-39 kcal, so those who want to lose weight or keep their weight in the norm do not have anything to worry about. They can make salad, cocktails from a fragrant beauty or simply cut off a lop-some other juicy vegetable and eat it.

melon torpedo calorie

Benefits of melon

Melon "Torpedo" calorie content is small, butbut how much is there use in it! It will saturate the body with vitamins A, B1, B2, C. Still this fruit is rich in chlorine, potassium, calcium, sodium, iron. It is very important to know what torpedo melon has caloric value and benefit, not only for those who strictly follow the figure, but also for those who drink tablets. After all, this juicy vegetable increases the strength of their effects, reduces harm and side effects. A melon is useful for those who suffer from blood cancer, heart disease.

 Melon torpedo Photo

Melon is shown to almost everyone, except for people withdiabetes mellitus and kidney disease. It improves the metabolism, strengthens the immune system, the nervous system. Only one slice of melon is able to saturate and cheer up. A melon "Torpedo", which caloric content is low, will help and rejuvenate. It will have an antioxidant effect, improve the condition of hair and skin. A person who consumes this healthy vegetable can not only lose weight, but also look good. Beauties make masks from melons, applying gruel for 20 minutes on the face.

Melon "Torpedo": cultivation

After it is revealed so many useful propertiesat a melon, it is simply necessary to learn, how it can be grown up on the site. Of course, it grows best in the southern regions. The ideal place for cultivation is Uzbekistan. It is from there that they bring honey fruits, whose weight can reach up to 15 kg. Of course, such a record holder in terms of size in the middle band does not grow, but a fruit weighing 4-5 kg ​​can be obtained. To do this, you need to know what conditions the melon "Torpedo" prefers, the photo will help to see this clearly.

melon torpedo cultivation

Two important conditions

Firstly, melons need a fertile land.Its root system is shallow, it grows more in breadth, so there is enough fertile layer in 20 cm. The melotechnology of growing melons is similar to cucumber. Those - a similar root system, whips, growing conditions. If melons and cucumber grow in the same greenhouse, then pereapylenie can occur, and the melon fruit will have the taste of a cucumber, so a melon next to it is not planted.

Pour fertile soil consisting of peat, chernozem and humus in a ratio of 1: 1: 3 and plant the germinated seeds at a distance of 50 x 80 cm.

Secondly, the melon is very demanding to heat.Therefore, in the middle band, it produces good results only in a glazed greenhouse or polycarbonate greenhouse. Melon every 3 weeks, pour infusion Mullein.

Already at the end of August, you can enjoy the fruits of the melon "Torpedo". Caloric content is not large, and the benefits are beyond doubt, so you can eat plenty of fruit without worrying for the figure.

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