/ / Celery calories per 100 grams

Celery calories per 100 grams

The beneficial properties of celery are known sincetime immemorial. In antiquity, there was such a belief that if celery sticks were hung all over the house, happiness and well-being was ensured. And the healing properties of this plant were used by Hippocrates in their medical practice. In addition to attracting happiness and treating unpleasant misfortunes, celery was used in wreaths for the winners in ancient Greece.

How is it used?

Today, of course, nobody celery at homeadorns, but for slimming and those who watch their figure, this is the number one product. Scientists have long found that a seemingly simple plant has the ability to burn fat due to the so-called negative calorie content. Celery is on the list of the most low-calorie foods, so if you want to say goodbye to the hated kilos, then go quickly to buy this useful plant. Dietitians do not establish restrictions on the use of celery, therefore, if in the evening I really wanted to have a snack, a green savior would come to the rescue. The lowest calorie celery stalks - 13 calories.

celery root

Celery Types

In nature, there are three types:leaf, root and petiolate. Celery is used in cooking, and the roots and stems of the plant can be eaten. They are equally useful and safe for the figure, but their caloric content may vary. For example, the calorie content of root celery per 100 grams is 42 calories. It is also worth noting that it is the raw product that is useful for losing weight, because a long heat treatment deprives it of all the useful components.

Regular celery consumption, whateverin its raw form or in combination with other products, it will provide the body with the required dose of vitamins and beneficial microelements. To add a drop of goodness to soup, salad or even a drink, ask for celery help. Even if you adhere to a rigid diet, this green plant will help to keep tone and energy, will support forces and will not allow to break. Use of leaves is especially useful after an intense workout or severe mental activity, for example, after a difficult exam - this will help restore strength and take up new work in a cheerful state of mind.

Olivier with celery

Nutritional value and calorie celery

Помимо небывалой пользы, отдельного внимания deserves calorie content, which is quite low, despite the rather large useful composition. Calorie celery stem per 100 grams is 13 calories. Ideal for weight fighters.

raw celery

What is this plant rich in?

First of all it is water (95 g), proteins (1 g),fats (0.2 g) and carbohydrates (2 g). Although in small quantities, but they are present in the roots and leaves of celery. The list of useful substances is as follows: vitamins C, E, B9, B6, B2, B1, A. As we can see, celery is rich in many such essential vitamins for the body. But this benefit does not end there; such useful macronutrients and trace elements as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and iron are part of the celery. Only one conclusion: the chemical composition of the plant is very diverse.

Celery can also be used as a seasoning:two tablespoons of shredded leaves will make the dish not only more useful, but also give a spicy taste to the products. And these are just 3 calories and as much as 15% of the necessary daily requirement of vitamins C and A.

For losing weight, raw celery has a great benefit, which can be used as a healthy snack. Do not forget that the highest calorie content at celery root.

celery dish

Celery Dishes

For those who strictly follow the proper diet or diets, it will be useful to know what calories they have in meals that include celery.

  • If you squeeze a glass of juice from celery leaves, you get 29 calories.
  • Dietary soup with the addition of celery, green apple, nuts and natural yogurt is only 140 calories, and nourishes for all 300.
  • Chicken soup with celery, carrots, green peas and onions - 60 calories.
  • Salad of radishes, celery, cucumber, pepper and Chinese cabbage, seasoned with natural yogurt - 38 calories.
  • You can even bake pancakes from celery, if you really want to treat yourself to tasty, and you get only 80 calories.
  • Surprise guests useful gazpacho with celery?No problem - tomatoes, cucumber, basil, parsley, red pepper, olive oil and a little celery - and a delicious dish is ready. And its caloric content is only 55 calories.

Celery is a great opportunity to dilutefamiliar dishes with savory taste and without harm to the figure. Calorie celery per 100 grams is only 13 calories, it is worth thinking about and include this product in the diet.

celery salad

What is the use?

Whatever odeters nutritionists sing celery, since ancient times, the main task of the plant - the health benefits. What is it?

  1. Celery is a storehouse of vitamins that will not only enhance immunity, but will also contribute to brain activity; this is an excellent prevention of senile dementia.
  2. Celery is a natural antioxidant that removes all harmful toxins and slags from the body, and this reduces the risk of developing cancer cells.
  3. Another big plus is the slowing down of the aging process by improving cell regeneration.
  4. The plant dulls the feeling of hunger and helps not to break with the diet.
  5. Doctors recommend to use this product to people suffering from diabetes.
  6. Celery is a negative calorie food. This means that the body spends much more calories on its digestion than is contained in the plant.
  7. Improves digestion and eliminates the processes of rotting and fermentation in the stomach.
  8. It has an analgesic effect. Useful for gastritis and stomach ulcers.
  9. Helps fight insomnia. Instead of one portion of sleeping pills, eat celery stalk.
  10. Reduces blood pressure, tones and eliminates the feeling of fatigue. Great for recuperation after an intense workout.

The benefits of celery knows no boundaries, and this product is suitable not only for those who want to get rid of extra pounds, but also for those who simply monitor their health.

celery with cheese


However, despite such a mass of beneficial properties, celery, like any product, has its own contraindications:

  • Postoperative condition and recovery after heavy operations and past diseases.
  • Celery increases blood clotting, so be careful to be those who suffer from varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.
  • Diseases such as colitis and a tendency to diarrhea.
  • Celery contains a considerable amount of essential oils, so you should not abuse the product during bronchial asthma.

If none of these things bother you, thenit's time to go to the store and buy celery for the future. The main thing - do not forget that the good should be in moderation, do not abuse even such a useful product as celery. Otherwise, instead of benefit, you can harm the body.

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